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A simple and easy-to-use learning-free MOS approach for point cloud data.


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Moving Object Segmentation in Point Cloud Data using Hidden Markov Models

We propose a novel learning-free approach to segment moving objects in point cloud data. The foundation of the approach lies in modelling each voxel using a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and probabilistically integrating beliefs into a global map using an HMM filter. We extend classic image processing to accurately detect dynamic objects in point cloud data.

The workshop paper (found here!) was accepted and presented to the IEEE IROS 2024 workshop on Long-Term Perception for Autonomy in Dynamic Human-shared Environments: What Do Robots Need?


This is the open-source implementation of the proposed approach. The code is portable and easy to understand and modify.

The following includes:

  1. A summary of the MOS approach
  2. Benchmark datasets
  3. The hardware requirements and dependencies installation
  4. Installation of the HMM-MOS repository
  5. An example of using HMM-MOS
  6. Sample results interpretation
  7. Results on different operating systems and processors
  8. References


The method has ten configuration parameters.

  1. A is the HMM state transition matrix (fixed for the MOS task)
  2. voxelSize is the discretization size of the voxel map
  3. σ (occupancy) is the voxel occupancy likelihood standard deviation
  4. pMin is the state change detection threshold.
  5. m is the convolution kernel size.
  6. minOtsu is the minimum number of connected voxels to be identified as dynamic
  7. wLocal is the local window size used for the spatiotemporal convolution
  8. wDynamic is the dynamic window size used for retaining dynamic detections
  9. wGlobal is the global window size used for removing voxels from the map
  10. delay is the number of scans to delay the prediction by - this is useful for incorporating more information before detecting dynamic points

There are also hardware settings:

  • rMax is the maximum radius of the point cloud. This is hardware-dependent and not a configuration parameter.
  • rMin is the minimum radius of the point cloud. This is hardware-dependent and not a configuration parameter.

Benchmark Datasets

We test our algorithm using the following open-source datasets. Click the links below to see the download instructions.

  • HeLiMOS

    • The dataset is based on the KAIST05 sequence of the HeliPR dataset recorded by four different LiDARs. The annotated lables are used for evaluation. We estimate the LiDAR pose using SiMpLE, with the estimated poses provided under the datasetPoses folder in this repository.
    Method L A O V Avg
    4DMOS, online [Mersch2022] 52.1 54.0 64.2 4.7 43.7
    4DMOS, delayed [Mersch2022] 59.0 58.3 70.4 5.4 48.3
    MapMOS, Scan [Mersch2023] 58.9 63.2 81.4 4.3 52.0
    MapMOS, Volume [Mersch2023] 62.7 66.6 82.9 5.8 54.5
    HMM-MOS, Δ=0.25m 51.3 69.8 75.0 35.0 57.8
    HMM-MOS, delayed (10 scans) 57.6 70.0 73.4 53.9 63.7
  • Sipailou Campus

    • The dataset consists of eight sequences using a Livox Avia mounted to a mobile robot. The sequences are available in the same format as Semantic-KITTI using .bin files and corresponding ground truth in .label files. The provided sensor pose estimates are used.
    Method IoU (%) (Validation) IoU (%) (Test)
    LMNet [Chen2021] 5.37 6.88
    MotionSeg3D [Sun2022] 6.83 6.72
    4DMOS [Mersch2022] 78.54 82.30
    Motion-BEV [Zhou2023] 50.44 52.02
    Motion-BEV-h [Zhou2023] 70.94 71.51
    HMM-MOS, Δ=0.25m 85.60 87.00
  • Apollo Dataset

