title | author | date |
What do Data-Oriented Parsing and Categorial Grammar have to offer each other? |
Wen Kokke |
April 6th, 2016 |
In this paper, we will look into the possible applications of data-oriented parsing (DOP) to categorial grammars (CG). We do this by examining two possible applications of DOP to CG. In \autoref{the-problems-of-training-a-dop-model-on-a-corpus-of-cg-proofs} we will discuss the possibility of training a DOP model on CG proofs, and the problems that come with that. After that, in \autoref{learning-grammar-logics-with-dop}, we will discuss the possibility of converting an existing DOP model to a categorial grammar. First, however, we will briefly introduce DOP and CG.
In the most general sense, data-oriented parsing (DOP) is a
methodology for deriving probabilistic rule-based grammars from
corpora. Most commonly, DOP is used to derive a probabilistic tree
substitution grammar (PTSG) from a treebank. So what is a PTSG? The
PTSG formalism is an extension over probabilistic context-free
grammars (PCFG). In short, we can view the rules in a context-free
grammar as trees. For instance,
\Tree [.{S} NP VP ]
Because of the structure of rules in CFG, rules will always correspond
to trees of depth one, i.e. consisting of a single node. Tree
substitution grammar simply drops this restriction, and allows
arbitrary trees as rules. Going back to probabilistic TSGs, in PTSG
each tree is assigned a probability, similar to the way this is done
in PCFGS---i.e. the probabilities for all trees with root label
The derivation of a grammar using the DOP methodology is done in two steps:
take all subtrees of all the parse trees in the treebank as rules;
compute the probability of each rule by counting the frequency of the associated subtree in the treebank.
Since taking all subtrees is practically infeasible, there is a large body of work on statistical methods which aid the derivation of approximate DOP grammars. However, since such methods approximate the simple, deterministic process outlined above, and the exact manner in which DOP grammars are constructed will be irrelevant for the remainder of this paper, we will assume that DOP grammars are derived using the simpler, deterministic procedure instead.
Over the years, categorial grammar (CG) has come to be different things. In the form of the Lambek calculus [L;@lambek1958], categorial grammar was purely a grammar formalism---a logical method to decide whether or not a list of words formed a grammatical sentence. However, the presence of associativity in the Lambek calculus turned out to be too permissive, leading to the formulation of the non-associative Lambek calculus [NL;@lambek1961]. Ostensibly, this changed the formalism---it had become a logical method to decide whether or not a tree of words formed a grammatical sentence. However, this interpretation is misleading. L and NL both support two methods of proof search: forward-chaining and backward-chaining. As backward-chaining proof search is incredibly simple to implement, most researchers gravitate towards it---and using backward-chaining search, the above interpretation (that the formalism has changed) is true. One uses proof search to find a proof given a sequent, and in NL, such a sequent invariably contains a tree structure for the sentence. However, using forward-chaining proof search, one derives all possible sentences given a list of words. Therefore, forward-chaining proof search with NL will actually give you more than with L. In L, you obtain a grammaticality judgement, whereas in NL you obtain a grammaticality judgement and a parse tree.
There is a second component that has become inseperable from categorial grammar and is arguably its greatest feature: derivational semantics. Because categorial grammars are sound, logical systems, it is possible to interpret grammaticality proofs as programs in a lambda calculus, and obtain compositional semantics in this manner.
Lastly, there is large group of extensions over both L and NL, which are known as extended Lambek calculi. For an overview of such extended calculi, see @moortgat2010.
In summary, there are two main branches of categorial grammar as a grammar formalism: the branch based on the Lambek calculus, and the branch based on the non-associative Lambek calculus. Both of them are logical grammar formalisms with derivational semantics. When we talk about CG, we are referring to the group composed of L and NL with derivational semantics, and their extensions.
The DOP model proposes "to directly use corpus fragments as a grammar" [@bod2008]. It does this by generating grammars based on thee subtrees of trees in the corpus. In CG, a grammaticality judgement is a proof, and a proof is a tree structure. This means that, if we had a corpus of CG proofs, we could theoretically train a DOP model based on this corpus. In this case, label substitution would be the actual label substitution operator, and the labels would be sequents.
Here, we immediately run into the problem that there are no large corpuses available for CGs (since CG research tends to focus on rule-crafting rather than corpus-building) and there are definitely no hand-annotated golden standards such as the Penn Treebank---there is hardly a canonical logical system. The only CG formalism which has fairly large corpuses available is CCG, and this is one of the few CG formalisms which does not admit cut.
