Logger for NestJS, implements LoggerService
. Based on ololog
npm install --save-dev nestolog
import { Logger } from '@nestjs/common';
import { NestologModule } from 'nestolog';
imports: [NestologModule.register(options)],
export class AppModule {}
const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
It's not recommended to use this logger in production, since it's relative slow.
Ololog configuration and plus custom configuration:
* Format date using https://github.com/lukeed/tinydate
timeFormat: undefined as undefined | string,
* Limit of context message.
contextLimit: 13,
* Word wrap width for message.
* If 0 (default) tries to auto detect.
* If -1 disable
messageColumnWidth: 0,
* Alternative locate. Default ololog's locate add callee info to the last non-empty string
* Custom locate add callee info on next new line.
customLocate: undefined as undefined | boolean | typeof customLocateDefault,
* Place of callee info.
* 'bottom' - next on new line (default)
* 'column' - between tag and message columnized
* 'context' - in context column if context is empty
customLocatePosition: 'bottom' as 'bottom' | 'column' | 'context',
* Limit callee info length in case of customLocatePosition = 'column'
customLocateColumnLimit: 30,
const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule, {
logger: NestoLogger.create(),
- ololog pipeline: stringify trim lines concat indent tag time locate join render returnValue
- https://github.com/Papooch/nestjs-cls
- https://github.com/nestjs-steroids/async-context
- https://github.com/yort-feng/http-context-nodejs
- https://github.com/abonifacio/nestjs-request-context
- https://github.com/medibloc/nestjs-request-context
- https://gist.github.com/bengry/924a9b93c25d8a98bffdfc0a847f0dbe
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