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Previous Sprints
- Weekly on Sundays.
- Updated 6 dependencies
- Updated 6 dependencies
- Updated 13 dependencies
- Updated 12 dependencies
- Updated 9 dependencies
- Updated 10 dependencies
- Fixed bugs introduced by a Prettier major update
- Updated 7 dependencies
- Fixed a visual bug introduced by a new bootstrap update
- Updated 13 dependencies
- Notable package update: Upgrade Metabase to 0.46 to patch an extremely severe vulnerability. Read more
- Updated 5 dependencies
- Improved the lessons page spacing and elements
- Improved ScrollToTop component design
- Fixed JS3 lesson content by Updating promises.mdx and Removing a debrief section related to for loops
- Upgraded Prisma to v5
Sprint Paraíso - July 09 - Flacial
- Updated 9 dependencies
- Updated snapshots that prevented the CI from passing
- The lesson Table of Content is now collapsable on mobile
Sprint Overpass - July 02 — Sly
- Updated 6 dependencies
- We improved the TOC design of the lessons page
- Fixed JS3 lesson content by Removing a placeholder image
- Removed remark-toc As it is no longer needed since we're using an in-house solution.
Sprint Nuketown - June 25 — Flacial
Updated 8 dependencies
- Add question missing answer in JS2
- Update cReduce(JS2/9.js) tests to be consistent with the challenge description
Sprint Metro - June 18 — Flacial
Updated 6 dependencies
The progress card now congrats graduates and invite them to start contributing to c0d3 repo
Sprint Lockdown - June 11 — Flacial
- Updated 6 dependencies
- When running husky post-merge script,
causes a premature termination if it couldn't find the provided pattern, this is no longer an issue when we changed it togit grep
! - On some occasions, adding a lengthy code block in a submission comment causes the submission content to overflow. This has been fixed!
Sprint Kings Canyon - June 4 — Flacial
- Updated 9 dependencies
Sprint Jungle - Mar 28 — Sly
- Updated 15 dependencies
- Make the lesson images rounded
- Transition AppNav buttons
- Multiple dropdown items are active
- Add a message indicating there are no exercises
Sprint Invasion — Mar 21 — Flacial
- Update 5 dependencies
- New account setting page! From this page, you can change your c0d3 username, full name, and password, or manage your Discord account. You can access it from the profile dropdown menu or by going to https://c0d3.com/settings/account
- Reviewers will now receive a notification when a student replies to their comment
- Display an error message when there's an error receiving user info
- Make the settings page accessible from the profile dropdown menu
Sprint Hainan Resort - Mar 14 - Flacial
- Updated 6 dependencies
Sprint Guts of Carnivora - Mar 7 - Flacial
- Updated 5 dependencies
Sprint Fort - Apr 30 - Scott
- Updated 11 dependencies
- Upgrade netlify node version to v16
- deps: Upgrade discord.js from v12 to v14
- WIP(13): Component folder structure
- WIP(14): Component folder structure
Sprint Exposure - April 23 — Flacial
- Updated 5 dependencies
- Our Storybook build stage broke by upgrading packages (#2910, #2926) that weren't compatible with our Storybook
- The 12th PR of the ongoing project that aims at improving our codebase structure. This week, we created folders for —
- Highlight code in challenge descriptions and submission comments
Sprint Dust - April 17 — ScottH
- Updated 5 dependencies
- Continued the effort to consolidate component files into their own folders for the improved organization
- Integrated the OpenAPI GPT model into our Discord bot
- Added dev tools such as ESLint and Prettier to the c0d3 bot repository
Sprint Caspian Border - April 9 — Flacial
- Updated 2 dependencies
- A runtime error was caused by breaking one of React hook rules that says we can't call a hook inside another hook. This caused non-signed-in users to view a 500 error page instead of going to the |Settings page or lesson review page
- In the Settings page that's under development, when a user tries to update their first and last name only, they weren't able to unless they also update their username. Now they can!
- When running the tests, a console error occurs because
calls were overlapping - When running the tests, a console error occurs because we are calling a
action before the page is rendered
Sprint Blackout - April 2 — Flacial
- Updated 1 dependecy
- Scott Hallock joined the team
- We use a bot in our c0d3-app repo to add contributors and the scope of their contributions. Its configuration got malformed and we longer can add contributors. This has been fixed!
- When someone tries to type in the
stories, it doesn't work. This has been fixed by @scotth and he introduced a new and better way of declaring a story that reduces code redundancy.
Sprint Aerowalk - Mar 27 — Flacial
- Updated 12 dependencies.
- Add code highlighting for our challenges to improve their readability
- Create a helper that redirects users to the login page if they're unautheticated
Sprint Beap – Mar 19 — Sly
- Updated 8 dependencies.
Sprint Weak Heap - Mar 12 - Harry
- Updated 15 dependencies
Sprint Binary heap - Mar 5 – Flacial
- Updated 11 dependencies
Sprint Heap - Feb 26 – Sly
- Updated 15 dependencies
- Set GitHub CI node version to v16
- Setup swap memory on Freedomains.dev server to mitigate out of memory issues until we find a reliable solution.
- Reverted: Add next-auth middleware to protect pages until next-auth middleware gets fixed upstream.
Sprint Red-Black Tree - Feb 19 – Harry
- Updated 10 dependencies
Sprint Binary Search Tree - Feb 11 – Flacial
- Updated 7 dependencies
Sprint AVL Tree - Feb 5 – Sly
- Updated 19 dependencies
Sprint Zipper - Jan 29 - Harry
- Updated 17 dependencies
Sprint Singly linked List - Jan 22 – Flacial
- Updated 11 dependencies.
Sprint Array List - Jan 15 – Sly
- Updated 11 dependencies.
Sprint Doubly Linked List - Jan 8 - Harry
- Updated 8 dependencies
- Created a resolver for updating user password
- Create removeExercise resolver
- Refactor rendering conditions and handle already used account error
- Replace deleteExercise with removeExercise resolver in the client
Sprint Matrix - Jan 1 - Flacial
- Updated 5 Dependencies
- Add database pooling using Pgbouncer Vercel is serverless, which means, our app with multiple instances of Prisma running at any time can cause all possible connections to the database to be occupied, leading to request failures.
The solution we implemented is to use a connection pooler called Pgbouncer to manage connections between the app and the database.
- Prevent users from setting an already used username
- Update the Exercise model with the correct fields for a removed exercise
Sprint Bitmap - Dec 25 - Sly
- Updated 13 dependencies.
