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SheetDataTool easily processes GoogleSheet or ExcelSheet data, serializes it to json, and automatically generates code for use in Unity.



Install via git URL

  1. Open package manager

image image

  1. Add package from git URL


Sheet Guide

The sheet guide explains how to create a sheet, given each situation and tells you how to create a sheet for it.

Make basic sheet

Example situation

Let's first design an item table. The item table has unique number and name information.


Item table
Name Type IsPrimaryKey Comment
Id int TRUE Unique identifier
Name string Name
Id Name
1 Sword
2 RedPotion

To create a sheet, each item must be defined. Basically, Description, Design, Name, and Data items must be defined, and each content is as follows.

  • Description : Write a description of the table.
  • Design : Write a table structue.

Design sub items

Item ForceExist Information
Name O Item's name
Type O Item's type
IsPrimaryKey O Indicates whether the item is a unique key. If set as a unique key, it cannot have the same value
Comment X Item's comment
  • Name : Represents a column of items in a table structure.
  • Data : Write a table data.

Generated Code

/// <summary>
/// Item table
/// </summary>
public sealed partial record Item : DesignSheetDataHelper<int, Item>, IDesignSheetData<int>
	public int Key => Id;

	/// <summary> Unique identifier </summary>
	public int Id { get; init; }

	/// <summary> Name </summary>
	public string Name { get; init; }


Serialized Data(Json)

    "Id": 1,
    "Name": "Sword"
    "Id": 2,
    "Name": "RedPotion"

Usable types

Sheets can use C# basic types, Unity built-in types, List, and user-defined types, and can declare them as Nullable.

C# basic types

Name Description
sbyte signed 8-bit interger
byte unsigned 8-bit interger
short signed 16-bit interger
ushort unsigned 16-bit interger
int signed 32-bit interger
uint unsigned 32-bit interger
long signed 64-bit interger
ulong usinged 64-bit interger
float 32-bit single-precision
double 64-bit double-precision
string string literals
bool logical uantities

Unity built-in types

Name Description
Vector2 2 dimension float vector
Vector3 3 dimention float vector
Vector2Int 2 dimension int vector
Vector3Int 3 dimension int vector
Color Represents a color value and has red, blue, green, and alpha values

Declare as Nullable

You can define a nullable type by adding a ? after the type.

Using nullable type

Example situation

Next, let's use a nullable type. Add the usage period to the item table, and use null if there is no value if the usage period exists.


Item table
Name Type IsPrimaryKey Comment
Id int TRUE Unique identifier
Name string Name
Period int? Possession period(Days)
Id Name Period
1 Sword 200
2 RedPotion null

Generated Code

/// <summary>
/// Item table
/// </summary>
public sealed partial record Item : DesignSheetDataHelper<int, Item>, IDesignSheetData<int>
	public int Key => Id;

	/// <summary> Unique identifier </summary>
	public int Id { get; init; }

	/// <summary> Name </summary>
	public string Name { get; init; }

	/// <summary> Possession period(Days) </summary>
	public int? Period { get; init; }


Serialized Data(Json)

    "Id": 1,
    "Name": "Sword",
    "Period": 200
    "Id": 2,
    "Name": "RedPotion",
    "Period": null

Using enum

Example situtation

Next, let's add the item type to the table. Item types include weapon, potion, and package types, and let's mark them as enum.


Item table
Enum:Global ItemType
Name Comment
Weapon Weapon item
Potion Potion item
Package Package item
Name Type IsPrimaryKey Comment
Id int TRUE Unique identifier
Name string Name
Period int? Possession period(Days)
Type ItemType Item type
Id Name Period Type
1 Sword 200 Weapon
2 RedPotion null Potion
3 BeginnerPackage null Package

To use enum, enum items must be defined and names and names of each sub item must be written.

Enum sub items

Item ForceExist Information
Name O Item's name
Comment X Item's comment
Value X Item's value(If the value is set, it is set to that value, and if not, it has the previous value +1)

Options : Each item can have options, separated by colon(:).

Enum options

Option Information
Global By defining the corresponding enum globally, it can be used in other tables as well
Types(long, ulong, int, uint, short, ushort, sbyte, byte) Enum type

Generated Code

public enum ItemType : int
	/// <summary> Weapon item </summary>

	/// <summary> Potion item </summary>

	/// <summary> Package item </summary>


/// <summary>
/// Item table
/// </summary>
public sealed partial record Item : DesignSheetDataHelper<int, Item>, IDesignSheetData<int>
	public int Key => Id;

	/// <summary> Unique identifier </summary>
	public int Id { get; init; }

	/// <summary> Name </summary>
	public string Name { get; init; }

	/// <summary> Possession period(Days) </summary>
	public int? Period { get; init; }

	/// <summary> Item type </summary>
	public ItemType Type { get; init; }


Serialized Data(Json)

    "Id": 1,
    "Name": "Sword",
    "Period": 200,
    "Type": "Weapon"
    "Id": 2,
    "Name": "RedPotion",
    "Period": null,
    "Type": "Potion"
    "Id": 3,
    "Name": "BeginnerPackage",
    "Period": null,
    "Type": "Package"

Using list

Example situation

Next, let's add a package item. A package item is an item that bundles various items, and has a list of item numbers owned by it.


