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Hype IDE WebKit Developer Extras

Max Ziebell edited this page Jul 30, 2020 · 3 revisions

This section is about exploring and inspecting the Hype scene stage. If you are looking into creating a live preview for an extension or are simply interested in the cog work of Tumult Hype this is for you. Hopefully, there will be no need for this in the future (if Hype 5 introduces a plugin system) but until then, you can enable developer extras for the WebKit instances used in the Hype IDE.

Developer Extras for Hype IDE WebKit instances

If enabled the developer extras for each WebKit instance used in Hype will open automatically. This includes scenes, layouts and the WebKit instance used when creating movie or GIF exports.

defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 WebKitDeveloperExtras -bool YES

defaults write com.tumult.Hype4 WebKitDeveloperExtras -bool NO


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