There is another problem with the use of corpuses of CG derivations, which has to do with the tendency of CGs to fit---an ideal categorial grammar does not overgenerate, and in practice, many CGs have the tendency to undergenerate. This means that if we have a corpus of derivations, we have a set of logical rules which perfectly analyse and generate the syntactic phenomena in the corpus. Therefore, building a DOP model out of these derivations will add very litte. In addition, if we were have generated golden standard corpus, it would imply that we already have a CG which generates that corpus. It would be doubtful whether the DOP parsing algorithm would offer much in the way of an improvement over the CG algorithm.
Furthermore, this suggestion begs the questions of whether CG derivations have the same useful subtree structure which we find in parse trees. It is quite likely that the usefulness of subderivations will vary greatly between different categorial grammars, and between various styles---sequent calculus, natural deduction, etc. One problem for such subderivation structure is the fact that proofs generally either have a great deal of spurious ambiguity, or a normal form and a normalisation procedure. If the first is the case, it is in no way guaranteed that the same derivation will always have the same structure, and in the second case, there label substitution is not guaranteed to will not preserve this structure.
For the concept of "subderivation" to make sense, the CG will have to have a rather strict normal-form. Depending on the properties of this normal-form, we may have to move away from TSG and into TAG---for instance, some simple linguistic phenomenon may consist of multiple rule applications which happen at different steps in the proof. To capture these dependencies, and group them as a single, often occurring, linguistic phenomenon, we would need to use TAG.
Furthermore, it may be hard to capture some phenomena in subtrees---or subderivations. Let us assume we have some restricted version of exchange, which would allow us to perform some form of movement, e.g. quantifier movement $$ \AXC{$A$} \UIC{${\updownarrow}A$} \DisplayProof \quad \AXC{$A \prod (B \prod {\updownarrow}C)$} \doubleLine \UIC{${\updownarrow}C \prod (A \prod B)$} \DisplayProof \quad \AXC{$A \prod ({\updownarrow}B \prod C)$} \doubleLine \UIC{${\updownarrow}B \prod (A \prod C)$} \DisplayProof $$ Now, regardless of whether or not these are good rules for quantifier raising---but, for the record, they are not---you can see the problem here. The rules allow for any quantifier to move up, and back down. But, as the movement is done step-wise, for any given sentence, there will be a new sequence of rule applications. Therefore, it is unlikely that such a pattern will be picked up by a DOP model.
On the other hand, if you engineer your CG such that it summarizes the
quantifier movement in a single rule application, e.g as
then you have a different problem, namely that the context
In previous work, Bod has "shown how discourse and semantics can be incorporated into DOP if we have corpora containing discourse structure and semantic annotations" [@bod1998;@bod2008]. He refers to work on the OVIS corpus, which has semantics that are essentially application-only. This is already more or less equivalent to using a CG limited to the application-only AB fragment. We can cover quite a lot of linguistic examples with such an approach: @kiselyov2014 have demonstrated how to elegantly handle scope-taking in-situ, and using extensible effects [@shan2002;@kiselyov2013] we should be able to analyse many non-compositional semantic phenomena (anaphora, expressives, intensionality, etc.) without leaving the application-only fragment. However, we would run into problems with movement. While these would be taken care of syntactically by the DOP framework, there is no mechanism which assigns them the correct semantics. Additionally, for this to work, we would need a corpus annotated with function-application structure---so, in essence, the OVIS corpus---which is quite a lot to ask for an approach that aims to be example-based. Furthermore, it's not entirely obvious how to generalise such an approach to be unsupervised. Therefore, this might be a viable option in the development of domain-specific grammars, but for general grammars we should expect it to be infeasible. And, since our grammar will be application-only, there is no value added by DOP, since an AB grammar will be equally successful, and much less expensive to run.
It seems, therefore, that this sort of application of DOP to CG will futile. The patterns that you would need to learn are not easily as simple as subtrees.