Item table
Enum:Global ItemType
Name Comment
Weapon Weapon item
Potion Potion item
Package Package item
Name Type IsPrimaryKey Comment
Id int TRUE Unique identifier
Name string Name
Period int? Possession period(Days)
Type ItemType Item type
PackageItemIds List<int> If it is a package item, list of package contents item unique number
Id Name Period Type PackageItemIds[0] PackageItemIds[1]
1 Sword 200 Weapon
2 RedPotion null Potion
3 BeginnerPackage null Package 1 2

To use a list, declare it as List when the desired type is T, and write the index of each list name in the Name item. If the list item value of Data is empty, it is regarded as having no value, and only when there is a value, the value is entered into the corresponding list.

Generated Code

/// <summary>
/// Item table
/// </summary>
public sealed partial record Item : DesignSheetDataHelper<int, Item>, IDesignSheetData<int>
	public int Key => Id;

	/// <summary> Unique identifier </summary>
	public int Id { get; init; }

	/// <summary> Name </summary>
	public string Name { get; init; }

	/// <summary> Possession period(Days) </summary>
	public int? Period { get; init; }

	/// <summary> Item type </summary>
	public ItemType Type { get; init; }

	/// <summary> If it is a package item, list of package contents item unique number </summary>
	private List<int> _packageItemIds { get; init; }

	public IReadOnlyList<int> PackageItemIds => _packageItemIds;


Serizlied Data

    "Id": 1,
    "Name": "Sword",
    "Period": 200,
    "Type": "Weapon",
    "PackageItemIds": null
    "Id": 2,
    "Name": "RedPotion",
    "Period": null,
    "Type": "Potion",
    "PackageItemIds": null
    "Id": 3,
    "Name": "BeginnerPackage",
    "Period": null,
    "Type": "Package",
    "PackageItemIds": [

Using record

Example situation

Next, let's add item icon image information to the item table. Item image consists of Atlas name and Sprite name, and let's define it by binding it to record.


Item table
Enum:Global ItemType
Name Comment
Weapon Weapon item
Potion Potion item
Package Package item
Record:Global ImageInfo
Name Type Comment
SpriteName string Sprite name for image
AtlasName string Atlas name for image
Name Type IsPrimaryKey Comment
Id int TRUE Unique identifier
Name string Name
Period int? Possession period(Days)
Type ItemType Item type
PackageItemIds List If it is a package item, list of package contents item unique number
IconImageInfo ImageInfo Icon image info
Id Name Period Type PackageItemIds[0] PackageItemIds[1] IconImageInfo.SpriteName IconImageInfo.AtlasName
1 Sword 200 Weapon Sword WeaponAtlas
2 RedPotion null Potion RedPotion PotionAtlas
3 BeginnerPackage null Package 1 2 BeginnerPackage PackageAtlas

To use the record item, define the record, name on the right side, and name, type, and comment corresponding to the sub item on the bottom. Also, in the Name item, you can access each record item by adding a . to the name of each design.

Record Options

Option Information
Global By defining the corresponding record globally, it can be used in other tables as well

Generated Code

public partial record ImageInfo
	/// <summary> Sprite name for image </summary>
	public string SpriteName { get; init; }

	/// <summary> Atlas name for image </summary>
	public string AtlasName { get; init; }


/// <summary>
/// Item table
/// </summary>
public sealed partial record Item : DesignSheetDataHelper<int, Item>, IDesignSheetData<int>
	public int Key => Id;

	/// <summary> Unique identifier </summary>
	public int Id { get; init; }

	/// <summary> Name </summary>
	public string Name { get; init; }

	/// <summary> Possession period(Days) </summary>
	public int? Period { get; init; }

	/// <summary> Item type </summary>
	public ItemType Type { get; init; }

	/// <summary> If it is a package item, list of package contents item unique number </summary>
	private List<int> _packageItemIds { get; init; }

	public IReadOnlyList<int> PackageItemIds => _packageItemIds;

	/// <summary> Icon image info </summary>
	public ImageInfo IconImageInfo { get; init; }


Serizlied Data(Json)

    "Id": 1,
    "Name": "Sword",
    "Period": 200,
    "Type": "Weapon",
    "PackageItemIds": null,
    "IconImageInfo": {
      "SpriteName": "Sword",
      "AtlasName": "WeaponAtlas"
    "Id": 2,
    "Name": "RedPotion",
    "Period": null,
    "Type": "Potion",
    "PackageItemIds": null,
    "IconImageInfo": {
      "SpriteName": "RedPotion",
      "AtlasName": "PotionAtlas"
    "Id": 3,
    "Name": "BeginnerPackage",
    "Period": null,
    "Type": "Package",
    "PackageItemIds": [
    "IconImageInfo": {
      "SpriteName": "BeginnerPackage",
      "AtlasName": "PackageAtlas"

Using constant

Example situation

Next, we define the maximum number of items we can have as a constant.