    • Data sourced from here. The dataset consists of multiple sequences recorded from a vehicle in an urban environment. The LiDAR pose estimates are provided at benchmarking/datasetPoses/Apollo.
    Method IoU (%)
    LMNet [Chen2021] 13.7
    MotionSeg3D, v1 [Sun2022] 6.5
    MotionSeg3D, v2 [Sun2022] 8.8
    4DMOS, delayed [Mersch2022] 70.9
    4DMOS, online [Mersch2022] 68.7
    MapMOS, Scan [Mersch2023] 79.2
    MapMOS, Volumetric [Mersch2023] 81.7
    HMM-MOS, Δ=0.25m 81.7
  • Urban Dynamic Objects LiDAR Dataset (DOALS)

    • Download instructions are also available on the open-source Dynablox page. The dataset consists of eight sequences recorded with a handheld LiDAR in indoor and outdoor environments. The dataset is recorded in rosbags (see note 1 below). We estimate the LiDAR pose using SiMpLE.
    Method ST SV HG ND
    DOALS-3DMiniNet [Pfreundschuh2021] 84.0 82.0 82.0 80.0
    4DMOS [Mersch2022] 38.8 50.6 71.1 40.2
    LMNet [Chen2021] (Original) 6.0 7.5 4.6 3.0
    LMNet [Chen2021] (Refit) 19.9 18.9 27.4 40.1
    Dynablox [Schmid2023] 86.2 83.2 84.1 81.6
    HMM-MOS, Δ=0.20m 82.7 80.8 85.9 81.4
    LC Free Space [Modayil2008] (20m) 48.7 31.9 24.7 17.7
    ST Normals [Falque2023] (20m) 80.0 81.0 85.0 76.0
    Dynablox [Schmid2023] (20m) 87.3 87.8 86.0 83.1
    HMM-MOS, Δ=0.20m (20m) 88.9 84.7 87.3 83.5
  • Dynablox

    • This qualitative dataset was released by Dynablox. The datasets consist of eight sequences recorded with a handheld LiDAR, capturing the dynamic motion of various objects in complex environments. The dataset is recorded in rosbags (see note 1 below). We estimate the LiDAR pose using SiMpLE.

Note 1: The HMM-MOS implementation provided here is designed to work with scan files in the .bin KITTI format with the sensor pose of each scan provided in a poses.txt file which is also in the KITTI format (nx12). To test the DOALS and Dynablox datasets, we converted each rosbag to a sequence of deskewed .bin scan files and estimated the sensor pose using SiMpLE to provide accurate odometry. Comparison is made to other methods also using the deskewed point clouds.

Hardware and Dependencies

This implementation has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04.5/6 LTS (Focal Fossa) with an Intel Core i7-10700K CPU @ 3.80GHz x 16 and 62.5 GiB memory. HMM-MOS uses a few open-source libraries for reading the algorithm configuration file, Kd-Trees, hash maps, matrix operations, and CPU threading. The installation instructions are detailed below.

  • Git is required to download the open-source libraries.
sudo apt install git
  • Install the g++ compiler.
sudo apt install g++
  • Require a g++ v10 compiler.
sudo apt install g++-10

Ensure the newer compiler is used.

g++ --version

The expected output is shown below.

g++ (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0
Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

If the incorrect version is displayed, set the correct compiler.

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-10 10
  • CMake is required to compile the libraries and the repository.
sudo apt install cmake
  • Install the Eigen library for math operations [1].
sudo apt install libeigen3-dev
  • Install Intel's Thread Building Blocks (TBB) library for CPU threading.
sudo apt install libtbb-dev

If the HMM-MOS repository build in the following section returns an error that it cannot find TBB for CMake, the following installation may help.

git clone
cd oneTBB
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
  • Clone and install the nanoflann library for KD-tree operations.
git clone
cd nanoflann
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
  • Install the unordered dense library for the hashmap implementation.
git clone
cd unordered_dense
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
  • Install the yaml-cpp library for reading the configuration file.
git clone
cd yaml-cpp
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
  • Install the boost libraries.
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
  • Install the rapidcsv library for evaluating the DOALS sequences.
git clone
cd rapidcsv
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install

Alternative options for any of the libraries can be used if desired. The code is easy to change.