There is another obvious similarity between DOP and CG: the notions of
trees and label substitution in TSG on the one hand, and sequents and
cut in CG on the other. We can define a mapping $X^$ which interprets
labelled binary trees as formulas or structures, where $\prod$ is the
product, either structural or logical:
[_A;X;Y]^ = X \prod Y
w^* = w
We can extend this mapping to generate sequents by taking the root
label to be the output type. We write the resulting mapping
If we apply the above translation to our earlier example of label substitution, we get: $$ \text{NP}\prod\text{VP}\vdash\text{S} \quad\circ\quad \text{mary}\vdash\text{NP} \quad\circ\quad \text{laughs}\vdash\text{VP} \quad\mapsto\quad \text{mary}\prod\text{laughs}\vdash\text{S} $$ The link with cut is clear. However, there is one problem. On the CG side of things, this notion of sequents and cut contains some additional derivational structure---represented below by the vertical dots---which is absent in DOP: \begin{prooftree} \AXC{$\vdots$} \noLine \UIC{$\text{NP}\prod\text{VP}\vdash\text{S}$} \AXC{$\vdots$} \noLine \UIC{$\text{mary}\vdash\text{NP}$} \RightLabel{cut} \BIC{$\text{mary}\prod\text{VP}\vdash\text{S}$} \AXC{$\vdots$} \noLine \UIC{$\text{laughs}\vdash\text{VP}$} \RightLabel{cut} \BIC{$\text{mary}\prod\text{laughs}\vdash\text{S}$} \end{prooftree} In order for this similarity to be useful in practice, we would somehow have to add in or recover this structure. There is one interesting way in which we might be able to go about this.
As outlined in the previous section, if we were in the possession of a golden standard corpus of CG derivations, it is likely that we would also be in the possesion of some set of CG rules which perfectly generate the subset of the language used in the corpus. Futhermore, if we were to apply DOP to such a corpus, there is no guarantee that the subderivations we would extract from it would be in any way meaningful or useful.
However, we could assume that we don't have a perfect CG. The main problem in categorial grammar is to find the right set of structural rules which correspond exactly to the structure of language. We can be reasonably sure that---in terms of expressivity---such rules must lie somewhere between linear logic and NL. Could we start out with a CG that drastically overgenerates---such as linear logic---and somehow use DOP to find a set of axioms which form an accurate model of language, however illogical they may be? In order to do so, we would need a corpus of grammatical derivations in linear logic and, somewhat predictably, such a corpus does not exist. However, we might be able to avoid the need for such a corpus. I propose the following approach:
- take a system for linear logic which has explicit structural rules and extend it with a second implication in the style of the Lambek calculi;
- define a cost measure on proofs which penalises uses of permutation rules;
- learn a DOP model with a PTSG;
- for each subtree, compute the associated sequent using the procedure outlined above, and search for a proof in linear logic;
- select those proofs which have the lowest cost.
Using this procedure, we should obtain a derivational DOP model. The question is, how good would this model be? First, let us discuss some properties that we require of the linear logic. The fragment of linear logic that we will target is MALL (or propoisitional mutiplicative additive linear logic). Furthermore, this system must be focused; that is to say, it must have a normal form so that we can search for proofs free of spurious ambiguity. Fortunately, linear logic has such a system, first discovered by @andreoli1992, and later refined by @andreoli2001 and @laurent2004. Of course, once we make the permutation rules explicit, this normal-form property is lost. Rather htan attempt to recover it by defining a normal form for permutations, I suggest that we use two fragments of linear logic: a focused system for proof search, and a system with explicit permutation for cost analysis, which need not necessarily have a normal form.
Why would we target MALL? More specifically, the Lambek calculus [@lambek1958] only has multiplicative constructs, so why include the additives? First off, @lambek1961 already mentions the usefulness of the additive conjunction for expressing ambiguity---and recently, @morrill2015 demonstrated that both additives have their use in this. Since there is no reason to believe that the treebank part-of-speech tags have an exact one-to-one correspondence with types in CG, the ability to map them to ambiguous types is important.
Why, then, would we extend MALL with Lambek-style directional implications? The reasoning here is that we wish to penalise the use of permutation. However, if we only had right-implication, then the derivation of e.g. "Mary saw John"---or any other phrase with an transitive verb, and hence a left-implication---would require a use of the permutation rule. This may lead to undesirable consequences in more complex sentences, when we really have to depend on our cost function to select the ideal interpretation. If we use directional implications, then the permutation is built into the rules for left-implication, and therefore not penalised.
Let's go over an example, and let's assume that we get to use a
somewhat normal two-sided sequent calculus version of linear logic,
so that we do not have to introduce focusing. We present such an
(implication-only) fragment in \autoref{fragment}. Let's have a look
at the analysis of the following tree:
[.{NP} She ]
[.{VP} [.{VP} [.{V} saw ]
[.{NP} [.{DT} the ] [.{NN} man ] ] ]
[.{PP} [.{IN} with ]
[.{NP} [.{DT} the ] [.{NN} telescope ] ] ] ]
We assume that the tree is analysed in the presence of a corpus, and
that DOP finds that the following subtrees are the ideal rules when
taking this corpus into account:
\Tree [.{S} [.{NP} She ] [.{VP} [.{VP} [.{V} saw ] NP ] PP ] ]
\Tree [.{PP} [.{IN} with ] NP ]
\Tree [.{NP} [.{DT} the ] NN ]
\Tree [.{NN} man ]
\Tree [.{NN} telescope ]
We apply our mapping
When I write
Anyway, let's assume that we did proof search in a version of linear logic with implicit exchange, and that we have some procedure to translate the resulting proofs to the fragment in \autoref{fragment}. Below, we show the proofs for the first sequent. For the other sequents there is only one proof, so we will not go into those.
