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Hype generated Shorthands

Max Ziebell edited this page Sep 29, 2020 · 6 revisions

Shorthand Properties

The following shorthand properties are used in the *_hype_generated_script.js files and these lookups allow you to decode them. This comes in handy if you want to manipulate Hype files using a custom document loader. There is an extension called Hype DocumentLoader that allows you to fiddle with Hype documents before they render. You can do many things to them and even generate scene, symbols and other things on the fly. The only thing that gets in the way is the shorthand notation and this is where these lookups come into play.

Animation Properties

Property Shorthand
cachedNormalizedFromPath cf
relativeStartValue b
EndControlPointX f
originalIndex k
EndPointY i
duration d
cachedNormalizedToPath ct
MotionPathOid a
encodedDuration z
oid o
isRelative r
timingFunctionOid f
MotionPaths j
type p
EndControlPointY g
identifier i
StartControlPointY e
EndPointX h
StartPointY c
StartPointX b
endValue e
encodedStartTime y
startValue s
StartControlPointX d
startTime t
timingFunctionData q

Attribute Identifier

Property Shorthand
ActionHandlerOnSceneLoad cK
PhysicsBodyType bM
ImageRendering dX
DisplayOnTopDuringSceneTransition cS
BorderColorTop D
BackgroundImageResourceGroupOid h
ClassName cP
ActionHandlerOnSwipeUp cI
PhysicsGravityUsesDeviceTilt cA
BackdropFilterEffectSaturate BDbI
MotionPathRotation bO
Left a
ScaleY cR
BackgroundSize q
ActionHandlerOnSceneUnload cF
BorderRadiusTopRight aL
BorderWidthLeft N
ShadowType gg
BackdropFilterEffectBrightness BDbJ
BezierPathDashOffset dK
TextShadowXOffset bB
Opacity e
AccessibilityTabIndex ti
TextShadowYOffset bC
RotationAngleY aY
ElementShadowColor R
LineHeight Y
FilterEffectSaturate bI
BackgroundGradientEndColor m
ReflectionDepth aW
PhysicsFriction bV
BezierPathLineCap dF
FilterEffectContrast bK
OriginalTransformOriginYOffset dU
PlaysInline dA
BackgroundImagePath cZ
BezierPathLineJoin dG
ActionHandlerOnExitViewport cX
PhysicsGravityAngle bZ
ActionHandlerOnSwipeDown cJ
BorderColorLeft B
Position j
UserSelect bD
FontFamily s
BackgroundGradientStartColor n
ReflectionOffset aX
BackgroundColor g
AltText aG
FilterEffectHue bH
BezierPathDashGap1 dJ
PaddingRight aU
ButtonPress aN
Loop aQ
BezierPathPatternWidth dO
PhysicsDensity bW
BorderStyleTop L
BezierPathMiterLimit dH
WhiteSpace yy
Height d
BackdropFilterEffectHue BDbH
PhysicsGravityForce bY
BorderWidthRight O
Depth bQ
RotationAngleX bR
TextDecoration H
FontWeight v
InnerHTML w
ActionHandlerOnEnterViewport cW
BorderWidthTop P
PhysicsAirDrag cT
Display r
TextAlign F
BackgroundOrigin o
ElementShadowYOffset T
BezierPathLineStyle dM
BezierPathFillRule dL
AutoresizingMask bS
BackdropFilterEffectBlur BDbL
PhysicsGravityInheritFromParent bX
Controls aO
ClassSubtype dW
TransformOriginYOffset tY
TextShadowColor bA
BackgroundRepeat p
VideoResourceGroupOid bE
ButtonHover aM
DisplayHiddenOverride cY
WordSpacing E
BackdropFilterEffectSepia BDbG
PhysicsTransformOriginYOffset dS
ActionHandlerOnMouseOver aD
Parent bF
BorderWidthBottom M
FontSize t
BorderStyleLeft J
PhysicsTransformOriginXOffset dR
BezierPath dC
LetterSpacing X
PaddingTop aV
IFrameType V
BackdropFilterEffectContrast BDbK
SkewX gW
BezierPathLineDraw dN
Slope cC
BorderColorRight C
ActionHandlerOnMouseDown aB
Muted aR
RotationFollowsMotionPath bP
PhysicsBodyAlwaysUseConvexHull dZ
FontStyle u
TransformOriginXOffset tX
TextShadowBlurRadius aZ
FilterEffectBrightness bJ
SkewY uB
FilterEffectBlur bL
VelocityFollowingData cB
PhysicsBounce bU
BorderRadiusTopLeft aK
Overflow x
ActionHandlerOnDrag bN
WhiteSpaceCollapsing y
BezierPathDashSegment1 dI
ActionHandlerOnMouseUp aE
TextColor G
Autoplay aH
BezierPathPatternHeight dP
BorderColorBottom A
ActionHandlerOnSwipeLeft cH
FilterEffectSepia bG
BorderStyleRight K
BezierPathStrokeColor dE
Top b
ActionHandlerOnMouseOut aC
PersistentSymbolOid cL
ZIndex z
NeedsPhysicsBodyUpdate cD
ShapeMorphAlgorithm dV
AdditionalHTMLAttributes dY
AccessibilityRole dB
ElementShadowBlurRadius Q
SymbolCustomBehaviors cV
BackgroundGradientAngle l
DomID i
AdditionalCSS aF
PhysicsBodyPlugin eA
BorderStyleBottom I
BezierPathStrokeWidth dD
SkipDivCreation cM
BorderRadiusBottomRight aJ
ActionHandlerOnSwipeRight cG
CustomBehaviors bT
ActionHandlerOnMouseClick aA
ElementShadowXOffset S
ScaleX cQ
PaddingBottom aS
PaddingLeft aT
PhysicsRotationOffset dQ
TagName k
WordWrap Z
BorderRadiusBottomLeft aI
Width c
OriginalTransformOriginXOffset dT
RotationAngleZ f
Cursor aP
PointerEvents cN
FilterEffectBackdropPrefix BD

