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Sprint Constellations
A series of sprints dedicated to the constellations in the sky.
- 16 Dependabot package updates
- fix: Stories not working
- feat: Update our text elements (h1, h2, h3, code, small and large paragraphs) styles
- fix: Connect to discord modal appears for connected users
Sprint Virgo - May 17 by Amay
- Improved discord notifications
- Admin Module navigation
Sprint Ursa Major - May 9 by Sly
This sprints achievements:
- Updated 4 dependencies.
- Features:
- Create module inputs component
- Add Rubik font
- Add Fira Code font
- Add Inter bold font
- Add PTMono bold font
- Updates:
- Add format to PT MONO font
Sprint Taurus - May 1 by Lihas
- 10 package updates
- feat: Add text and color CSS files based on updated design
- feat: Breadcrumbs dropdown not passing/storing the lesson ID
- feat: PT-MONO font wasn't loading properly
- feat: Change to the appropriate discord environment variables
- feat: Update AppNav tests to fix a production bug
Sprint Scorpius - April 24 by Flacial
- 22 package updates
- New app design specification
- feat: diff-viewer (where you code appears) file title is now truncated
- Ellipsis will appear if the title is longer than the container’s width.
- feat: Add Next.js router addon for storybook
- It’ll help us mock Next.js router (e.g., useRouter)
- feat: Create Breadcrumbs component
- It’ll be used for Admin and Mentor pages (related to C0D3 DOJO)
- feat: Redesign inputs form
- feat: Redesign App navigation bar
- feat: diff-viewer (where you code appears) file title is now truncated
- feat: Move the toolbar component to ReactDiffViewer toolbar prop
- feat: Update admin navigation component styles
- refactor: Export diff-viewer toolbar component to a function
Sprint Reticulus - April 17 by Sly
11 Dependabot package updates.
This sprint's achievements:
- C0D3: Refactor: Export repeated strings into an enum.
- C0D3-CLI: fix: apk installing python by its alias
- C0D3-JS5: We updated the selfie queen demo for js5 to reflect the requirements.
Sprint Phoenix - April 10 by Flacial
- 16 Dependabot package updates
This sprint's achievements:
- fix: setup page (https://www.c0d3.com/docs/setup) broken link that redirects to JS0 (thanks to @chris.dev for reporting)
- fix: typo in JS1 part 2 (thanks to @zhenghongjie for reporting)
- fix: storybook - storyshots snapshot keeps regenerating components props
- Whenever we try to push our changes to the repo, the file keeps regenerating the props such as
. The solution was to give one of the components anid
so it won't be regenerated every time
- Whenever we try to push our changes to the repo, the file keeps regenerating the props such as
- feat(git): auto-detect checkout from non-master branch
- The CLI will now throw an error if the student didn’t checkout from the master. A new Wiki page has been created to help on fixing this issue: https://github.com/garageScript/c0d3-cli/wiki/Students-issues
C0D3r (discord bot)
- feat(bot): replace "/user find" with "/lookup"
- The command to get a student’s username on Discord based on their C0D3 username
Sprint Ophiuchus - Apr 02 by Sly
This week concludes sprint Ophiuchus! This constellation lies in the southern sky, on the celestial equator. Its name means “the serpent bearer” in Greek and it can be seen at latitudes between +80° and -80°.
- 20 Dependabot package updates.
This sprint's achievements:
- Feat: Added AdminLessonNav Component. This will help with organizing the lessons editing process later.
- Next-Auth: Wrap MyApp with SessionProvider.
- Next-Auth: Set req.user from the session in getSession.
- ref(@types): remove SignInReturn type.
- Added fragments to graphql queries.
- Feat: c0d3er bot New
slash command, this will allow getting the user Discord username by their c0d3 username. Thanks to @VOID for the help!
Sprint Norma - Mar 26 by Amay
This week concludes Sprint Norma! This constellation is in the southern hemisphere, so people living in silicon valley will never be able to see this constellation unless they take a vacation to South America, Australia, or Antarctica!
relewa has finished the curriculum and joined our engineering team.
This sprint's Achievements:
- 15 Package updates
- You can now log in with Discord! No more username/password input! (To make this work you must first connect your discord account).
- Bugfix: There was a bug in the admin page that makes it impossible to edit any lesson/challenge text because the cursor jumps to the end on every keystroke. This has been fixed!
- UI fix: CSS fixes to polish a few UI issues (specifically, the copy code button and the progress card padding).