Item table
Name Type Value Comment
MaxItemCount int 20 Maximum number of items a player can have
Enum:Global ItemType
Name Comment
Weapon Weapon item
Potion Potion item
Package Package item
Record:Global ImageInfo
Name Type Comment
SpriteName string Sprite name for image
AtlasName string Atlas name for image
Name Type IsPrimaryKey Comment
Id int TRUE Unique identifier
Name string Name
Period int? Possession period(Days)
Type ItemType Item type
PackageItemIds List If it is a package item, list of package contents item unique number
IconImageInfo ImageInfo Icon image info
Id Name Period Type PackageItemIds[0] PackageItemIds[1] IconImageInfo.SpriteName IconImageInfo.AtalsName
1 Sword 200 Weapon Sword WeaponAtlas
2 RedPotion null Potion RedPotion PotionAtlas
3 BeginnerPackage null Package 1 2 BeginnerPackage PackageAtlas

Generated Code

/// <summary>
/// Item table
/// </summary>
public sealed partial record Item : FullSheetDataHelper<int, Item>, IDesignSheetData<int>
	private static int _maxItemCount { get; set; }

	/// <summary> Maximum number of items a player can have </summary>
	public static int MaxItemCount
			if(IsLoaded is false) LoadData();
			return _maxItemCount;

	public int Key => Id;

	/// <summary> Unique identifier </summary>
	public int Id { get; init; }

	/// <summary> Name </summary>
	public string Name { get; init; }

	/// <summary> Possession period(Days) </summary>
	public int? Period { get; init; }

	/// <summary> Item type </summary>
	public ItemType Type { get; init; }

	/// <summary> If it is a package item, list of package contents item unique number </summary>
	private List<int> _packageItemIds { get; init; }

	public IReadOnlyList<int> PackageItemIds => _packageItemIds;

	/// <summary> Icon image info </summary>
	public ImageInfo IconImageInfo { get; init; }


Serialized Data(Json)

"item1" : 
  "MaxItemCount": 20
"item2" : 
    "Id": 1,
    "Name": "Sword",
    "Period": 200,
    "Type": "Weapon",
    "PackageItemIds": null,
    "IconImageInfo": {
      "SpriteName": "Sword",
      "AtlasName": "WeaponAtlas"
    "Id": 2,
    "Name": "RedPotion",
    "Period": null,
    "Type": "Potion",
    "PackageItemIds": null,
    "IconImageInfo": {
      "SpriteName": "RedPotion",
      "AtlasName": "PotionAtlas"
    "Id": 3,
    "Name": "BeginnerPackage",
    "Period": null,
    "Type": "Package",
    "PackageItemIds": [
    "IconImageInfo": {
      "SpriteName": "BeginnerPackage",
      "AtlasName": "PackageAtlas"

Using interface

Update later.

Unity Guide

Generate google sheet oauth token

  1. Enter google cloud platform site(
  2. Select project button
  3. Select new prject button
  4. Create new project
  5. Select api and service then click aouth button
  6. Click created project
  7. Click outside and create
  8. Write information and continue
  9. Save and continue
  10. Save and continue
  11. Back to dashboard
  12. Click IAM then service account button
  13. Click create new service account button
  14. Click confirm button
  15. Click email button
  16. Click key and new key button
  17. Create with json
  18. Click product and solution then all product button
  19. Search 'sheet'
  20. Click google sheet api button
  21. Click use button

Set up window setting

  1. Open SheetDataTool window(Window -> SheetDataTool)

  2. Write access info
    First select sheet type
    GoogleSheet : google sheet in cloud
    ExcelSheet : excel sheet file in drive

  • Google Sheet OAuth file path : Set it to the path of the aouth file created in the previous step.
    Spread sheet id : Write down the value in the path after d/ among the paths in the spread sheet.
    (Ex, If path is then 123456789A is id.)

  • Excel Sheet Select excel file folder path

  1. Set setting values
    Set the setting information to be used in sheets and scripts.

Enter the platform information to use. One script and data file per platform is provided and supports Unity or general csharp.
When using Unity, you must add UnityEngine and UnityEngine.AddressableAssets.

  1. Generate data and script
    When the setting is complete, the list of sheets is displayed and data and scripts are created by pressing the cs and ed buttons.
    cs : regenerate script and json file(when data structure changed.)
    ed : export only json file(when data structure not changed.)

  2. Generate default script
    Create a basic script for using the sheet data tool.

How to use

// 1. Find member by key
var key = 1;
var item = Item.Find(key);

// 2. Find member by condition
var item = Item.Find(x => x.Name == "Sword");
// 3. Find members by condition
var items = Item.FindAll(x => x.Type == ItemType.Potion);
// 4. Call all items
foreach(var item in Item.Data)
	// something...
var items = Item.Data.Where(x => x.Type == ItemType.Potion); // same way as 3

// 5. Call constant value
var maxItemCount = Item.MaxItemCount;

Release Notes

Version 1.0.1

  • Bug fixes


This library is under the MIT License.