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Interview Question for JAVA FSD

Section 1

Spring and Spring Boot Annotations Usage 1 Commands in Angular 2 What is component in Angular 3 What do you know about Linux OS 4 Difference between spring boot and spring mvc 5 What do you know about maven 6 Advantanges of microservices 7 Life Cycle of Angular 8 Asked questions on my project gladiator and challenges faced 9 Asked questions on my microservice use case and challenges faced 10 How did you connect your database with spring boot application(directly or indirectly) 11 Which Database did you use

Section 2

1 Experience of working in which technology 2 Garbage collection in java with example 3 Multithreading in java with example 4 What is git and what is it used for ? 5 What is Jenkins and use of jenkins. 6 What is SpringBoot 7 Lifecycle methods in Angular. 8 Component in Angular, forms in angular " "Tell me something about your background.

Section 3

Why did you choose IT coming from an Electronics background? Which language did you learn first? Does a python program compile? Explain with a reason. Why does a java code compile? Multithreading in java. Interface in java. What are the advantages of AngularJs? What are components in angular? What is a Lifecycle of angular? NgModule in Angular. Project gladiator based questions. What are threads in java? what are microservices? Talk about your use case and any difficulties that you faced. How will you deploy your use case? what are docker images? what are docker containers? Have you worked on any live project?" "

Section 4

  1. Tell me about your previous experiance on technology. 2.What is the use of Docker? 3.Common docker commands you've used? 4.What is the use of FROM command in Docker? 5.why we need Kubernetes? 6.Explain working of AWS ECS from your previous experiance.
  2. Explain Java Collection 8.What is Hash Map 9.How to achive Multithreading in Java? 10.Difference between StringBuilder and String Buffer 11.How to run an Angular application? 12.Common HTML tags that you are familar with"- "

Section 5.

Introduce yourself? 2. What is ORM framework in Hibernate? 3. What is class mapping setup in Hibernate? 4. What are persistent classes? 5. What is session factory? 6. Advantage of spring boot over spring framework? 7. Why do we use annotations in Spring Framework? 8. What is bean annotation? 9. What is comfiguration annotation? 10. What is dependency injection in spring framework? "

Section 6

  1. Introduce yourself? 2. Last Company worked Project? 3. What collection framework used and how to compare ? 4. What is Ioc? 5. What is depency injection? 6. Advantage of spring boot over spring framework? 7. Why do we use annotations in Spring Framework? 8. What is bean annotation? 9. What is difference between controller and rest controller 10.what is Docker ,11 manual creation of kuberenets cluster "1.Have you worked on microservices 2.Have you deployed your project gladiator application. 3.Which java version have you used in your training. 4.What are java 8 features 5.What is ngmodule in angular 6.What commands are used to generate components in Angular 7.Breifly explain CI/CD flow 8.How do you write unit test in java"

Section 7

"1 Did you used colletions in your project? 2.Different between Arraylist and Linkedlist? 3 .what is Treeset ? 4 .What is the Singleton and where we used it ? 5 .where we can use Finally keyword? 6. Explain Java Collection ? 7. What is HashMap ? 8. How many ways we can call our class as a Thread ? 9. Tell me about Thread process ?" "

Section 6

  1. GIT work flow explanation?
  2. Git Branching strategies?
  3. Have you created CI/CD using Jenkins and explain about steps?
  4. Docker containers & Docker swarm concepts explanation ?
  5. Sonarqube Methodology?
  6. What are the services you have used in AWS ?
  7. jenkins pipeline configurations- groovy ?
  8. Docker and Kubernetes Commands and its functionality
  9. What was the monitoring tool used in your last project?
  10. Dockerfile and kubernets basics ""

Section 8

  1. 1 regarding previous projects 2.Different between spring and springBoot? 3 .what is HashMap ? 4 .What is the Singleton and where we used it ? 5 .Map, Filter, reduce in streams
  2. Java Collection
  3. what is streams in java
  4. scenario based questions
  5. hibernate cache" "Benefits of microservices Java 8 features Brief of Jenkins process Testing the product on all the environment Integration testing and junit difference Docker commands Angular basics"

