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Resources − IMT‐A

Erwan Bousse edited this page Jan 6, 2025 · 1 revision

Practical information

  • Arriving:

  • Offices

    • Massimo: B229
    • Gerson: B207
    • Department Secretary (Catherine): B214
    • Meeting rooms: B218, C114, C108
    • Coffee/fridge/printer/mailbox room: B212a
    • Toilets: B235, A237, A109
  • E-mail

    • If you have the rights for an e-mail account it will be in the form:
    • Additionally, an alias for this address will be created:
    • You can manage the account from:
    • You can also activate a redirect towards another account: check out the [Redirecting_e-mails][redirecting-emails] wiki page. In case you run into any trouble ask the department secretary.
    • Configuration for mail client:
      • Incoming (IMAP):
        • Address:
        • Port: 993
        • Login: your email address
        • Password: your CAS password
      • Outgoing (SMTP):
        • Address:
        • Port: 587
        • Login: your email address
        • Password: your CAS password
  • Access card

    • If you have the right to a personalized card, you will get an appointment for a photo
    • All the payments in the school are performed through the card
      • you can charge the card by asking the cafeteria staff in the main building
      • or you can use an automatic counter to recharge by credit card, in front of the restaurant
      • or you can recharge it online
        • create your account here, your identifiant is written on your restaurant receipt (it looks like INIT-XXXX).
        • you can contact Kaddour Fellah if you have issues related to your restaurant account
      • remember to ask for the remaining money back when your contract is over
    • The card gives you access to the gym too
    • (Only for IMT exclusive contracts) If you need to access the FST buildings (11 and 34) using the same card, follow the process below:
      • Send an email to Nathalie.Rigolage (Nathalie.Rigolage<at>univ-nantes<dot>fr) (in french) informing your current status at IMT and asking her to activate your badge to access LS2N facilities at FST.
      • She will schedule a day to reach her at her office and activate it.
        • 2 chemin de la Houssinière, Bureau : bâtiment 15, rdc, bureau I013
      • If she is unreachable for any reason, you should follow the same procedure by sending the message to Christophe Rouault (christophe.rouault<at>univ-nantes<dot>fr)
  • Enter/exit

    • Opening hours: Monday - Friday, 7:00 - 20:00
    • You can enter the building outside of the opening hours only if you have an access card with your photo on it
    • When you are inside the building you can stay as long as you want (e.g. after 20:00)
      • to exit the building you can ask the guard to open
      • sometimes it is difficult to find the guard, since she moves around the building
        • the underground exit towards the parking is always open
  • Wifi

  • Printer

  • Snail mail

    • you can leave it to the secretary
    • for personal mails, you have to buy the stamp
    • snail mail leaves every day at 16:00
  • Travel / Conferences

    • Non-permanent members: plan things with your supervisor
    • Plan things in advance:
      • France: at least 2 weeks before departure
      • International: at least 1 month before departure
    • Send an email to sec-dapi<at>imt-atlantique<dot>fr and the team responsible with the following template (in french):
      • Date :
      • Lieu :
      • Objet de la mission :
      • Nombre de personne(s) : Si plusieurs personnes font le même déplacement, grouper la mission en une demande.
      • Trajets : Dans l'idéal, les horaires recherchés par le voyageur ou au moins, les contraintes.
      • Réductions éventuelles / carte de fidélité :
      • Imputation de la mission : Quel budget finance la mission ?
      • Estimation du coût total de la mission : (prix voyage + montant inscription + indemnités journalières)
      • Si cours à remplacer, préciser le nom du remplaçant :
    • For conferences, you must also detail services included in the price

Digital services

Your institutional accounts give you access to many resources such as software, online libraries or newspapers.

The DISI lists software they offer here.

In short you can get:


Just log in here using your IMT email to get a professional account.

Microsoft software

  • Office & Office online
  • Development tools & tutorials
  • Windows license

Steps to access:

  1. login to pairuc
  2. in the "Profil" page make sure you checked "Communiquer mes données pour l'utilisation de Microsoft Azure"
  3. wait, IMT account are synchronized with Microsoft twice a day
  4. login in using your IMT email, you may have to create a new password and activate your account

Using the same account you can access Azure DevToolsForTeaching portal to get licenses for development related software and OS.

Online libraries and databases

See this page that lists and details how to access these resources.

Remote access & VPN

Windows virtual machine

You can use Campus Distant to start a Windows 10 virtual machine inside IMT network.


IMT offers VPN access, go here to get the client and/or OpenVPN configuration files.


There are several proxies available depending on your need. This page summarizes what proxy you need to use.

Github products

(Only for PhD students). With institutional e-mail and a certificate, you can subscribe to the "GitHub Student Developer Pack," which gives you access to a set of products from Github and partners.

Meeting rooms

When looking for a meeting room in the[IMT-A Zimbra], search for any available room with a code starting with NA- (stands for "NANTES"), excluding:

  • rooms starting with NA-M (stands for "maison des élèves"),
  • room NA-BESSE-60-VC (amphitheater, not adapter for meetings, and can be overridden for conferences/seminars).

You may prefer rooms closest to our corridor, either in building B (such as na-b218) or C (such as NA-C114-8).

Note that most room identifiers include:

  • the size of the zoom (eg. NA-C114-8 is located in building C in room C114, and can hold 8 people) ,
  • whether the room is equipped for video conferencing, written as VC (eg. NA-A125-16-VC is located in building A in room A125, can hold 16 people, and is equipped for video conferencing)
