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Hype generated Shorthands
The following shorthand properties are used in the *_hype_generated_script.js
files and these lookups allow you to decode them. This comes in handy if you want to manipulate Hype files using a custom document loader. There is an extension called Hype DocumentLoader that allows you to fiddle with Hype documents before they render. You can do many things to them and even generate scene, symbols and other things on the fly. The only thing that gets in the way is the shorthand notation and this is where these lookups come into play.
Property | Shorthand |
cachedNormalizedFromPath | cf |
relativeStartValue | b |
EndControlPointX | f |
originalIndex | k |
EndPointY | i |
duration | d |
cachedNormalizedToPath | ct |
MotionPathOid | a |
encodedDuration | z |
oid | o |
isRelative | r |
timingFunctionOid | f |
MotionPaths | j |
type | p |
EndControlPointY | g |
identifier | i |
StartControlPointY | e |
EndPointX | h |
StartPointY | c |
StartPointX | b |
endValue | e |
encodedStartTime | y |
startValue | s |
StartControlPointX | d |
startTime | t |
timingFunctionData | q |
Property | Shorthand |
ActionHandlerOnSceneLoad | cK |
PhysicsBodyType | bM |
ImageRendering | dX |
DisplayOnTopDuringSceneTransition | cS |
BorderColorTop | D |
BackgroundImageResourceGroupOid | h |
ClassName | cP |
ActionHandlerOnSwipeUp | cI |
PhysicsGravityUsesDeviceTilt | cA |
BackdropFilterEffectSaturate | BDbI |
MotionPathRotation | bO |
Left | a |
ScaleY | cR |
BackgroundSize | q |
ActionHandlerOnSceneUnload | cF |
BorderRadiusTopRight | aL |
BorderWidthLeft | N |
ShadowType | gg |
BackdropFilterEffectBrightness | BDbJ |
BezierPathDashOffset | dK |
TextShadowXOffset | bB |
Opacity | e |
AccessibilityTabIndex | ti |
TextShadowYOffset | bC |
RotationAngleY | aY |
ElementShadowColor | R |
LineHeight | Y |
FilterEffectSaturate | bI |
BackgroundGradientEndColor | m |
ReflectionDepth | aW |
PhysicsFriction | bV |
BezierPathLineCap | dF |
FilterEffectContrast | bK |
OriginalTransformOriginYOffset | dU |
PlaysInline | dA |
BackgroundImagePath | cZ |
BezierPathLineJoin | dG |
ActionHandlerOnExitViewport | cX |
PhysicsGravityAngle | bZ |
ActionHandlerOnSwipeDown | cJ |
BorderColorLeft | B |
Position | j |
UserSelect | bD |
FontFamily | s |
BackgroundGradientStartColor | n |
ReflectionOffset | aX |
BackgroundColor | g |
AltText | aG |
FilterEffectHue | bH |
BezierPathDashGap1 | dJ |
PaddingRight | aU |
ButtonPress | aN |
Loop | aQ |
BezierPathPatternWidth | dO |
PhysicsDensity | bW |
BorderStyleTop | L |
BezierPathMiterLimit | dH |
WhiteSpace | yy |
Height | d |
BackdropFilterEffectHue | BDbH |
PhysicsGravityForce | bY |
BorderWidthRight | O |
Depth | bQ |
RotationAngleX | bR |
TextDecoration | H |
FontWeight | v |
InnerHTML | w |
ActionHandlerOnEnterViewport | cW |
BorderWidthTop | P |
PhysicsAirDrag | cT |
IFrameURL | W |
Display | r |
TextAlign | F |
BackgroundOrigin | o |
ElementShadowYOffset | T |
BezierPathLineStyle | dM |
BezierPathFillRule | dL |
AutoresizingMask | bS |
BackdropFilterEffectBlur | BDbL |
PhysicsGravityInheritFromParent | bX |
Controls | aO |
ClassSubtype | dW |
TransformOriginYOffset | tY |
TextShadowColor | bA |
BackgroundRepeat | p |
VideoResourceGroupOid | bE |
IFrameHTML | U |