Clone the repository.

git clone

Create a build folder in the repository.

mkdir build && cd build

Run CMake.

cmake ../src

Make the executable.



The code only works with .bin files in the KITTI format. However, the code is very easy to modify to suit the desired inputs and outputs. When compiled, the HMM-MOS algorithm is run using a .yaml algorithm configuration file as shown below.

./hmmMOS config.yaml

Sample config files are included in the config folder. An example is shown below.

# File paths
scanPath: /pathToScans  # Must be .bin scan files.
posePath: /pathToPoses  # Must be in the KITTI format.
minRange: 0.5           # [m]
maxRange: 50            # [m]
outputFile: true        # true/false
scanNumsToPrint: [969, 1079] # Leave as [] if not being used. Scans indexed from 1.
outputFileName: /outputFilePathAndName
outputLabels: true      # true/false
outputLabelFolder: /outputLabelFolderPath

# Configuration parameters
voxelSize: 0.25                 # [m]
occupancySigma: 0.25             # lumped uncertainty [m]
beliefThreshold: 0.99           # probability [0-1]
convSize: 5                     # odd integer
localWindowSize: 3              # local window size [#]
globalWindowSize: 300           # global window size [#]
dynamicRegionWindowSize: 100    # global window size [#]
numScansDelay: 0                # set to zero for online performance [#]
minOtsu: 3                      # min dynamic voxels in spatiotemporal convolution [#]

Sample Results Interpretation

MOS results can be saved in,

  • a single file with point cloud indicies for each scan per row for evaluation with DOALS ground truth, or,
  • .label files from Semantic KITTI for evaluation with Sipailou Campus and Apollo datasets.

HeLiMOS Evaluation

The ground truth labels are downloaded from HeLiMOS. The semantic-kitti-api tools are used to evaluate the results. The steps are outlined below.

  1. Copy the relevant label predictions (for which there is a ground truth) from HMM-MOS to a sequences directory. The required file structure is shown below. The numbers correspond to the four LiDARS: 00 (Aeva), 01 (Avia), 02 (Ouster), 03 (Velodyne).
├── 00
│   ├── labels
│   ├── predictions
│   └── velodyne
├── 01
│   ├── labels
│   ├── predictions
│   └── velodyne
├── 02
│   ├── labels
│   ├── predictions
│   └── velodyne
└── 03
    ├── labels
    ├── predictions
    └── velodyne
  1. For example, if we want to evaluate sequence 03 (Velodyne). Edit the config/semantic-kitti-mos.yaml file to replace 8 in the valid field to 3.
split: # sequence numbers
    - 0
    - 1
    - 2
    - 3
    - 4
    - 5
    - 6
    - 7
    - 9
    - 10
    - 3 # was 8 originally
    - 11
    - 12
    - 13
    - 14
    - 15
    - 16
    - 17
    - 18
    - 19
    - 20
    - 21
  1. Run the evaluation for sequences 00 and 03.
python3 --dataset /pathToFolder/

The expected output is shown below.

Data:  /pathToSequencesFolder/
Predictions:  /pathToSequencesFolder/
Backend:  numpy
Split:  valid
Config:  config/semantic-kitti-mos.yaml
Limit:  None
Codalab:  None
Opening data config file config/semantic-kitti-mos.yaml
Ignoring xentropy class  0  in IoU evaluation
labels:  3164
predictions:  3164
Evaluating sequences: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% ********************************************************************************
below can be copied straight for paper table
iou_moving: 0.539

Sipailou Campus Evaluation

The Sipailou campus dataset is provided by MotionBEV. MotionBEV use the Semantic Kitti API to compute the validation (seq 06) and test (seq 00, 07) IoUs. To provide a fair evaluation with the results published in the MotionBEV paper, we use the same evaluation tools. The evaluation steps are outlined below.

It is important to ensure the HMM-config has a minimum range of 3m and a maximum range of 50m as the ground truth is only labelled within these ranges.