Animation Properties

Property Shorthand
cachedNormalizedFromPath cf
relativeStartValue b
EndControlPointX f
originalIndex k
EndPointY i
duration d
cachedNormalizedToPath ct
MotionPathOid a
encodedDuration z
oid o
isRelative r
timingFunctionOid f
MotionPaths j
type p
EndControlPointY g
identifier i
StartControlPointY e
EndPointX h
StartPointY c
StartPointX b
endValue e
encodedStartTime y
startValue s
StartControlPointX d
startTime t
timingFunctionData q

Scene Properties

Property Shorthand
timelineNameToIdentifier V
sceneIndexes X
onSceneDragActionHandler K
onSceneSwipeRightActionHandler H
onSceneKeyPressActionHandler E
onSceneKeyDownActionHandler C
timelines T
symbols U
customBehaviors L
scalePercentageWidth a
onSceneSwipeDownActionHandler J
sceneIndex _
onSceneSwipeLeftActionHandler G
onSceneTimelineCompleteActionHandler F
backgroundColor c
PhysicsGravityAngle bZ
symbolDefaultTimelineIdentifier W
sceneContainerIndex cI
PhysicsGravityForce bY
scalePercentageHeight b
name n
height Z
oid o
onSceneLoadActionHandler A
PhysicsGravityUsesDeviceTilt cA
onSceneUnloadActionHandler B
onSceneKeyUpActionHandler D
perspective p
sceneElement sE
breakpointWidth d
onSceneSwipeUpActionHandler I
elementInsertionOrder O
initialValues v
onScenePrepareForDisplayActionHandler dA
width Y

Timeline Properties

Property Shorthand
symbolOid c
framesPerSecond f
persistentSymbolOid s
animations a
duration d
encodedDuration z
identifier i
loop q
name n
symbolActions b

Timing Functions

Property Shorthand
easeinsine m
easeincirc o
easeinback i
easeout e
easeoutelastic g
easeinquad j
easeinexpo n
easeinquart k
easeoutsine s
easeoutquad p
javascript D
easeinoutcirc A
easeoutquart q
easeinbounce B
easein d
instant a
easeoutback h
easeinquint l
easeoutbounce f
easeoutcirc u
easeinout c
easeoutexpo t
easeinoutquad v
easeinoutsine y
linear b
easeinoutexpo z
easeoutquint r
easeinoutquint x
easeinoutquart w
easeinelastic C

HypeTemplate Names

Property Shorthand
HYPE_AriaHidden HYP_w
HYPE_swap HYP_l
HYPE_Source HYP_d
HYPE_CalculatedHeight HYP_o
HYPE_DoNotSanitize HYP_x
HYPE_CalculatedWidth HYP_n
HYPE_MS_rotation_offset_left HYP_h
HYPE_push HYP_k
HYPE_MS_rotation_offset_top HYP_i
HYPE_MS_opacity5 HYP_f
HYPE_CalculatedTop HYP_a
HYPE_MS_image_loader HYP_e
HYPE_PropertyName HYP_r
HYPE_PropertyDefaultValue HYP_s
HYPE_CalculatedScaleXMultiplier HYP_t
HYPE_MS_background HYP_c
HYPE_CalculatedScaleYMultiplier HYP_u
HYPE_page_scene HYP_v
HYPE_IsAncestorScaled HYP_q
HYPE_crossfade HYP_j
HYPE_MS_opacity8 HYP_g
HYPE_PhysicsRevertedTransformOrigin HYP_p
HYPE_DoNotSetInitialValue HYP_y
HYPE_CalculatedLeft HYP_b
HYPE_wantsTranslates HYP_m

Resource Properties

Property Shorthand
isReference r
groupingType t
groupOid g
autoresized o
resourceName n
preloadType p

Action Handler Properties

Property Shorthand
javascriptOid h
actions a
arguments t
emailBody n
nextSceneSymbol nf
emailToAddress l
javascriptCallback hc
duration d
encodedSymbolDuration D
encodedSymbolStartTime C
sceneSymbol f
gestureControlDirection A
function s
sceneOid e
type p
pauseTime r
canRestartTimeline J
prevSceneContainerOid pe
currentTime G
playInReverse z
emailSubject m
continuePlayingAfterDrag y
index F
synchronizeTime H
customBehaviorName B
openInNewWindow k
timelineIdentifier b
loop q
dragSpeed K
prevSceneSymbol pf
nextSceneContainerOid ne
resourceGroupOid o
goToTime i
goToURL j
playing E
gestureControlAxis c
transition g

Lookups as JSON files

If you need the lookup as an all-in-one JSON file then here you go:

All combined


As single files









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