The idea behind this project is to model an star schema from raw normalized Olympic Games data
Using dbt - postgres, airflow and docker
Before runing the command to start containers we need to create a .env file with the environment vars that the docker-compose.yaml file needs
It should look like this
Then we can run
$ docker-compose up -d
Once the Airflow webserver UI is available on http://localhost:8080 we have to add a new conn from before starting any DAG
(has to match vars in the .env file)
Now we can start all DAGs and when they finish we can go to PG database container and check the tables were successfully created by DBT according to Airflow orchestration
$ docker exec -i -t <container name> /bin/bash
$ psql -U <pg user name>
$ \dt
To the tables in the oly schema
Also on http://localhost:3001 we can access Metabase and configure PG database and make some visualizations like this one