How to use leaflet js to create map
Map of world countries vectors created from GeoJSON objects
var map = L.map('map').setView([31.74739, 31], 2); var statesStyle = { //"stroke": true, //"fill": true, "radius": 8, "fillColor": "#0078A8", "color": "#0078A8", "weight": 1, "opacity": 1, "fillOpacity": 1 }; L.geoJSON(states, { style: nilesStyle }).addTo(map);
L.geoJSON(niles, {
style: myStyle
L.geoJSON(lakes, {
style: myStyle
Markers With Custom Icons and Label
L.marker([31.2, 31.2], { icon: new icon({ labelText: "marker 1" }), description: "Description 1" }).addTo(map).on('click', click);
Rotated Marker Label
L.marker([24.452, 36.784], { icon: new icon_19s({ labelText: " Red Sea" }), rotationAngle: 60 }).addTo(map);
Button Click
L.marker([31.2, 31.2]).addTo(map) .bindPopup('Description 1') .openPopup();
Button zooom in
function zooomin() { map.setZoom(map.getZoom() + 1) }
Button zooom Out
function zooomout() { map.setZoom(map.getZoom() - 1) }
With marker click
function zooomd() { map.setView([26.47, 30.784], 7); }
Show Video Map