YUTableView is subclass of UITableView which adds expandable sub-menu support to it.
If you're using Swift 2, you can check Swift version from here. It's simpler :)
Just add pod 'YUTableView', :git => 'https://github.com/ujell/YUTableView.git'
to your Podfile
You can directly drag&drop YUTableView folder from demo to your project.
- iOS 6 + (Should work on iOS 5, not tested)
You must create a YUTableViewItem for all of your items.
: This is where you store the custom data of the cell.subItems
: A NSMutableArray, which has the subitems of the item. Every object in the array must be kind of YUTableViewItem. If you do not set subItems, it means that item does not have any subitem.cellIdentifier
: The identifier of the cell. If you don't set cellIdentifier, default identifier (which is a property of YUTableView) will be used.status
: The current status (Selected/Not selected etc.) of the item.
###How to init
// Initializing item with data.
YUTableViewItem * item = [[YUTableViewItem alloc] initWithData: @"Label"];
// Initializing item with data and cell identifier.
YUTableViewItem * item2 = [[YUTableViewItem alloc] initWithSubitems: nil data: @"item" identifier: @"Cell"];
// Initializing item with subitems, data and cell identifier.
YUTableViewItem * item3 = [[YUTableViewItem alloc] initWithSubitems: @[item, item2] data: @{@"key":@"value"} identifier: @"Cell2"];
// Setting subitems of the item.
YUTableViewItem * item4 = [[YUTableViewItem alloc] initWithData: @"Item"];
item4.subItems = @[item2, item3];
First, initialize a YUTableView. You can use interface builder or code, just use YUTableView as a custom class instead of UITableVew.
// If you are not using interface builder;
YUTableView * table = [[YUTableView alloc] initWithFrame: self.view.frame];
In order to set cells you should create your items and add them in an NSArray/NSMutableArray. Then you can set cells with setCellsFromArray: cellIdentifier: method of YUTableView.
YUTableViewItem * subitem = [[YUTableViewItem alloc] initWithData: @{@"label" : @"subitem"}];
YUTableViewItem * item = [[YUTableViewItem alloc] initWithData: @{@"label" : @"item"}];
item.subItems = @[subitem];
[_tableView setCellsFromArray: @[item] cellIdentifier: @"Cell"];
You don't have to set a default cell identifier but in that case every YUTableViewItem must have an identifier.
Your view controller should implement "YUTableViewDelegate" and you should set "parentView" property of your YUTableView to this view controller.
@interface BasicViewController () <YUTableViewDelegate>
- (void) setTable
YUTableView * table;
// Initialize cells etc.
// Setting delegate
table.parentView = self;
- (void) didSelectedRow: (YUTableViewItem *) cellItem
NSString * data = cellItem.itemData;
NSLog (@"%@", data);
"YUTableViewDelegate" has "heightForItem:" method to provide different cell heights.
- (CGFloat) heightForItem: (YUTableViewItem *) item
NSString * cellType = item.itemData;
if ([cellType isEqualToString: @"myCell"])
if (item.status == YUTableViewStatusSelected)
return 80;
return 100;
return 120;
If you want to display only subitems of the last selected item, you should set showAllItems property of YUTableView to NO.
To set back button;
YUTableView * table;
table.showAllItems = NO;
// Creating back button.
YUTableViewItem * item = [[YUTableViewItem alloc] initWithData: @"Back"];
// Setting back button.
[self.tableView setRootItem: item];
YUTableView * table;
NSArray * itemList;
[_tableView selectItem: itemList [0] animate: NO];
YUTableView * table;
// Changes the animation of inserting cells.
table.insertRowAnimation = UITableViewRowAnimationLeft;
// Changes the animation of removing cells.
table.deleteRowAnimation = UITableViewRowAnimationRight;
You can change animation duration of inserting/deleting cells and set a block which will executed after animation was completed. NOTE: Animation duration is only works with iOS 7.
YUTableView * table;
table.animationDuration = 5;
table.competitionBlock = ^(void) {
NSLog( @"Animation completed!");
You must create custom class for your cells and this custom class must implement YUTableViewCellDelegate. "setCellContentsFromItem:" is the method where you set your cell.
- (void) setCellContentsFromItem: (YUTableViewItem *) item
NSMutableDictionary * data = item.itemData;
self.title.text = data[@"title"];
self.label.text = data[@"label"];
if (item.status == YUTableViewItemStatusSubmenuOpened)
self.contentView.backgroundColor = [UIColor grayColor];
self.contentView.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
If you are loading your cell from xib you should register your nib to table view.
YUTableView * table;
[tableView registerNib: [UINib nibWithNibName:@"Cell" bundle: nil] forCellReuseIdentifier: @"Cell"];