  1. Clone the Semantic Kitti API repository.
git clone
  1. Copy the label predictions to the sipailou-livox-kitti directory sequence folder. The required file structure is:
# sipailou-livox-kitti directory tree
# The HMM-MOS labels are copied into the predictions folder.

└── sequences
    ├── 00
    │   ├── calib.txt
    │   ├── labels
    │   ├── poses.txt
    │   ├── predictions
    │   └── velodyne
    ├── 06
    │   ├── calib.txt
    │   ├── labels
    │   ├── poses.txt
    │   ├── predictions
    │   └── velodyne
    └── 07
        ├── calib.txt
        ├── labels
        ├── poses.txt
        ├── predictions
        └── velodyne
  1. A copy of the livox-SEU-MOS.yaml evaluation config from the MotionBEV repository can be located at HMM-MOS/config/eval/ for convenience.
  2. Run the validation evaluation.
cd semantic-kitti-api
python3 --dataset /pathToFolder/sipailou-livox-kitti/ --datacfg /pathToHmmMos/config/eval/livox-SEU-MOS.yaml -s valid

The expected output is shown below.

Data:  /pathToFolder/sipailou-livox-kitti/
Predictions:  /pathToFolder/sipailou-livox-kitti/
Backend:  numpy
Split:  valid
Config:  /pathToHmmMos/config/eval/livox-SEU-MOS.yaml
Limit:  None
Codalab:  None
Opening data config file /pathToHmmMos/config/eval/livox-SEU-MOS.yaml
labels:  3191
predictions:  3191
Evaluating sequences: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% ********************************************************************************
below can be copied straight for paper table
iou_moving: 0.856
  1. Run the test evaluation.
python3 --dataset /pathToFolder/sipailou-livox-kitti/ --datacfg /pathToHmmMos/config/eval/livox-SEU-MOS.yaml -s test

The expected output is shown below.

Data:  /pathToFolder/sipailou-livox-kitti/
Predictions:  /pathToFolder/sipailou-livox-kitti/
Backend:  numpy
Split:  test
Config:  /pathToHmmMos/config/eval/livox-SEU-MOS.yaml
Limit:  None
Codalab:  None
Opening data config file /pathToHmmMos/config/eval/livox-SEU-MOS.yaml
labels:  6201
predictions:  6201
Evaluating sequences: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% ********************************************************************************
below can be copied straight for paper table
iou_moving: 0.870

DOALS Evaluation

The DOALS dataset provides 10 manually labelled scans per sequence for evaluation in indicies.csv files. An evaluation tool is provided in benchmarking/evaluation.

Build evaluation tools for DOALS

Go to the benchmarking/evaluation folder.

cd benchmarking/evaluation

Make and enter the build directory.

mkdir build && cd build

Run cmake and make.

cmake ../src

Evaluate results

Once the evaluation tool is built as explained in the instructions above, use the tool directly or the provided bash script in the benchmarking/evaluation/scripts folder.

Using the tool directly.

cd benchmarking/evaluation/build/
./evalIndFile gtFilePath estFilePath scanFolderPath sequenceNum minRange maxRange

Using the provided script.

cd benchmarking/evaluation/scripts/
./ # Edit the script parameters.

An example output of the DOALS Hauptgebaeude sequence 1 20m range evaluation is shown below.

|  IoU  | Precision | Recall|
| 83.68 |   96.99   | 85.91 | 
| 84.27 |   91.50   | 91.42 | 
| 96.89 |   99.41   | 97.45 | 
| 92.83 |   99.40   | 93.35 | 
| 85.91 |   99.53   | 86.26 | 
| 86.22 |   98.48   | 87.39 | 
| 95.40 |   99.35   | 96.00 | 
| 87.70 |   98.06   | 89.25 | 
| 81.92 |   94.48   | 86.04 | 
| 97.33 |   99.77   | 97.55 | 
Mean IOU: 89.22


[1] eigen library


A simple and easy-to-use learning-free MOS approach for point cloud data.





