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Max Ziebell edited this page Apr 22, 2024 · 21 revisions

Boolean settings

Newly added resources auto resize

You can change the default option when new images are inserted to the document by using this command from the Terminal. This is unsupported and may potentially change in a future release.

defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 newResourcesAreSetToAutoResize -bool YES

defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 newResourcesAreSetToAutoResize -bool NO


Newly added resources preloading control

In the latest update, there's a new setting that allows you to control whether new images and other resources are preloaded when added to your document. By default, the application preloads all new resources, which helps ensure they are immediately available for use. However, if you need to manage system resources more tightly or prefer to load resources only when necessary, you can now disable this feature.

Enable Preloading
defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 newResourcesAreSetToPreload -bool YES

This command reinstates the default behavior where new resources are automatically preloaded.

Disable Preloading
defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 newResourcesAreSetToPreload -bool NO

Use this command if you prefer to turn off the automatic preloading of new resources. This can be particularly useful in projects with a large number of resources or when operating under constrained system conditions.


Use color picker pop over

You can change the default behavior of the color picker to float or be a popover (being the default).

defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 useColorPickerPopOver -bool YES

defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 useColorPickerPopOver -bool NO


Autosave documents (Apple persistence)

This terminal option sets the auto save feature in Hype. There is also no guarantee that this option will always work with new OS or app updates.

defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 ApplePersistence -bool YES

defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 ApplePersistence -bool NO


Show all browsers and not only Tumult approved ones

This terminal option disables the Tumult whitelist for allowed preview browsers.

Disable, shows all browsers
defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 showOnlyApprovedPreviewBrowsers -bool NO

Enable (the default)
defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 showOnlyApprovedPreviewBrowsers -bool YES

Use the full versions of the Hype Runtime (non-minified)

This terminal option enables the use of unminified versions of the Hype Runtime. Note that this option creates an error (404) when using the official Hype Runtime CDN as that doesn't include full runtime versions.

defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 UseFullHypeJSTemplate -bool YES

defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 UseFullHypeJSTemplate -bool NO

Export the largest scene first

Since the introduction of posters the HTML outputted has the smallest scene size written to the DIV container. Even though the Hype document resets that the moment it gets rendered this might create a layout "jump" for the surrounding elements if you're not using the "mobile first" approach. The setting can be reversed to use the largest scene dimensions while loading.

defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 exportLargestSceneAsFirst -bool YES

defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 exportLargestSceneAsFirst -bool NO

Change the sort order when rendering the Hype runtime DOM

The Hype runtime DOM order is based on a top-left element location. This is to better help accessibility/assistive devices which use DOM ordering to read out the ordering of elements. We intentionally made this change in Hype v3.6. As older versions of Hype did DOM elements by z-index; this behavior is still part of the app through a hidden terminal command.

Enable export by z-order
defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 elementInsertionOrderSortMethod "compareByZOrdering:"

Revert to default
defaults delete com.tumult.Hype4 elementInsertionOrderSortMethod

Other settings

GIF-Rendering engine

In Hype 3.5 and prior, Hype used Apple’s GIF export instead of ImageMagick’s. Overall the ImageMagick engine typically produces better results and lower sizes, but this is content dependent and not always the case. If you want to see what Apple’s engine can provide, there is a hidden preference that can be activated in the terminal.

Let Apple create the GIF
defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 AnimatedGIFEngine Apple

Use ImageMagick built into Hype
defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 AnimatedGIFEngine


Seeing arguments and capturing output from Export Scripts

In the course of developing an Export Script, you may be curious to get better visibility into what is being passed to your Script, and the output that Hype sees. You can enable Hype to log via enabling this default:

defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 enableExportScriptDebugLogging -bool YES

defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 enableExportScriptDebugLogging -bool NO

Or, if you are using a beta version of Hype, you must use this command:

defaults write com.tumult.Beta.Hype4 enableExportScriptDebugLogging -bool YES

defaults write com.tumult.Beta.Hype4 enableExportScriptDebugLogging -bool NO

You can then view the output by running this command in the Terminal (Sierra):

log stream --style syslog --predicate '(processImagePath contains[c] "hype") && (category != "security_exception")'


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