\begin{gather} \label{prfA}\tag{A} \AXC{she}\UIC{${\textsc{she}}\vdash\text{NP}$} \AXC{saw}\UIC{${\textsc{saw}}\vdash((\text{NP}\impr\text{S})\impl\text{PP})\impl\text{NP}$} \AXC{$\vdots$}\noLine\UIC{$\text{NP}\vdash\text{NP}$} \RightLabel{${\impl}$E} \BIC{${\textsc{saw}}\prod\text{NP}\vdash(\text{NP}\impr\text{S})\impl\text{PP}$} \AXC{$\vdots$}\noLine\UIC{$\text{PP}\vdash\text{PP}$} \RightLabel{${\impl}$E} \BIC{$({\textsc{saw}}\prod\text{NP})\prod\text{PP}\vdash\text{NP}\impr\text{S}$} \RightLabel{${\impr}$E} \BIC{${\textsc{she}}\prod(({\textsc{saw}}\prod\text{NP})\prod\text{PP})\vdash\text{S}$} \DisplayProof \ \label{prfB}\tag{B} \AXC{$\vdots$}\noLine\UIC{$\text{NP}\vdash\text{NP}$} \AXC{saw}\UIC{${\textsc{saw}}\vdash((\text{NP}\impr\text{S})\impl\text{PP})\impl\text{NP}$} \AXC{she}\UIC{${\textsc{she}}\vdash\text{NP}$} \RightLabel{${\impl}$E} \BIC{${\textsc{saw}}\prod{\textsc{she}}\vdash(\text{NP}\impr\text{S})\impl\text{PP}$} \AXC{$\vdots$}\noLine\UIC{$\text{PP}\vdash\text{PP}$} \RightLabel{${\impl}$E} \BIC{$({\textsc{saw}}\prod{\textsc{she}})\prod\text{PP}\vdash\text{NP}\impr\text{S}$} \RightLabel{${\impr}$E} \BIC{$\text{NP}\prod(({\textsc{saw}}\prod{\textsc{she}})\prod\text{PP})\vdash\text{S}$} \RightLabel{Ass.} \UIC{$\text{NP}\prod(({\textsc{saw}}\prod{\textsc{she}})\prod\text{PP})\vdash\text{S}$} \RightLabel{Ass.} \UIC{$(\text{NP}\prod({\textsc{saw}}\prod{\textsc{she}}))\prod\text{PP}\vdash\text{S}$} \RightLabel{Ass.} \UIC{$((\text{NP}\prod{\textsc{saw}})\prod{\textsc{she}})\prod\text{PP}\vdash\text{S}$} \RightLabel{Comm.} \UIC{$(({\textsc{saw}}\prod\text{NP})\prod{\textsc{she}})\prod\text{PP}\vdash\text{S}$} \RightLabel{Ass.} \UIC{$({\textsc{saw}}\prod(\text{NP}\prod{\textsc{she}}))\prod\text{PP}\vdash\text{S}$} \RightLabel{Comm.} \UIC{$({\textsc{saw}}\prod({\textsc{she}}\prod\text{NP}))\prod\text{PP}\vdash\text{S}$} \RightLabel{Ass.} \UIC{$(({\textsc{saw}}\prod{\textsc{she}})\prod\text{NP})\prod\text{PP}\vdash\text{S}$} \RightLabel{Comm.} \UIC{$(({\textsc{she}}\prod{\textsc{saw}})\prod\text{NP})\prod\text{PP}\vdash\text{S}$} \RightLabel{Ass.} \UIC{$({\textsc{she}}\prod({\textsc{saw}}\prod\text{NP}))\prod\text{PP}\vdash\text{S}$} \RightLabel{Ass.} \UIC{${\textsc{she}}\prod(({\textsc{saw}}\prod\text{NP})\prod\text{PP})\vdash\text{S}$} \DisplayProof \end{gather}
As you can see, there are two proofs for the sequent
Of course, this is merely an example, and a very fortuitous one at that. There is no reason to believe that this will work in general, and there are probably many situations in which this would go wrong. Our current metric seems to be related to the distance to the landing site across the branches, and there are many examples where such a metric might give undesirable results. Nonetheless, because the most common subtrees in a DOP model tend to be small, as they have to be reusable, we believe that the complexity of linguistic phenomena within a tree may be somewhat limited, and that such simple measure as "number of permutations" may be more useful on a DOP model.
