This chart installs Keycloak.
It is suitable for installations on AWS EKS. Recommended to use with customized keycloak docker
image (see the links section).
Default settings in this template are prepared for non-prod environments.
Installed software versions | Version Info |
Keycloak | 26.0.8 |
java | 17.0.9 |
PostgreSQL | 12.3 |
Important links:
- Keycloak
- PostgreSQL
You can select a platform to use predefined settings specifically dedicated to the platform.
Note that you can overwrite platform specific values in the values.yaml.
To add a new platform specific values.yaml, add the required values as platformName.yaml
to the platforms
Note: Assigning platform-specific values to the sub-chart through the platform-specific platformName.yaml
of your main chart will not be effective, as the sub-chart's platform settings take precedence.
Keycloak infinispan caches (mainly number of owners per cache) is configured in the infinispan.xml
At start, this file is copied to the proper location and used as a configuration file.
To configure the is mounted to the Keycloak pod.
To modify the behavior of database deployment, you can adjust the value of database.location
to switch between "local"
and "external". When set to "local", the deployment will utilize the PostgreSQL chart located within the charts
directory to store Keycloak data. Conversely, if set to "external", you must include the
parameter, directing it towards the designated database. Additionally, you need to provide the essential user data and
database schema within the database field in the values.yaml file, enabling Keycloak to establish a connection.
Keycloak on Quarkus is using a two staged approach where the command build
creates the specific configuration
and start
runs the preconfigured Keycloak.
Because of this following settings are already set in IKI:
- Metrics enabled
- Health enabled
- Caching mode: Infinispan
- clustering detection: kubernetes
These configurations can't be overridden in the chart.
The Metrics-SPI can be used as before in keycloak. It is added in IKI.
The Wildfly redirection from /auth/realms/master/metrics to /metric does not work anymore. This functionality is now done within ha-proxy. Ha-Proxy provides (in the chart default configuration) and frontend at port 9542 where requests that are send to the path /metrics are forwarded to the metrics path of Keycloak. All other requests to this port are blocked and result in an 503 http error.
The path /auth/realms/master/metrics is also blocked for port 8080 on Keycloak because it's not secured by any authentication.
- Setup all the required tools: Docker, Kind and Helm \
- Use CKI and pull it to your machine (see the useful links).
- Add to the Kind images using
kind load docker-image
command to add also ha-proxy and postgres images - Archive the chart using command
tar cfvz <archive-name>.tgz <chart-folder>
- use helm install with providing values.yaml files for postgres and custom keycloak charts
e.g.helm install <chart-name> <archive-name.tgz> --values .\<iris_keycloak_chart_folder>\values.yaml --values .\<iris_keycloak_chart_folder>\charts\postgresql\values.yaml
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