- Add resolver for updating user names
- feat(WIP): Create part of User Settings page
- Change all headings font to Rubik
- Change init-preview-db workflow trigger to pull_request_target
- Add functionality to the Basic Settings
Sprint Bit-Array - Dec 18 - Harry
- Updated 11 dependencies
Sprint Array - Dec 11 - Flacial
- Updated ~20 Dependencies
- Replace our authentication and authorization system with next-auth package
- Create ExerciesReportCard component
- student feature: Add the ability to report exercises
Sprint Uranus - Dec 4 - Flacial
- Updated 9 Dependencies
- Mitigated an attack to one of our servers that is responsible to provide dummy data whenever Vercel tries to deploy a PR preview. The server had weak security, and therefore it was an easy target.
- Highlight HTML syntax when reviewing submissions
- Disallow alerts from being dismissed in the admin/alerts page
- Fix a typo in JS3 page 3
- Hide sentry source map from the HTML in production
- Update the preview-db GitHub action to connect to the server with a private key
- Seed the database with dummy modules and exercises
- Add the ability to pass custom Dropdown toggle style/component
Sprint Trophonius - Nov 27 - Harry
- Updated 12 Dependencies
Sprint Triptolemus - Nov 20 - Harry
- Updated 10 dependencies
- Fixed Typos in JS1 and JS2
- Fixed Mismatching item names in AdminLessonSideNav component
- WIP-4: Replace ._get with proper typed value
- WIP-3: Replace ._get with proper typed value
Sprint Thalassa - Nov 13 - Flacial
- Updated 11 dependencies
Create challenges page
- This page will be used to add/update lessons challenges
Add an Info Alert when there's nothing to review
- Now when there's nothing to review, it shows an alert that tells you that.
ci(github-action): Add preview deployment initializing workflow
- Whenever a PR is merged that udpates
file, we'd end up ssh-ing into the preview deployment database server and manually update the database. Now whenever a PR is merged, a GitHub-action workflow automate this for us.
- Whenever a PR is merged that udpates
- WIP: Replace loads get method
with a proper typed value using optional chaining?.
Sprint Tartarus - Nov 6 - Harry
- Updated 14 dependencies
- Included session in GraphQL Playground requests so that users don't have to change settings after each deployment
- Added GraphQL queries to getExerciseComments and getChildComments
- Added getExerciseComments and getChildComments query files and generated hooks
- Added info alert to inform users that have passed a lesson that there is nothing to review
Sprint Pontus - Oct 30 - Flacial
- Updated 15 dependencies
- Create a query to get all the Challenges
- Add the ability to add exercise comments in the backend
- Create a query to get all the Modules
Sprint Phanes - Oct 23 - Flacial
- Updated 10 dependencies
- Include Discord user info in the session query
- Add necessary fields to getExercises query
- Create ExerciseComment database table
- Redesign AdminLessonExerciseCard to look good on mobile
Sprint Persephone - Oct 16 - Harry
- Updated 12 dependencies
Sprint Ourea - Oct 9 - Flacial
- Updated 9 packages
- Add markdown support to DOJO exercise page
- Display a message that indicates the completion of the exercises upon reaching the last exercise
- Add the ability to go back to the mentor page once the mentor is done creating exercises
- Add exercise page path (
) as constant - Create LessonTabs component. It'll serve as a way to quickly switch between lesson pages such such challenges, exercises, and mentor exercises.
- Remove unnecessary prop from Exercise component
- Rename
type toExerciseListItem
- NavCard navigation items text no longer wraps
- Fix an issue where students couldn't submit an HTML file for JS3/10
Sprint Moirai - Oct 2 - Harry
- Updated 17 dependencies
- Fixed overflowing text between 768px and 991px on DOJO exercise card
- Show next question button after user answers exercise correctly
- Enabled playground for preview deployments
- Mark exercise answered based on user answers
- Created Discussions card component initial design
- Added DOJO exercise submissions to backend
- Created main mentor page
- Persist exercise submissions when user submits exercise submission. Answered questions now get stored on backend
- Simplified exercises list mapping to a single location
- Removed 'any' type in DiffView and ReviewCard
Sprint Moirai - Sept 25 - Flacial
- General
- Updated 7 dependencies
- Features
- Fixes
Sprint Melinoë - Sept 18 - Harry
- Updated 14 dependencies
- Created New Dojo Exercises Card component
- Created add-exercise page
- Added New Button Component, mainly to be used in DOJO
- Updated Admin Lesson Page Links to new lesson pages
- Updated QueryInfo component to take custom error message
- Added exercise preview cards to DOJO exercises page
- Updated Iprops Interface on _app.tsx for compatibility with Next version 12.3.0
- Renamed __variables.module.scss to _variables.module.scss so 'jump-to-source' works
- Changed Modal components from Modal.Body(react-bootstrap/Modal library) to ModalBody(react-bootstrap), Modal.Header to ModalHeader, etc. in SubmissionComments component
- Fixed issue where unlink/connect discord button appears for profiles that aren't the user's
- Updated user dropdown menu toggle button from div element to a button element
Sprint Iacchus - Sept 11 - Flacial
- Updated 7 dependencies
- Added the ability to Edit Comments
- Created the structure of the DOJO Exercises page
- Added the ability to unlink discord
- Remove username from the app navigation bar
- Ignore
when pushing to GitHub - Make
component more generic and rename it toNavCard
- Create a separate database for our non-production deployments
- Hide the lesson submissions when there are none.
- Set the Button background color to transparent on focus & active states
Due to the slow understandable PRs reviewing, it now takes a single approval/review for a PR to be eligible for merging.
Spring Hemera - Sept 4 - Harry
- Updated 7 dependencies
- Added resolver to unlink Discord account
- Fixed bugs with AdminLessonSideNav component and added vertical scrollbar
- Created QueryInfo component that shows if an admin or mentor page has been updated successfully, is loading, or failed
- Updated DropdownMenu component to set selected option as the active item.
Sprint Hecate — Aug 28 - Flacial
- Update 18 dependencies
Sprint Hades — Aug 21 - Sly
- Updated 9 dependencies.
- Update Alert component styles: Fixed and updated various styles for the Alert component.
- Update Error page components: New updates to the error component to be more uniform and reusable.
- Create addExercise hook: This PR creates a hook for addExercise mutation to make it possible to add exercises.
- Redesign ExercisePreview Card: Updated the Exercise preview to match the new design.
- withUserContainer helper: This PR creates a helper method to use with any resolvers that checks for user id.
- Various typo fixes on curriculum!
Sprint Gaia — Aug 14 - Harry
- Updated 12 dependencies
- Refactored Component folder structure for ContributorCard, ConnectToDiscordModal, and CommentBox
- Added feature that listed files submitted if user tries to submit more than 1 file.
- Bumped from v2.3.1 to v2.3.2
- Solved the issues with SSH keys where users got denied permission when trying to push changes to their repos
Sprint Eros — Aug 7 - Flacial
- ~14 dependabot package updates
- Set password from signup page instead of going to a different page
- Fix a typo in js3/preflight (Thanks @code4christ for fixing it!)