ButtonHover | aM |
DisplayHiddenOverride | cY |
WordSpacing | E |
BackdropFilterEffectSepia | BDbG |
PhysicsTransformOriginYOffset | dS |
ActionHandlerOnMouseOver | aD |
Parent | bF |
BorderWidthBottom | M |
FontSize | t |
BorderStyleLeft | J |
PhysicsTransformOriginXOffset | dR |
BezierPath | dC |
LetterSpacing | X |
PaddingTop | aV |
IFrameType | V |
BackdropFilterEffectContrast | BDbK |
SkewX | gW |
BezierPathLineDraw | dN |
Slope | cC |
BorderColorRight | C |
ActionHandlerOnMouseDown | aB |
Muted | aR |
RotationFollowsMotionPath | bP |
PhysicsBodyAlwaysUseConvexHull | dZ |
FontStyle | u |
TransformOriginXOffset | tX |
TextShadowBlurRadius | aZ |
FilterEffectBrightness | bJ |
SkewY | uB |
FilterEffectBlur | bL |
VelocityFollowingData | cB |
PhysicsBounce | bU |
BorderRadiusTopLeft | aK |
Overflow | x |
ActionHandlerOnDrag | bN |
WhiteSpaceCollapsing | y |
BezierPathDashSegment1 | dI |
ActionHandlerOnMouseUp | aE |
TextColor | G |
Autoplay | aH |
BezierPathPatternHeight | dP |
BorderColorBottom | A |
ActionHandlerOnSwipeLeft | cH |
FilterEffectSepia | bG |
BorderStyleRight | K |
BezierPathStrokeColor | dE |
Top | b |
ActionHandlerOnMouseOut | aC |
PersistentSymbolOid | cL |
ZIndex | z |
NeedsPhysicsBodyUpdate | cD |
ShapeMorphAlgorithm | dV |
AdditionalHTMLAttributes | dY |
AccessibilityRole | dB |
ElementShadowBlurRadius | Q |
SymbolCustomBehaviors | cV |
BackgroundGradientAngle | l |
DomID | i |
AdditionalCSS | aF |
PhysicsBodyPlugin | eA |
BorderStyleBottom | I |
BezierPathStrokeWidth | dD |
SkipDivCreation | cM |
BorderRadiusBottomRight | aJ |
ActionHandlerOnSwipeRight | cG |
CustomBehaviors | bT |
ActionHandlerOnMouseClick | aA |
ElementShadowXOffset | S |
ScaleX | cQ |
PaddingBottom | aS |
PaddingLeft | aT |
PhysicsRotationOffset | dQ |
TagName | k |
WordWrap | Z |
BorderRadiusBottomLeft | aI |
Width | c |
OriginalTransformOriginXOffset | dT |
RotationAngleZ | f |
Cursor | aP |
PointerEvents | cN |
FilterEffectBackdropPrefix | BD |
Property | Shorthand |
cachedNormalizedFromPath | cf |
relativeStartValue | b |
EndControlPointX | f |
originalIndex | k |
EndPointY | i |
duration | d |
cachedNormalizedToPath | ct |
MotionPathOid | a |
encodedDuration | z |
oid | o |
isRelative | r |
timingFunctionOid | f |
MotionPaths | j |
type | p |
EndControlPointY | g |
identifier | i |
StartControlPointY | e |
EndPointX | h |
StartPointY | c |
StartPointX | b |
endValue | e |
encodedStartTime | y |
startValue | s |
StartControlPointX | d |
startTime | t |
timingFunctionData | q |
Property | Shorthand |
timelineNameToIdentifier | V |
sceneIndexes | X |
onSceneDragActionHandler | K |
onSceneSwipeRightActionHandler | H |
onSceneKeyPressActionHandler | E |
onSceneKeyDownActionHandler | C |
timelines | T |
symbols | U |
customBehaviors | L |
scalePercentageWidth | a |
onSceneSwipeDownActionHandler | J |
sceneIndex | _ |
onSceneSwipeLeftActionHandler | G |
onSceneTimelineCompleteActionHandler | F |
backgroundColor | c |
PhysicsGravityAngle | bZ |
symbolDefaultTimelineIdentifier | W |
sceneContainerIndex | cI |
PhysicsGravityForce | bY |
scalePercentageHeight | b |
name | n |
height | Z |
oid | o |
onSceneLoadActionHandler | A |
PhysicsGravityUsesDeviceTilt | cA |
onSceneUnloadActionHandler | B |
onSceneKeyUpActionHandler | D |
perspective | p |
