This is the backend of my todo list app I named TODAYZZZ TODOS, providing a RESTful API for managing users, collections, and todo items.
For the frontend code, please go to
Before you begin and run the app locally, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- Node.js: You should have Node.js installed on your system. If not, you can download and install it from
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone
Go to the project directory:
cd ts-todo-app-backend
Install project dependencies:
npm install
Configure environment variables:
Create a .env file in the project root directory and define the necessary environment variables, such as database connection details, as needed. You can use the .env.example file as a template.
Start the server:
npm start
The server should now be running and listening on the specified port.
Create a User (Sign Up)
Endpoint: POST /api/users
Request Body: JSON with user information
Response: New user information -
Get User by ID
Endpoint: GET /api/users/:user_id
Response: User information by ID -
Update User by ID
Endpoint: PUT /api/users/:user_id
Request Body: JSON with updated user information
Response: Updated user information -
Delete User by ID
Endpoint: DELETE /api/users/:user_id
Response: No content -
Create a Collection
Endpoint: POST /api/collections
Request Body: JSON with collection information
Response: New collection information -
Get All Collections
Endpoint: GET /api/collections
Response: List of collections -
Get Collection by ID
Endpoint: GET /api/collections/:collection_id
Response: Collection information by ID -
Update a Collection by ID
Endpoint: PUT /api/collections/:collection_id
Request Body: JSON with updated collection information
Response: Updated collection information -
Delete a Collection by ID
Endpoint: DELETE /api/collections/:collection_id
Response: No content -
Create a Todo Item
Endpoint: POST /api/todo_items
Request Body: JSON with todo item information
Response: New todo item information -
Get Todo Item by ID
Endpoint: GET /api/todo_items/:todo_item_id
Response: Todo item information by ID -
Update Todo Item by ID
Endpoint: PUT /api/todo_items/:todo_item_id
Request Body: JSON with updated todo item information
Response: Updated todo item information -
Delete Todo Item by ID
Endpoint: DELETE /api/todo_items/:todo_item_id
Response: No content
This project was built using React, Typescript, Express, Node.js, PostgrSQL, Jest and SCSS.
Access the live website at