- Verify if the challenge file to be submitted is equal to the selected challenge to submit to.
- If you modified
, and tried to submit to the 2nd challenge the select menu that appears after executingc0d3 submit
, it'll throw an error and explain how you could solve it.
- If you modified
Sprint Erinyes — July 31 - Harry
- Updated 9 dependencies
- Reverted 1 dependency(Bootstrap from 5.2.0 to 5.1.3)
- Refactored component folder structure for ChallengeMaterial, Card, and Breadcrumbs
- Moved all AdminLessonInputs component files into it’s own folder
- Upgraded Prisma to version 4.0
- Created a new Admin Lessons page.
- Added cross-env for better compatibility running scripts between Windows and Mac/Linux users
- Fixed issue for lessonSlugs page where matching snapshots previously did not work
- Fixed ssh key update path so that MyProxy gets all old keys right. Ssh keys used to reset periodically. Each time a new key got added, old keys were removed involuntarily from the ssh organization file. We used to manually fix by copying old keys into the ssh organization file.
Sprint Erebus — July 24 - Flacial
Updated 22 dependencies
- Started refactoring our component folder structure to have all the component files under the same directory.
- Auto-detect file issues before submitting
Sprint Demeter — July 17 - Harry
- Updated 15 dependencies
- Fixed lessonSlug test case that was failing at random times.
- Streamlined lesson content style which added margins and indentations for collapsible content(i.e. answers).
- Updated routing, which now uses lessonSlug instead of lessonID for reviewing challenge submissions links.
Sprint Chronos — July 10 - Flacial
- Updated 22 dependencies
- Create a GraphQL query document to get the flagged exercises
- Update the
type to stop takingcliToken
field (c0d3-cli doesn't need to send thecliToken
- Stop sending the
in the mutation that creates the submission as it's now sent in the authorization header - Add Sentry to capture errors. If any unhandled error occurred, we shall now know about it!
Sprint Chaos — July 3 - Harry
- Updated 19 dependencies
- Added ability to change color of copy button(copy code)
- Created Exercise card which will represent individual Exercise on new Exercises page
- Added flag and unflag mutations for Exercises
Sprint Angelos — June 26 - Flacial
- Updated 13 dependencies
- Create a Lesson card that will be used to represent a Lesson in the new Lessons page
- Remove URL parameters (e.g,
) from the Breadcrumb component items - Generate useDeleteExercise. The package GraphQL code-gen that we use to generate GraphQL types and hooks require us to manually create the mutation/query document in order to create a React hook
- Remove URL parameters (e.g,
Sprint Ananke — June 19 - Flacial
- General:
- Updated 10 dependencies
- Fixes:
- Add a missing solution for a JS2 exercise
- Features:
- Created a part of the new Admin lessons page for managing DOJO modules
- Add flagged exercise-related columns to the database Exercise table (flaggedBy, flaggedAt, flagReason...etc)
Sprint Aion — June 12 By Sly
- Updated 22 dependencies.
- Fixed lessons typos.
- Redesigned adminLessonSideNav
- Refactor render prop into a functional component
- Refactor auto-fill order input in AdminLessonInputs component
Sprint Aether — June 5 By Flacial
- Updated 16 dependencies.
- Added a section about reusing branches on the setup page (https://www.c0d3.com/docs/setup#reusing-your-branches).
- The main app font was not loading because the font file name was incorrect.
Sprint Achlys — May 29 By Sly
- Updated 12 dependencies.
- Low accessibility metrics: After the fix, the accessibility score went from 64% to 95%.
- Freeze mock object: Freeze the
object, so it can't be mutated by tests. - Connect to discord modal appears for connected users: This fixes the issue where the modal keeps showing for connected users.
- Next-Auth: Add JWT and Session callbacks: This adds JWT and Session callbacks. It will help us set the user object into the session.
- Next-Auth: Add Credentials provider: This will make it possible to call
and start login/signup flow. - Add order column to module table: This will allow us to order the modules.
This sprint, we have accomplished ALOT! We have bulletpoints and some pictures!
When we started up, our goal was:
GOAL: Improve Existing Experience
And we did that! We observed students and solved issues that we thought would improve their learning experience.
- Migrated all lesson docs from notion to our self hosted curriculum
- Mobile support
- Inline code submission review (with threads!) AND improved TextArea with markdown UI
- Completed Mattermost deprecation and migrated to discord and launched our Discord Bot that updates corresponding discord room on user submission / lesson passing
- View past submissions (previously only 1 submission could be viewed, there were no history)
- Infrastructure Improvements:
- Sentry.io, Logflare, Posthog integration
- Faster rendering
- Discord integration (profile page and connecting discord to c0d3 account)
- Allow users to view the curriculum without being logged in.
- Good news! Tom got a job as a Fullstack Software engineer and will be starting on Monday!
- Accomplishments - 9 PRs merged
- Discord modal - Force students to connect with Discord account.
- Prepare repository to upgrade to TypeScript 4.4 - try catch did not have error type, added it in
- Seed data to contain proper links (remove notion)
- Add header links
October 23 - Sprint Zucchini - Hosted by Charles
- Accomplishments - 2 PRs Merged
- Allow robots to index /profile/ pages
- Fixed time/date related failing snapshot tests
- Accomplishments - 1 PR Merged
- Markdown toolbar to teach you markdown!
- Accomplishments - 0 PRs Merged
- Accomplishments - 1 PR Merged
- Feature/react managed undo - Allows undo functionality within MdInput component on the Review Page
- Accomplishments - 1 PR merged
- Refactored logout component into separate component. This allows the discord connect page can use it without duplicating code. #1132
- Settled on a new functional API design for the upcoming markdown toolbar feature. Design docs and proof of concept code sandbox
September 18 - Sprint Ugni - Hosted by Charles
- Accomplishments - 2 PRs merged
- You can now see your Discord info - go to c0d3.com/discord/connect, complete the auth flow, then go to c0d3.com/profile/
- typo fix on review challenge page
- Accomplishments! 4 PRs merged, 4 dependabot updates
- Verified c0d3.com with Google Search! (But, no data)
- Fully migrated to self hosted lessons!
- Received our first content change PR
- Accomplishments
- 3 dependabot update
- Discord connect page is complete PR #1102
- users can now goto https://www.c0d3.com/discord/connect and link their discord account to their c0d3 account (response page is still a work in progress)
- This will allow future features like c0d3 bot sending direct message notifications and profile page displaying users discord username / avatar.