For most of this section, we have avoided talking about mapping
part-of-speech tags. Instead, we have been pretending that the these
are already valid types in the CG. However, if you look at the above
proofs, you will see that for, for instance, saw, we expect the
All in all, we believe that the idea of learning grammar logics using DOP is interesting, though further research and experimentation would be required to determine its merits.
\begin{figure}[h] \begin{mdframed} \centering \begin{minipage}{0.6\linewidth} \begin{align*} &\text{Atom} &!!!!&\alpha &!!!!&:= N\mid NP\mid S\mid PP\ &\text{Type} &!!!!&A,B &!!!!&:= \alpha\mid A\impr B\mid B\impl A\ &\text{Structure} &!!!!&\Gamma,\Delta &!!!!&:= A\mid\emptyset\mid \Gamma\prod \Delta\ &\text{Context} &!!!!&\Sigma &!!!!&:= \Box\mid \Sigma\prod \Delta\mid \Gamma\prod \Sigma \end{align*} \end{minipage}% \begin{minipage}{0.4\linewidth} \begin{align*} &\Box &!!!!&[\Gamma]&!!!!&\mapsto \Gamma\ &(\Sigma\prod \Delta) &!!!!&[\Gamma]&!!!!&\mapsto (\Sigma[\Gamma]\prod \Delta)\ &(\Delta\prod \Sigma) &!!!!&[\Gamma]&!!!!&\mapsto (\Delta\prod \Sigma[\Gamma]) \end{align*} \end{minipage} \[1\baselineskip] \begin{pfbox} \AXC{}\RightLabel{Ax}\UIC{$A\vdash A$} \end{pfbox} \[1\baselineskip] \begin{pfbox} \AXC{$\Gamma\prod A\vdash B$} \RightLabel{$\impr${I}} \UIC{$\Gamma\vdash A\impr B$} \end{pfbox} \begin{pfbox} \AXC{$\Gamma\vdash A$} \AXC{$\Delta\vdash A\impr B$} \RightLabel{$\impr${E}} \BIC{$\Gamma\prod \Delta\vdash B$} \end{pfbox} \[1\baselineskip] \begin{pfbox} \AXC{$\Gamma\prod A\vdash B$} \RightLabel{$\impl${I}} \UIC{$\Gamma\vdash B\impl A$} \end{pfbox} \begin{pfbox} \AXC{$\Gamma\vdash B\impl A$} \AXC{$\Delta\vdash A$} \RightLabel{$\impl${E}} \BIC{$\Gamma\prod\Delta\vdash B$} \end{pfbox} \[1\baselineskip] \begin{pfbox} \AXC{$\Sigma[\Gamma\prod \emptyset]\vdash B$} \RightLabel{$\emptyset${E}} \UIC{$\Sigma[\Gamma]\vdash B$} \end{pfbox} \begin{pfbox} \AXC{$\Sigma[\Gamma]\vdash B$} \RightLabel{$\emptyset${I}} \UIC{$\Sigma[\Gamma\prod \emptyset]\vdash B$} \end{pfbox} \[1\baselineskip] \begin{pfbox} \AXC{$\Sigma[\Delta\prod \Gamma]\vdash B$} \RightLabel{Comm.} \UIC{$\Sigma[\Gamma\prod \Delta]\vdash B$} \end{pfbox} \begin{pfbox} \AXC{$\Sigma[(\Gamma\prod \Delta)\prod \Pi]\vdash B$} \doubleLine\RightLabel{Ass.} \UIC{$\Sigma[\Gamma\prod (\Delta\prod \Pi)]\vdash B$} \end{pfbox} \vspace*{1\baselineskip} \end{mdframed} \caption{Fragment of Linear Logic with explicit structural rules.} \label{fragment} \end{figure}
In this paper, we have looked at two main approach of applying data-oriented parsing to categorial grammar (CG). The first approach, to construct a DOP model based on a corpus of CG proof trees (as opposed to parse trees) seems flawed and futile. However, the second approach---learning a DOP model based on parse trees, and then searching for matching proofs in a highly permissive logic such as linear logic---seems an interesting way of using DOP to construct a grammar logic in an exemplar-based fashion, as opposed to the artismal hand-crafting of rules which is the status quo in CG. All in all, however, further research is required to determine whether this approach truly has merit.
For suitable definitions of 'sane'. ↩