A Puppet module to install and configure Wireguard and setup clients
Hiera Config
# common.yaml
- wireguard
# ***WARNING***
# Whilst the keys in this configuration are valid...
# You should generate your own keys: ```wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey```
# the key <server1> will create a configuration with the name wg-<name>.conf in the wireguard
# config directory
# the endpoint which you will access to connect on Wireguard
endpoint: "%{::ipaddress}"
# the puppet module can optionally put the appropriate masquerade rules into the wireguard config
manage_masquerade_rules: true
# the private ip address that the server will have in the VPN
# a wireguard private key (generated using wg genkey) for the server
private_key: YHqJmZrN54txq61YGbZ9OI4sOKUUkwDglbrkpT0NJGw=
# the public key derived ffrom the private key
public_key: BRDTbI8yGycAmYi8jSS0ZaxxF+3E7gCK0LyRcB+kUkI=
# optionally, DNS servers for your clients
# peers is a map that defines the peers that the wireguard server will know about, each key of
# which represents an individual and uniquely named peer
# the private ip address of this client in the VPN
# the private_key of the peer
private_key: sKP4Jlzd/8PbQNPKkrx76bTEMH2VrAVcJW+nNAwHZV0=
public_key: TxPQs/M47YzchDdNpXVelI31QbCbRAGrR/TOaXE+W0Y=
# an optional preshared_key
preshared_key: 6JjI3Fj2sKMjHS13INI4gJll9y4joXnYBWOxpL7xAEo=
Puppet Code
# site.pp
lookup('classes', Array[String], 'unique').include
The result of this code will generate two configurations on the server - wg-server1.conf, a config for the server and wg-peer1.conf, a config to be copied to the peer that will connect to the server.
In the interests of minimal responsibility, the module will not seek to modify your sysctl settings, though you will need to have ip_forward=1
set on the server. The module will display a warning if you do not.
Additionally this module can optionally generate a postup and postdown command for the server config to configure standard masquerade rules for dealing with hosts using NAT.