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Engineering Practices

Flacial edited this page Aug 22, 2022 · 25 revisions


Best practice to follow for the engineering team


  • You must break down an issue into multiple PRs if the issue is complex.
    • git commit -m 'update - creates new service function to create login session'
  • Don't have huge PRs -- if you are making a component for example, then make that component and its accompanying stories for one PR, and implement it onto the website for the next PR.
  • Do not lower 100% Code Coverage
  • Do not use a anchor tags unless it is to a different domain. Must use Link component for client-side rendering.
  • Frontend - When creating new routes, always use lowercase. Don't use camel case since the route can be case-sensitive (i.e. use instead of
  • Storybook - If you build a reusable component, please create a component with all the possible states in your component, so other devs know how to use that component.
  • In the backend - On invalid responses, always throw. Example signup resolver
  • GraphQL - use yarn generate when modifying code inside the /graphql/ folder to generate TS code to be used with GraphQL front-end
    • Local server must be running on port 3000
  • On front end, instead of using throw, use Sentry.captureException instead.
  • On the back end, use the internal logger function to log the error to sentry
  • Create a Design Doc for any large or complex issues or features. Need to figure out why you need one? Read about Design Docs at Google. List of design docs
  • Before merging a package that affects the UI such as Bootstrap, go through the live preview Vercel generates to ensure all the UI elements are visible/correct.



  • If you don't have children, please do one self-closing tag
  • Don't early optimize. Don't use useMemo or some other optimization method before being certain there's a performance issue
  • Pass the component children by wrapping them with the component instead of passing them to the children prop:
    const Parent = ({ children }) => <>{children}</>
    // ✅
    // ❌
    <Parent children={<span>Hi</span>} />


  • Use variables in your CSS instead of hard coded values. The first benefit of using variables is that if we need to change the background or text color of the page, we just change the variable (a lot of sites do holiday theming). Another benefit is that it prevents us from getting to a place where we have different colors for the same text.
  • Do NOT Copy auto-generated CSS from the design tool, because it includes a lot of unnecessary properties that are already set by default. Copying auto-generated CSS will cause our CSS to be very bloated and unmanageable. Example
  • Padding and margins for CSS should use px so that UI elements look consistent across all devices and screen sizes. Example of the wrong usage


  • when you run npm run test, there's a column called Uncovered Lines that tells you which lines are not tested
  • When writing tests, please write out the actual changes instead of toMatchSnapShot(). If we get lazy and use toMatchSnapShots all over the place, our tests slow down significantly and when we update a common component like the AppNav, there would be hundreds of snapshots to update.
    • Example of what you should not do. In that example, it takes snapshots repeatedly to ensure search filters are working. Instead, selecting the results and expecting the number of results to be X is better.
  • Always use expect.assertions to verify that all the assertions (e.g, expect(1).toBe(1)) are called during a test.
    • If async code is being used, there's only one assertion, and the assertions count is more than 1. Use expect.hasAssertions.


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