*Waiting on response page / profile integration before making it a live part of the signup/login user flow.
graphQL query now returns user discord name / avatarURL PR #1101- first step of integrating discord information into profile page
- Update
analytics to useNEXT_PUBLIC_*
prefix environment variable PR #1103- Next.js strips all prefixed keys from hitting the frontend as an extra security step which was preventing our user analytics data from flowing
- Refactor comment input box write/preview buttons to be bootstrap tab nav buttons PR #1107
- Also includes minor change adding placeholder text to preview mode and minHeight to preview mode to reduce layout shifts when switching between write and preview mode.
- 11 dependabot updates
- tomrule007 updated as on contributor to C0d3
- Self hosted lessons
- need to address 500 errors
- Possible permission issue with vercel lambda functions.
- Query from github alternative - research
- need to address 500 errors
- Remove duplicate types in @Types
- PNG Version of assets for Discord bot
- Custom hook useBreakpoint - implemented in LessonTitleCard
- Created url to connect discord to c0d3.com account - Discord oauth Link
- Remove goals to issue board - central location
- Try to get oauth working - Backend in place
- Integrate self-hosted lessons into current curriculum page.
- Write tests for
page and SSG utility functions - update db to point to new lesson page
- Write tests for
- Complete markdown-toolbar for MdInput Component #1013
- add hotkey support
- multiline support
- correctly update highlighted text
- write tests
- Improve graphql test mock data types.
- Debug failing tests in components/ChallengeMaterial.test.js when not run in band on some machines.
- Solve setting UTC timezone for test environment on windows.
- Accomplishments
- 13 dependabot updates
- added slug field to lesson (for example, url is now /curriculum/js5 instead of /curriculum/24) - dev environment more closely matches production
- reduced number of requests by 50% by removing all the unnecessary fetch requests in challenge review count
- discord bot updated to use lesson slug urls
- reorganized validation code in helper folder
- removed outdated steps from development setup wiki
- New team member! Welcome InerLeeLofgren
- Accomplishments
- 5 dependabot updates
- New feature:
page return from redirect! Automatically return users to original page after logging back in
Example: Logged out user visits/review/[lesson]
-> gets redirected tologin
-> after login automatically returns to/review/[lesson]
(see pr #1033 for details) - Improved UI/UX: submission iteration buttons now show the status of the submission with the outline color and selected submission with the solid color fill.
See pr #1036 for details - Refactor/Migration: Renamed Lesson field
and converted to Date type to correctly represent that it was holding a timestamp and not a boolean value. Also removed extra unused fieldsisTeaching
YAGNI! (See pr #988 for details) - Improved DX (Developer Experience): Added support for nextjs eslint plugin for nextjs specific hints (See pr #1032 for details)
- Goals
- Try to get oauth working.
- Integrate self-hosted lessons into current curriculum page.
- Improve graphql test mock data types.
- Debug failing tests in components/ChallengeMaterial.test.js when not run in band on some machines.
- Solve setting UTC timezone for test environment on windows.
- Accomplishments
- Merged last sprint's pending pull requests: Sentry logging update and Hydration Bugfix
- New Feature! Reviewing input textarea now resizes as you type, solving a pet peeve of many of our students!
- Login and Signup pages loads FASTER now because they are now generated statically!
- This also makes our snapshots testing easier to write and runs faster.
- Upgraded tests to use prisma's deep mock for database data mocking!
- Goals
- Try to get oauth working.
- Integrate self-hosted lessons into current curriculum page.
- Improve graphql test mock data types.
- Debug failing tests in components/ChallengeMaterial.test.js when not run in band on some machines.
- Solve setting UTC timezone for test environment on windows.
- Good News! @Herman and @Alex are starting as full time software engineers!
- Accomplishments - Documentation about how submissions are rendered onto c0d3.com
- 3 Dependabot updates
- Goals
- Integrate self-hosted lessons into current curriculum page.
- Try to get oauth working.
- Improve graphql test mock data types.
- Debug failing tests in components/ChallengeMaterial.test.js when not run in band on some machines.
- Solve setting UTC timezone for test environment on windows.
- Changes
- 9 dependabot updates
- Updates the way we check if lesson has passed (due to new multiple submissions feature)
- Some UI improvements to our form fields and redirects an old broken route
- Added robots.txt spec to our website and a nice Apple touch icon
- Goals
- solve self-hosted lessons importing into current curriculum page.
- continue working on Discord bot - Try to get Next-auth working.
- improve graphql test mock data types
- Debug failing tests in components/ChallengeMaterial.test.js when not run in band on some machines
- Solve setting UTC timezone for test environment on windows
- setup Logflare as our logdrain for vercel (with alerts coming to discord)
- refactor challenge status messages to handle our new multiple submissions
- Setup sentry.io logging for our server side code
- Improved mobile view layout on curriculum page reducing white space
- New team members!
- agreed on replacing lodash's
with the coalescing chain operator?.
on our codebase - new submission selector in review and challenges pages for viewing past submissions
- 12 Dependabot updates
- continue proofreading self-hosted lessons
- continue working on Discord bot
13 Dependabot updates
Herman to look at and explain current Sentry.IO setup.
Backend update to have
as submission status -
Continuation of deprecating mattermost on backend.
Bump jest to v27.0.5
Goals -
Send emails with AWS SES
Start proofreading self-hosted lessons
10 dependabot updates.
Mailgun replaced with AWS SES!!
use Caprover on our DO droplet for easier deployment
upgrade NextJS from 10 to 11
- 11 Dependabot updates
- First draft of self-hosted lessons is done
- Learn document is self-hosted in production
- Preparation for submission comments (backend changes and refactor of common components)
- 3 Dependabot updates
- Update fetchpolicy - Solves a bug where number of submissions was rendering incorrectly because data was taken from cache instead of from the network.
Moving Sprint to Saturday Evening
- 5 dependabot updates
- CLI updated to hide package-lock.json during review
- Add JS4 information to c0d3.com
- PR# 826 - Fix 404 bug with
- PR# 823 - add comments to lines feature
- PR# 818 - Fixed footer
- 7 Dependabot updates
- DiffView Component added!
- Copyright year on footer updated!
