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Undocumented Terminal Commands

Max Ziebell edited this page Feb 7, 2024 · 5 revisions

Use at own risk.

Features found in the but the mostly have UI in the app anyway or Tumult recommends not to use them manually if you are not really familiar with the implications some settings have.

Show titlebar build information

This shows some additional information about the build and the document in the titlebar (license processor, build-ID's). Some can be anyway found under "about" but maybe still useful to somebody.

defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 ShowTitlebarBuildInformationButton -bool YES

defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 ShowTitlebarBuildInformationButton -bool NO

Automatic Software Updates

defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 SUEnableAutomaticChecks -bool YES

defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 SUEnableAutomaticChecks -bool NO

Disable restorable files in exports

defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 exportShouldSaveRestorableDocument -bool YES

defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 exportShouldSaveRestorableDocument -bool NO

Collect anonymous usage data

defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 collectAnonymousUsageData -bool YES

defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 collectAnonymousUsageData -bool NO

Show browser compatibility warnings before export

defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 showBrowserCompatibilityWarningsBeforeExport -bool YES

defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 showBrowserCompatibilityWarningsBeforeExport -bool NO

Use WebKit Graphics Acceleration for Scene Editor

defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 useWebKitGraphicsAccelerationForSceneEditor -bool YES

This will turn on hardware acceleration, making the scene editor potentially smoother and more responsive, particularly for complex animations or large projects.

defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 useWebKitGraphicsAccelerationForSceneEditor -bool NO

Disabling this option may be beneficial if you encounter any graphical glitches or issues that could be related to hardware acceleration. It may also improve compatibility with certain graphics cards or drivers.

Change the default Python 2 interpreter

This setting allows you to change the path to the default Python interpreter. Specially interesting after Apple is removing the default Python installation after macOS 12.3 and if you depend on Python-based export scripts you will need to install it yourself. That said, Tumult recommends using their Python installer going forward and not tinker with the setting below. You can find the installer here:

Change the default Python 2 interpreter path
defaults write com.tumult.Beta.Hype4 exportScriptPythonPath "/usr/local/bin/python"

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