- Feature: Our backend now keeps track of which CLI version students are using to submit code. This way, if we do a major upgrade to the CLI, we would be able to notify the students using the older version.
Engineering changes: We noticed a lot of code duplication when writing server-side graphql return types for the different queries, so we started using graphql fragments! Read about fragments here: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/data/fragments/
Sprint Mensa (March 20) - by Flacial
~15 Dependabot package updates
- Front end mutations for module componentsMessage
- fix: Admin dropdown styles (centered and without underline now)
- Organize GraphQL resolvers
- style: Improve DiffViewer styles
Sprint Leo (March 13) - by Lihas
- 11 Dependabot package updates
- Accomplishments:
- fix: module resolver now includes lessons and users table when adding/deleting modules
- update: login/signup resolvers now return the userId which was done to help with the next-auth integration
- fix: accordion component is rendered without cutting off when body height is long
- update:
directory was renamed toresolvers
for refactoring purposes - fix: resolved a security issue with submissions, now submissions are based on cliTokenId instead of userId. To learn more about this the issue, you can find the discussion here
Sprint Indus (March 6) - by Flacial
Onboarded Sly into the engineering team!
- 13 Dependabot package updates
- Accomplishments:
- Initialize next-auth to be used for discord integration
- fix: profile submission badge broken styles
Sprint Hydra (Feb 27) - by Flacial
- 5 Dependabot package updates
- Accomplishments:
- Feat: add the ability to collapse submission files
- Fix: empty comment gets submitted (when “comment” is chosen as the type of the feedback)
- Fix: signup page errors weren’t appearing
- Feat: add loading spinner to the login/signup button in login/signup pages
- Feat: add the ability to scroll horizontally in the
to improve the mobile experience - Fix: signup/login buttons in the nav appear for logged in users
- Update: copyright year from 2021 to 2022
Sprint Gemini (Feb 21) - by Flacial
- 29 Dependabot package updates
- Accomplishments:
- Add modules CRUD operations backend support for C0D3 Dojo
- Integrate the Copy button component into the UI
- Minor changes to the
component to improve the mobile experience - Integrate the Comment delete button into the UI
- Fix:
completion badge styles aren't applied - Fix: Lessons progress styles on the profile page weren’t applied
Sprint Fornax (Feb 12) - by Lihas
- 14 Dependabot package updates
- Accomplishments:
- Added backend support for deleting comments while reviewing submissions
- Created a copy button component that can be used to copy text to a user's clipboard
Sprint Equuleus (Feb 6) - by Flacial
- 32 Dependabot package updates
- Accomplishments:
- Feature: The challenge description can be viewed from within the submission!
- Created the GraphQL type definitions for C0D3 Dojo modules
Sprint Draco (Jan 30) - by Ago3
- 23 Dependabot package updates
- Accomplishments:
- Major bootstrap version upgrade! There were quite a few breaking changes, read about bootstrap v5 upgrades here.
- Started implementation of C0D3 Dojo - with lesson module database table creation.
- General Updates: Sprint has been moved to 10pm PST every saturday!
Sprint Canis Major (Jan 23) - by Ago3
- Onboarded 2 new engineers! lihas and stolethesauce
- ~60 Dependabot package updates
- Accomplishments:
- Upgraded NextJS (our core framework) to v12! This is their biggest release ever with many cool features. This upgrade was important to us because a lot of our libraries are upgraded to only support native es modules and we couldn't upgrade them because our NextJS framework does not support native es modules. We hope to slowly take advantage of more benefits of this upgrade like using their rust compiler instead of babel.
- This upgrade caused a production issue because during live build, a package caused a backend error that only happened on our live environment!
- Bug Fix: When you login with an error like incorrect password, it will now show you the correct error message! Previously it was showing undefined
- Bug Fix: When you review submissions, when you click on preview mode you may notice a big jump in height. This has been fixed!
- Upgraded NextJS (our core framework) to v12! This is their biggest release ever with many cool features. This upgrade was important to us because a lot of our libraries are upgraded to only support native es modules and we couldn't upgrade them because our NextJS framework does not support native es modules. We hope to slowly take advantage of more benefits of this upgrade like using their rust compiler instead of babel.
- General Updates: Sprint has been moved to 9:30pm PST every saturday!
Sprint Bootes (Dec 25) - By Amay
- 18 Dependabot package updates
- 4 Lesson Content updates
Sprint Aquarius (Nov 27) - By Amay
- Onboarded our new engineer
- Accomplishments
- Allows users to opt out of connecting to Discord and continue using the app without connecting to discord.