- 10 Dependabot updates
- Feature Update - Being able to comment on specific lines during submission review
- API support and Database Changes
- Comment box, thread UI componets
- If you are learning how to code on your phone, curriculum page should look better for you. 😉
- We migrated JS3 away from notion into our own page. The links haven't been updated, so the only way to see this is to visit this page directly
May 11 - Sprint zhenghongjie: Hosted by Alex
- 8 Dependabot updates
- Added JS2 to self-hosted lessons
- Added self-hosted Learn page
- Added separate jest config
- Updated navigation bar. Journey is renamed to Learn, Help link goes to Discord instead of Mattermost and there is no Contributors link anymore
- Added reminder to enable javascript on the front page
- 11 Dependabot Upgrades
- 7 PRs merged
- Plan - schedule a Discord bot learning session
- Code Improvements ** typeDef fixes ** sequelize completely replaced by prisma ** header links consolidated to Curriculum, Repo, Learn, and Community
- 13 Dependabot Upgrades
- Finished CLI upgrades:
Merge PR #545Deploy CLI updatesCreate Alert on c0d3.com
- Code Improvements
- Typedef fixes, bug fixes, next image mock
- Messaging / content updates
- Sequelize -> prisma
- Header Titles now update as you navigate around the page (instead of always saying c0d3)
- Fix submission status
** Goals
- Migration plan to deprecate
and migrate users to discord ** Deploy OAuth with Discord ** We need notification when someone submits notification Complete typedef migration of this bug- Upgrade CLI version - scheduled for 4/27/21 deployment
- create alert on c0d3.com
- needs to be deployed with PR#545 (typedef migration).
** PRs merged
- Star comments on profile! Good job @cko!
- dependabot hard at work - 18 merged PRs!
- Bug Fix PR
- Migrate to Next/Image for curriculum
- Progress card updates with percentage
- Profile page made responsive for mobile
- Fix
bug for windows - Prisma refactoring
April 13 - patts * Hosted by Amazing Amey
- Migration plan to deprecate
and migrate users to discord - Complete typedef migration of this bug
- 17 dependabot pr package updates
- Prisma db for dev setup (seed)
- Faster, more responsive curriculum page load! Previously, users had to sit through a loading screen flashing.
- Custom Discord Component integrated into the curriculum page.
- Code Improvements
- remove unused libs
- add setup pages
- Typedef fixes
April 6 - ofriedheim * Hosted by Accurate Amey
- 12 Dependabot upgrades merged
- 8 Major PRs merged!
- Slow and steady Prisma migration
- We have a logo asset now
- typedef updates
- Caused Production bug! Broke C0D3 CLI for 1 Day
- Codebase cleanup
- Remove swr, css updates
- Support Mobile View - C0D3 on mobile layout improvements
- Added more additional resources links for students to learn more
- Migration to Discord
Mar 30 - noob * Hosted by Uber Ulisseus
6 major PRs merged!
- Added Prisma support
- Added mdx components and mdx support
- Made landing page static
- Started migrating from sequelize to Prisma (userInfoController)
- Fixed types in getLessonMentors
Mar 23 - jiwoo * Hosted by Crispy Cranky Cilantro Carpenter Charles
3 PRs merged!
- We hit a milestone - tests are fully 100%
- Added tests for 404 and 500 pages
- Added css modules, remove next-sass
- Start replacing Sequelize ORM with Prisma
Mar 16 - ie6 * Hosted by Hyper Hysterical Herman
Next Goals: Migrate Apollo Client over to v3 and continue on adding tests.
5 PRs merged!
- Fixed production bug by reverting bcrypt 5.0. Decided as a team to turn on production database for preview mode for better testing
- Added test for _app
- Added Charles as Contributor
- Add DB_PORT as environmental variables
- Corrected active link on Navbar
Additional Updates:
- Got c0d3.com email to sign into Vercel
Goal - 100% coverage hopefully!
Mar 8 - h0i3 * Hosted by Anonymous Anthony
- 3 PRs merged!
- More tests by @ulisses!
- Bug fixes - the Review Page was redirecting to the curriculum, but now its not because @ggwadera fixed it! :D
Feb 29 - ggwadera * Hosted by Glorious Guillerme
This week's sprint is very special as I'm hosting the sprint named after me :)
- 5 PRs merged!
- More tests, coverage from 89% to 94%!!
- Curriculum page now open to everyone
- Enabled Github's Dependabot on our repo to keep our dependencies updated
- Added new browser based setup to our lesson using Gitpod, check out here
Goal - Keep adding tests
Feb 22 - devwong * Hosted by Amazing Amay
We feel like devwong has alot of potential, even though there's been 0 submissions so far.
New Student! cko - Joined our engineering team
- 4 PRS merged!
- Tests - https://github.com/garageScript/c0d3-app/issues/409
- Increased 2% from 87 -> 89%.
- Tests - https://github.com/garageScript/c0d3-app/issues/409
- Bug fixes - If you go to curriculum as an unauthorized user you no longer see an error page!
- New Stats Page
- Typescript for tests? - E.G. Hard to test admin components. First, need to figure out types (some
uses strings, some ints, etc etc.).
Unanimous policy changes
- Interviews required for joining engineering team.
- Backtrack for existing engineers
- Students invited to the engineering chatroom after completing JS6 (challenge 1)
Feb 17 - Cko * Hosted by Useful Ulysses
7 PRS merged!
- Fix GiveStar features
- Add more tests
- Reorganize public files
Goals - Keep adding tests
Feb 10 - Bilge * Hosted By Glorious Guilherme
- 4 PRs merged!
- OpenGraph & Twitter meta tags
- Error component
- Profile tests
- Updated page routes
- Goals - Keep making tests to merge in our PR to display real code coverage
Feb 1 - Aclivio * Hosted By Addicted Anthony
- 10 PRs merged!
- GiveStarCard
- Update dependencies
- Migrate to apollo 3
- Goals - Make tests to merge in our PR to display real code coverage
- TODO: Written content for publicity
- Engineering onboarding -
- Storybook, snapshot testing, code coverage, mock functionalities
- 26 weeks - 6 months journey.
- Overview of our curriculum
- JS5 - Debugging
- System design questions
- JS4 - Machine Learning 101 in JavaScript
- Platforms: dev.to, HN, medium, LinkedIn, (twitter account?)
- Accounts: LinkedIn, twitter.
- C0d3.com - Vision
- Engineering onboarding -
- Stats
- How many users turn around to review other Challenges?
- Survey for TownHall.
- Feedback after ever lesson -> feedback for the reviewers.
- Feedback from everyone.
Oct 19 - Kwame Yamgnane * TBD Hosted By Guilherme
- Goals -
- Stars Page - Cijin
- Hacktoberfest
Oct 12 - Herman Wong * Hosted By CSS Cijin
Goals -
- Stars Page - Cijin
- Updated Mattermost v5.27.0 - Guilherme
- Set up 5 PR's to PayPal Hacktoberfest
- PR merged -
for Give Star Feature - Cijin
Number of feedbacks? Sahil (15), Anthony (42), Herman(10), Alexis(20), Song(3), Rahul(16), Cijin(22), Guillherme(18), Colton (15)
Oct 5 - Paul Vixie * Hosted By Sensational Sernie
- 3 PRs Merged
- Alerts page done! Only tests are left.
- Brought back our feedback page
- CI now detects lint changes!
Sept 28 - Alan Turing * Hosted By Hyper Herman
- 6 PRs Merged
- Added contribution Readme
- Backend work for Alerts
- Update Card component to allow color for title
- Bug Fix
- Add Contributors Section to readme.