sceneElement | sE |
breakpointWidth | d |
onSceneSwipeUpActionHandler | I |
elementInsertionOrder | O |
initialValues | v |
onScenePrepareForDisplayActionHandler | dA |
width | Y |
Property | Shorthand |
symbolOid | c |
framesPerSecond | f |
persistentSymbolOid | s |
animations | a |
duration | d |
encodedDuration | z |
identifier | i |
loop | q |
name | n |
symbolActions | b |
Property | Shorthand |
easeinsine | m |
easeincirc | o |
easeinback | i |
easeout | e |
easeoutelastic | g |
easeinquad | j |
easeinexpo | n |
easeinquart | k |
easeoutsine | s |
easeoutquad | p |
javascript | D |
easeinoutcirc | A |
easeoutquart | q |
easeinbounce | B |
easein | d |
instant | a |
easeoutback | h |
easeinquint | l |
easeoutbounce | f |
easeoutcirc | u |
easeinout | c |
easeoutexpo | t |
easeinoutquad | v |
easeinoutsine | y |
linear | b |
easeinoutexpo | z |
easeoutquint | r |
easeinoutquint | x |
easeinoutquart | w |
easeinelastic | C |
Property | Shorthand |
HYPE_AriaHidden | HYP_w |
HYPE_swap | HYP_l |
HYPE_Source | HYP_d |
HYPE_CalculatedHeight | HYP_o |
HYPE_DoNotSanitize | HYP_x |
HYPE_CalculatedWidth | HYP_n |
HYPE_MS_rotation_offset_left | HYP_h |
HYPE_push | HYP_k |
HYPE_MS_rotation_offset_top | HYP_i |
HYPE_MS_opacity5 | HYP_f |
HYPE_CalculatedTop | HYP_a |
HYPE_MS_image_loader | HYP_e |
HYPE_PropertyName | HYP_r |
HYPE_PropertyDefaultValue | HYP_s |
HYPE_CalculatedScaleXMultiplier | HYP_t |
HYPE_MS_background | HYP_c |
HYPE_CalculatedScaleYMultiplier | HYP_u |
HYPE_page_scene | HYP_v |
HYPE_IsAncestorScaled | HYP_q |
HYPE_crossfade | HYP_j |
HYPE_MS_opacity8 | HYP_g |
HYPE_PhysicsRevertedTransformOrigin | HYP_p |
HYPE_DoNotSetInitialValue | HYP_y |
HYPE_CalculatedLeft | HYP_b |
HYPE_wantsTranslates | HYP_m |
Property | Shorthand |
isReference | r |
groupingType | t |
groupOid | g |
autoresized | o |
resourceName | n |
preloadType | p |
Property | Shorthand |
javascriptOid | h |
actions | a |
arguments | t |
emailBody | n |
nextSceneSymbol | nf |
emailToAddress | l |
javascriptCallback | hc |
duration | d |
encodedSymbolDuration | D |
encodedSymbolStartTime | C |
sceneSymbol | f |
gestureControlDirection | A |
function | s |
sceneOid | e |
type | p |
pauseTime | r |
canRestartTimeline | J |
prevSceneContainerOid | pe |
currentTime | G |
playInReverse | z |
emailSubject | m |
continuePlayingAfterDrag | y |
index | F |
synchronizeTime | H |
customBehaviorName | B |
openInNewWindow | k |
timelineIdentifier | b |
loop | q |
dragSpeed | K |
prevSceneSymbol | pf |
nextSceneContainerOid | ne |
resourceGroupOid | o |
goToTime | i |
goToURL | j |
playing | E |
gestureControlAxis | c |
transition | g |
If you need the lookup as an all-in-one JSON file then here you go:
All combined
As single files
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- Accessibility in Hype
- Quick iterations as the secret to progress
- Using querySelector
- Test an elements class name using classList and contains
- Including external files and Hype Extensions
- Fetching hypeDocument from within a rectangle
- Extend the functionality of Hype using Export Scripts
- Using external editors
- Embedding Hype documents into third-party services
- Accessing external APIs from Hype Previews
- Manually include resources in document head
- Manipulating scene height
- Extension template