Section 9

"1. What is dockerFile and explain attributes 2. how to build jar using dockerFile 3. What is docker image 4. how to build docker image 5. How to contenarize the application 6. what is kubernetes 7. API server in k8s 8. configmap in k8s 9. What is NodePort and it's range , 10. What is kubectl descibe 11. What is Namespace , secret in K8s 12. How to access the openshift console 13. What is ETCD 14. What is API server and how it is working 15. How to provide security to containers or pods 16. How to continuosly monitor k8s health 17. What is kube-proxy 18. Load balancer and how can you get a static IP for k8s loadbalancer 19. How do you initiate rollback for an application 20. How do you package k8s application 21. What is the difference between pod and a job 22. Why openshift, and features 23. Kubernetes architecture 24. What is openshift deployment and openshift online 25. How to manage openshift Security"

Section 10

"Java 8 features How to convert list to set in java 8 what is the logic for getting reverse order arraylist without using default methods. Different between map vs platmap What is functional interface Compare interface between before and after java 8 Different between abstarct vs interface Difference between ClassNotFoundException v/s NoClassDefFoundError Different between get vs load in hibernate Different types of joins What is the purpose and create index in sql How to create one to many relationship in hibernate and jpa How to handle multi database in your application Spring vs SpringBoot how to create springboot application In which situation use spring and spring boot What is JWT & flow in your application How to generate jwt token How to handle encode and decode in your application What is IOC container What is constructor and setter dependency What is jenkins and configuration for your application About CI/CD Pipeline which annotaion use for mapping property file in your code" Java 8 features. collections features OOPS concepts Streams with Filter & Map Intermediate function how to create immutable class in java difference stringBuffer and stringBuilder Functional Interfaces In Java Difference between @Autowire & @Inject Annotation used in Springboot multithreading in java exception in java spring boot features Database SQL related questions Scenario based questions HashMap Hibernate Cache "Stack Vs Heap Memory What is hashing What is spring AOP What is thread pool Scope of bean in Spring How do you handile unchecked exception What all things you know on Angular. " "

Section 11

what is Bean Factory Method what is Spring AOP what is Data Blocks Explain Spring Scope IOC Container " "Explain Dependency Injection How good you are with Angular Any experience on Java front end tech Any experience on JS explain about execution of spring boot Any experience on Java front end technologies Explain about OOP concept Explain CI/CD work flow" "java 8 features benefits of lambda expressions pagination for records in database filter employees having stream computer science from Hashmap procedure functiion difference union union all difference left outer join right outer join find duplicate records from table" "1. Describe last project on which worked. 2. How Microservices communication implemented in last project? 3. There were discussion on Solace MQ working 4. New features in Java 8? 5. What is functional interface? Why it is used? 6. Which predefined functional interfaces you know? (Answered as Predicate, Functions, Consumer and supplier) Then asked abstract methods of all those functional interfaces 7. What is need of default method in interface 8. Difference between predicate and function functional interfaces 9. How many inputs above functional interfaces use? (Answered as 1, then ask what if need to pass two inputs?) 10. What is Stream API? How it is different from normal collection with for loop and iterators? 11. How Parallel Stream works? 12. Which two types of methods Stream having? With example 13. Which Database used in last project? 14. Asked scenario if we want to configure two database in project at same time 15. What is JPA and how it is different from Hibernate 16. Why to use Microservices over Monolithic application? 17. What is use of @SpringbootApplication annotation? 18. How to get values from .properties file? 19. How to get Map like values from .properties file 20. Asked Deployment process from last project" "after creating deployments if we not creating pods how will you solve this issue how will you integrating jenkins with openshift write a command to build a images can you explain a sample dockerfile write a command to create a container how will you clear the image pull error what are the steps you need to follow after the deployments if pods are not coming up what are the steps u need to be taken. " "

Section 12

Java 8 features Interface and abstraction diff Advantages of stream Functional Interface what is composition class write code to filter EMployee by name using Stream Spring boot Annotations Use of SpringbootAPplictaion What is collection and its usage Hash map and hash set working Sample RestAPi sql query to select third highest element Sql query to find the unique element what is indexing in Mysql " "