- Goals -
- Alerts Page, then use alerts pages promote feedback - Anthony
- Stars Page / Refactor - Cijin
- Number of feedbacks? Sahil (15), Anthony (42), Herman(10), Alexis(20), Song(3), Rahul(16), Cijin(22), Guillherme(18), Colton (15)
Sept 21 - Richard Stallman * Hosted By Addicted Anthony
- 1 PR - Refactoring of lessons API files
@here Hi guys I am Addicted Anthony. Yesterday, I led the completion of our sprint for c0d3.com. Richard Stallman created the GNU. When you type ls
or commands like that into the terminal, it works because of him.
- @h0i3, @greenc and I launched https://learndatabases.dev on HACKER NEWS!! If you have an account, please help us with an upvote (look for learndatabases)
- @uliss ( profile ) is joining our engineering team! He finished the curriculum yesterday. Congratulations!
- @coltonje95 is leaving our engineering team, he found a new opportunity at PayPal as a software engineer and started working there yesterday. Congratulations!
Last sprint We merged in 1 PRs. It just cleans up the code so @uliss has an easier time getting started.
This Sprint Sept 15 - Sept 22, 2020 (12:00am PST)
js0 | js1 | js2 | js3 | js4 | js5 | js6 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
The person that completed js6 was @uliss
Welcome to our 20 new students who joined in this sprint! @bytex07, @sloopnoob, @egber27, @mxguti, @krevedko, @aslhnaltn, @dummy, @redbaronram024, @jinho6225, @infinichan, @dinesh19feb, @alineayumi, @krava_vlad, @kvn, @mdleonidas, @rezeddin, @anario, @reezeddi, @us, @bilge
If anyone has feedback about c0d3.com, ideas, questions, concerns, you can send us feedback with our new feedback page: https://feedback.c0d3.com/
Read previous updates: https://github.com/garageScript/c0d3-app/wiki/Sprint-H2-2020
This sprint's lead is going to be @cijin
Sept 14 - Dennis Ritchie * Hosted By Casual Colton
- 1 PR - Refactor error handling
@here I am Casual Colton, last Monday I led the completion of our sprint for c0d3.com. (This will be a combined update for the past 2 sprints). Dennis Ritchie created the C programming language.
- @cijin ( profile ) is joining our engineering team! He finished the curriculum. Congratulations!
- @ggwadera brought back Freedomains.dev! Deploy your apps for free and post feedback/questions on ~freedomainsdev channel.
- @h0i3, @greenc Have a prototype working for learndatabases.dev - PostgreSQL tutorial is live and working. If you want to learn about Postgres, feel free to do the tutorial and leave feedback at ~learndatabases.dev
Last 2 weeks We merged in 2 PRs. One fixes a JS3 bug (lessons API) and a refactoring PR.
This Sprint Sept 8 - Sept 15, 2020 (12:00am PST)
js0 | js1 | js2 | js3 | js4 | js5 | js6 |
0 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 1 |
The person that completed js6 was @ggwadera
Last Sprint Sept 1 - Sept 8, 2020 (12:00am PST)
js0 | js1 | js2 | js3 | js4 | js5 | js6 |
2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
This sprint's contributor was just @noob!
Welcome to our 13 new students who joined in this sprint! @neacsuvalentin13, @sherylbee, @psha85, @salc, @billi1, @ljpjean, @nanangqq, @manmoth, @rahmonali, @userpyvs, @simplesoul, @ilovebears, @itraaqeel
Welcome to our 16 new students who joined in sprint DJ Patil: @meybria, @py_buster, @lucas, @rp, @make209, @richardverzosa, @stainlessdroid, @hnhung123, @starliner, @klasur, @hxllxxgrxm, @meyer197, @seigey, @jerniceduncan, @mariamihab, @ming_gram
If anyone has feedback about c0d3.com, ideas, questions, concerns, you can send us feedback with our new feedback page: https://feedback.c0d3.com/
Read previous updates: https://github.com/garageScript/c0d3-app/wiki/Sprint-H2-2020
This sprint's lead is going to be back to @noob!
Sept 7 - DJ Patil
- 1 PR - Fixes www.c0d3.com/api/lessons
- Design Docs
August 31 - Martin Odersky
- New Engineer! Guilherme
- No PRs
@here Yesterday we completed our sprint for c0d3.com. (This will be combined update for the past 2 sprints).
Big news! @ggwadera ( profile ) is joining our engineering team! He finished the curriculum and immediately sent up a sweet PR to fix the security issues around freedomains.dev. If there is one engineer who could bring back freedomains.dev, it is @ggwadera
Last 2 weeks We merged in 1 PRs and moved c0d3.com to the cloud! If you noticed that your chat's profile picture disappeared, its because we moved to the cloud and lost all the picture files. Our database also moved into the cloud. Woohoo!
This Sprint Aug 25 - Sept 1, 2020 (12:00am PST)
js0 | js1 | js2 | js3 | js4 | js5 | js6 |
0 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
The person that completed js6 was @ggwadera
Last Sprint Aug 18 - Aug 25, 2020 (12:00am PST)
js0 | js1 | js2 | js3 | js4 | js5 | js6 |
5 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
This sprint's contributor was just me!
Welcome to our 14 new students who joined in this sprint! @c0d3, @vkyw2, @coyin70518, @veleita, @oiclid, @joko208, @longorjames, @yinkakun, @peggles, @howard2346, @devaka, @rupgala, @jlemien, @iwatobes
Welcome to our 9 new students who joined in sprint Nachenberg: @zetm, @jeremyboom8, @izzyg37, @izzyg, @josgreenwell, @manila, @amazinganthony, @fenwu, @dl302
If anyone has feedback about c0d3.com, ideas, questions, concerns, you can send us an feedback with our new feedback page: https://feedback.c0d3.com/
Read previous updates: https://github.com/garageScript/c0d3-app/wiki/Sprint-H2-2020
August 24 - Carey Nachenberg
- Migrate to Digital Ocean
- 1PR - User Search
August 17 - Yukihiro Matsumoto
- 1PR - Dependabot
Release notes:
@here Last Monday we completed our sprint for c0d3.com. (This will be combined update for the past 2 sprints).
Last 2 weeks We merged in 6 PRs and made some nice progress on Admin Page!
If you have stars, you will be able to see stars on your profile page next to your lesson! For example, here is @ie6 's profile page
If you have been actively giving feedback, we now have a nice UI to quickly give you admin access so you can modify c0d3 content!
