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2024 Rewrite & Refactor Goals:

"Simplify, then add lightness" --Colin Chapman, Lotus Cars

  1. Consolidate all secrets into 1Password using op cli
  2. Make environment setup portable and quick to build on new machines
  3. Standardize installed package and application lists through brew and brew --cask
  4. Consolidate config into one repository (no more separate nvim and tmux repos, separate Iterm2 prefs, etc)
  5. Simplify and reduce number of config files and package managers
    • Removed oh-my-zsh
    • Removed antidote
  6. Improve startup times of zsh, tmux, and neovim
    • zsh
      • Between 2x and 3x faster according to zprof
  7. Leverage linux support in brew to make a compatible osx/ubuntu config
  8. Smooth dark mode / light mode transitions on osx
  9. Just generally move more of my life under git control.