Last Last Sprint Aug 4 - Aug 11, 2020 (12:00am PST)
js0 | js1 | js2 | js3 | js4 | js5 | js6 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Last Last Sprint Aug 11 - Aug 18, 2020 (12:00am PST)
js0 | js1 | js2 | js3 | js4 | js5 | js6 |
0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
note, the 2 students who completed js6 cheated so we don't have any new additions to our engineering team.
This sprint's contributor was me and @s1kalra
Welcome to our 33 new students who joined in sprint Ada Lovelace and sprint Yukihiro Matsumoto Students : @kalyan, @jperenia, @janybattung, @loonmaster0611, @indysaab, @deleeelelelleleeleleleletleeleleleleeeeeme, @skantipudi, @kalyan, @kalyan, @kalyan, @kalyan, @nachalaksh, @pranay_narsipuram, @spookyspooky, @natti, @spooks, @20strategy, @anggaerlangga25, @cnezin, @ccnezin, @thinkmassive, @pizza, @mksybr, @rfvisuals, @av0cad0, @camcil, @kedia, @angs0, @codemunch, @amp, @nrcopela, @didah, @lo2y, @minato, @web00, @tintin123, @saadbassi, @367139e231, @trilobyte, @dandellion_188, @karpierz
If anyone has feedback about c0d3.com, ideas, questions, concerns, you can send us an feedback with our new feedback page: https://feedback.c0d3.com/
August 10 - Ada Lovelace
- Merged in 5 PRs
- Stars on Profile Page
- Admin Users
August 3 - Anthony Khoa
Goal: Admin Page- Merged in 4 PRS
- Admin page: lesson & challenge creation and edit.
@here Last Monday we completed our sprint for c0d3.com.
One of our engineers is starting a full time role as a full stack software engineer at Bitmex. Congrats @ie6 !
Last week We merged in 4 PRs and made some nice progress on Admin Page!
If you are made an admin, you will now see the admin dropdown:
Our admin tool now allows engineering team to make changes to the content as feedback comes in, so please remember to send feedback / feelings to us when you have it.
Last Sprint July 27 - Aug 4, 2020 (12:00am PST)
js0 | js1 | js2 | js3 | js4 | js5 | js6 |
3 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
This sprint's contributor was just me.
Welcome this week's 8 new students, welcome! @zerias, @coolx28, @junkentriben, @rsi, @pragnya, @squeezannah, @kk, @hal9e3, @deletethisn0001, @fufufufufufufufufufufu, @eeeeemmmaaaailllllllllllllyyooooo
(I suspect the last 3 users were fake users, please correct me if I'm wrong)
July 27 - Lynne Jolitz
- 5 PRs
- New Dropdown Menu Component
- Ability to set initial value and placeholder for MDInput Component
- GraphQL Admin resolvers
js0 | js1 | js2 | js3 | js4 | js5 | js6 |
1 | 3 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
July 20 - Toru Iwatani
- 6 PRs
- Good progress on Admin Page: Middleware, GraphQL
- Refactor resolvers to use user middleware.
- Improvement - Student submissions now has title!
- Testing - Match snapshots.
js0 | js1 | js2 | js3 | js4 | js5 | js6 |
6 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 |
July 13 - Grace Hopper
- 6 PRs
- Better error messaging on signup flow
- Minor code improvements - review UI, update GraphQL Types, Fix Tests, Faster review page
js0 | js1 | js2 | js3 | js4 | js5 | js6 |
3 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
July 6 - Bill Gates
Last week We merged in 4 PRs! Here are some new changes that got deployed:
- Profile page launched! Type in anyone's username in the url path to see their profile status! For example, https://www.c0d3.com/profile/serniebanders
- 2 new components - FailCard + MDInput. If you are reviewing solutions (Thank You for doing that), you should see a preview button. Write your review in markdown and click on preview to see what it looks like!
- Our engineering team will be holding a Town Hall every Monday 7pm PST (starting July 13, 2020) to take your feedback about c0d3.com platform on how it can improve, answer questions you have, etc.
- We have 2 new students joining our engineering team, congrats @noob and @serniebanders for finishing all the challenges up to JS6!
- Engineering to start doing daily updates.
Last Sprint June 30 - July 7, 2020 (12am PST)
js0 | js1 | js2 | js3 | js4 | js5 | js6 |
5 | 4 | 3 | 6 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
June 29 - Brad Fitzpatrick
- 2 MRs Merged. Refactoring with better types.
- Youtube Channel - c0d3 curriculum
- Anthony finished JS0-JS6
This Sprint June 23 - June 30, 2020 (12am PST)
js0 | js1 | js2 | js3 | js4 | js5 | js6 |
4 | 6 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
June 22 - Brendan Eich
Last week We merged in 8 PRs! Here are some new changes that got deployed:
- Backend for the profile page so you can see other student's progress.
- New workflow to automatically generate TypeScript Types from GraphQL TypeDef
- Bug fixes & Improvements - Alert Flicker, Awesome loading, profile page, link to profile page.
This Sprint June 16 - June 22, 2020 (12am PST)
js0 | js1 | js2 | js3 | js4 | js5 | js6 |
5 | 9 | 9 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Want to run your own stats? API for anyone interested: https://stats.a0d3.com/
This sprint's contributors are @coltonje95 @noob101
@coltonje95 added a video of himself adding a feature to c0d3.com: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQqu4hNmfz4&feature=youtu.be&t=75
June 15 - Michael Dell
- 7 Pull Requests
- Profile Page
- Themed components
- Bug fixes - correct notifications for
, UI content changes, refactoring Last week We merged in 7 PRs! Here are some new changes that got deployed:
- New profile page to see your progress! Visit https://www.c0d3.com/profile/me to get a holistic view of your progress.
- Themed components for better UI consistency and developer experience.
- Bug fixes: Correct
notifications, UI, refactor and remove bad code.
A few students expressed interest in stats, so there are some stats:
Since beginning of c0d3
js0 | js1 | js2 | js3 | js4 | js5 | js6 |
197 | 102 | 70 | 40 | 24 | 21 | 9 |
This year Jan 1, 2020 (PST) - June 15
js0 | js1 | js2 | js3 | js4 | js5 | js6 |
67 | 34 | 23 | 12 | 5 | 11 | 3 |
Last Sprint June 9 - June 16, 2020 (12am PST)
js0 | js1 | js2 | js3 | js4 | js5 | js6 |
17 | 10 | 6 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Want to run your own stats? API for anyone interested: https://stats.a0d3.com/
Want to see graphs of these data? We added a few to a shared google sheets, feel free to add / modify as you wish.
June 8 - Vint Cerf
- Posted about c0d3 on HN - 200+ points, front page for about 19 hours and about 20k traffic.
- User cross posted it to reddit
- 819 new accounts created
- 13 PRs merged in
- Teacher Page - View, Approve, Reject submissions
Page- Analytics with posthog This week, we also posted about c0d3.com on HN. Front page for 19 hours.
June 1 - Tim Berners-Lee
11 PRs Merged!
- New signup flow with email
- Reset password functonality
- Favicon
- Alerts
- Dev
- Storybook code samples
- CLI Tool v2
- Analytics - Posthog and Sentry
May 25 - Dan Abramov
- 5 Merged PRs
- Can see how many submissions are pending
- Bug fixes and big PR merge
Kickoff - 11/18/2019
Weekly Sprints, Mondays at 9.00PM. Holidays are no Exceptions.
Sprint names after coding languages
909 Students
9 actives
Launch c0d3.com for public beta.
TODO: Written Summary of the past 26 sprints.
- 4 Prs Merged in
- Progress bar for student progress
- Link to chat in nav and intro card
Z Notation - May 11
- 2 PRs
- Sentry and Error logging
- UI components for Profile image and user info
- 10 PRs merged in
- Migrate Apollo Client to use v2 server
- Logging Module
- Bug fixes - Login / logout
- Show code review
- Show lesson progress
- Profile page components
- Guess - How many requests will hit
endpoint?Herman - 9000Sahil - 25000Song - 2000Rahul - 1499Colton - 1000Michael - 7500- Alexis - 5000
David - 1500Real count: 5980 for/graphql
, 3252 for/session
- Goal - Backend Complete, Lesson Page Complete
- 14 PRs Merged
- [Dev] - Challenge Diff
- Backend
- signin / signup
- Session
- Lessons
- Lesson Page
- View submissions
- Fix Firefox Rendering Bug (Button off bottom)
Webassembly - April 20
- 17 PRs Merged
VimScript - April 13
- 5 PRs merged!
- Dynamic active challenge selection
- Challenge title card shows state
- SVG bug
- Coverage Threshold
UnrealScript - April 6
- Migrated www.c0d3.com to v2.
- 6 Prs merged
- Curriculum page shows number of submissions to review
- Lesson page shows dynamic challenges
- Signup functionality works
- Correct links
- Back to 100% code coverage!
- 6 Prs merged
- Curriculum page displays correct status, allows users to go to lesson doc
- Curriculum page displays the correct lesson that users are on
- Submission Cards component complete
- Cross site credentials - working on all browsers
- New Engineering Best Practices
- 2 Prs merged
- Working curriculum page with production user data in v2
(we skipped Q because there are no good languages starting with Q)
- Library Program Cancelled
- 1 Pr merged
- V2 Login page has validation and logs you in!
- New Project - Database Creation
- 8 PRs Merged!
- Curriculum Pages Complete
- 3 PRs Merged
- Curriculum Page Updates
Nim - Feb 24, 2020
- 5 Merge Requests
- New Page- curriculum page
- 100% Code Coverage
- Apollo Client setup to send graphQL requests and hydrate components with data.
- NEW MEMBER! Alexis Ortiz Ojeda
Main Accomplishments:
- Apollo Client Setup
- Development Docs Setup
- Complete backend research - address potential scalability issues.
- New Pages! login page / signup page
- Updated navbar component
- 100% Code Coverage
- Proof of concept serverless graphql backend with next.js
Main Accomplishments:
- Complete backend research
- login / signup page
- navbar component
Last week we saw 8 new user accounts:
We saw 76 submissions.
- 10 Merged Requests
Main accomplishments are:
- Landing Page complete
- Login architecture and scalability decided (docs will come)
- Development workflow - testing setup, CI/CD.
May have errors, calculated Wednesday 11am instead of Monday 10pm. 37 hours delay.
Last week we saw 15 new user accounts:
We saw 79 submissions.
Our Eng Team has been hard at work and just Completed Sprint Kotlin Read Update
- 1 Merged PR
- Landing Page Nav Bar created
v2 website: https://v2.c0d3.com
Main debate last week was choosing a CSS standard to follow. We went back and forth between native CSS Grids, JSX styling, and ultimately decided on Bootstrap and custom sass variable overwrites for customization.
Last week we saw 20 new user accounts:
If you are new, welcome! Please ask questions if you get stuck!
We saw 84 submissions. For those students who stepped up and reviewed student submissions, THANK YOU for helping and please follow up to make sure students understand your comments.
Next Sprint: Lisp 2/10/20
- Accomplishment - Main app setup
- 4 PRs Merged - EsLint, Storybook, NextJS, Testing Setup
- Designs received - https://scene.zeplin.io/project/5e19606fd539a701e62f9d70
Io - Jan 20, 2020
Goal - Leverage framework as much as possible instead of mixing a bunch of tools all together.
- Next.js
- Great routing setup, easy deployment.
- Includes styled components
- Jest for testing (Snapshots)
- Language - TypeScript Repo: https://github.com/garageScript/c0d3.com/pulls
- Evaluate technologies: (zeit.co & next.js & Gatsby.js)
- Alternative: deploy to DigitalOcean + use DO Postgres hosted DB.
- Test and increase code coverage
Put codebase on Github!- Post weekly updates (Who passed JS0, JS1, etc)
- 0 MRs Merged
- Gitlab Commit Conference
- SourceGraph Integration
- Planning
- Technical Decisions
- Next.js
- Tailwind.css
- StoryBook
- Prepare react testing libraries for writing component tests
- Design Spec (Design Specifications for new designs)
- Review authentication design doc
- TypeScript with React (should we?)
- PropTypes with React?
Goal: Integration + Unit Test
- 6 MRs Merged
- Started Unit Tests
- Ability to delete users on waitlist
- Be bold! Make big changes!
- Daily Standups
MYPROXY Launched, freedomains.dev also launched.
Goal: LAUNCH MY_PROXY (No Sprint because we were trying to launch)
Goal: LAUNCH MY_PROXY & Launch Library Meetup
- 9 Merged PRs (2 community contributions):
- Continue Daily Stand-ups
Goal: LAUNCH MY_PROXY & Launch Library Meetup
- 6 Merged PRs:
Refactored status API
Website update bug
Mapping Cache for Performance REST url fix
Remove edit functionality
Support Websocket
- Installed
on c0d3.com, themindfulpug.com, ppmuse.com - 4 Remaining Launch Blockers for myProxy
- Setup c0d3.com Library Meetup group
- ML Lesson Wrap up for JS4
- Try to ask questions in chatroom instead of 1-1, if possible. This way, everyone can help and learn from each other.
- Start daily standups. Before 10am, post:
What you worked on yesterday,
what you plan to work on today,
and blockers / stuff you are unsure about.
- 3 Merged PRs
- 12 Remaining Issues: https://github.com/garageScript/myProxy/issues
- Update start script
npm run start:myProxy
default added to every new repository (domain) - Bug: Proxy root domain correctly.
- 1 open PR
- Login / SignUp