Section 13

Past work experience Experience with logging and monitoring tools Working in OpenShift UI Differences between Kibana logs and Pod logs Types of kubernetes objects, deployments " "Oauth vs JWT What is volatile upcating and downcasting Can a parent class be casted by child class Sort arraylist using java8 hash collision AOP SQL vs noSQL how to store image in Dynamodb list.remove vs iterator.remove deep copy vs shallow copy Filter vs interceptor ""

Section 14

  1. Java 8 features
  2. Inbuilt functional interfaces available and their abstract methods
  3. Stream api - two types of operations with example
  4. Method references types
  5. Map vs flatmap 6.Springboot annotations 7.Advantage of JPA over hibernate 8.In which scenario is monolithic preferred over microservices 9.Hashset internal working 10.Springboot advantages 11.Which is the inbuilt db available in springboot and is it in memory? 12.How is DB configured in springboot 13.What is @Primary annotation
  6. Starters available in springboot 15.Vector vs arraylist 16.Arraylist vs linkedlist 17.Sort a list of integers using java 8 18.Spring security"

Section 15

"1. OOPs concept 2. Explain each of the OOPs concept 3. Abstract Class, Interface 4. Difference between Abstract Class and Interface 5. Why should we use interface or abstract class with valid logic 6. throw() vs throws() keyword 7. Java 8 Features 8. Lambda Expression, what change came after intoducing Lambda Expression in Java 8 9. Functions vs Consumer 10. Consumer Chaining 11. SOLID principle 12. How HashMap internally works 13. Composition vs Aggregation vs Association 14. Loaders in Java 15. How to write custom exceptions in Java 16. Write a code using Java 8 to make all the elements in a List to Upper case and also concatenate them with comma 17. Write a code in Java 8 to get the maximum salary from a Employee object having (Name, Age & Salary) 18. Dependency Injection 19. @Bean Annotation 20. Design Patterns worked on 21. How to configure JPA in your project 22. Having Knowledge on Hibernate 23. IOC Container 24. How are you managing Exceptions in your last project. 25. Functional Interface with valid example 26. Write a SQL query to find the second highest salary from a employee table contains columns (Name, Age, Salary)

Section 16

1.) Sorting without using any inbuild method 2.) Two maps having some value, Compare it using predicates 3.) 3rd highest salary of employee 4.) Sum of salary of all employee 5.) Database configuration in spring boot 6.) Autoconfiguration in Spring boot 7.) Functional Interface 8.) Predicates and Functions 9.) HashTable vs HashMap vs ConcurrentHashMap internal working 10.) String immutability 11.) SQL queries 12.) Stream Programming internal working 13.) Reactive Angular programming 14.) Subject and behaviour Subject 15.) Pipe with implementation 16.) Error Handling 17.) How can we change the default 18.) Lazy loading in Angular 19.) Observable VS Promise

Section 18

  1. Java 8 features in depth Programming in java 8 stream to find the number of each items
  2. Spring boot features Step by Step implementation of Spring Security in Microservices (OAuth2 and Basic OAuth) 3.Design pattern work on. Singleton Design pattern Implementation 4.Controller Design in Spring Boot and Exception Handling in Spring boot with example
  3. JavaScript basic question
  4. Angular question related to typescript for mapping and filtering data from list of employee
  5. Angular Services explanation with backend service integration and error handling
  6. Microservices basics "On what projects have you worked before what are the microservices challenges faced in monolith application what are the differences between monolith and microservices based applications Name the annotations(springboot) you have used in your usecase what is docker what is the use of docker Explain POST and PUT
    what is functional interface How to create custom functional interface
    what is Predicate in functional interface
    Questions on Try catch and finally what the design patterns how does @Transactional and @Qualifier annotations work More questions on Core java" "On what projects have you worked before what are the microservices One service is dependent on another service. If that service fails then what will happen what are the differences between docker and kubernetes Name the annotations(springboot) you have used in your usecase what is docker what is the use of kubernetes Explain POST and PUT
    what is functional interface If you donot have any method in functional interface then what type happen.
    what is Predicate in functional interface
    Questions on Try catch and finally what the design patterns how does @Transactional and @Qualifier annotations work
    What is @Transactional propogations
    When will Finally block will not execute What is hashset and return type of add() method Combination of annotations in @springbootapplication More questions on Core Java what are the microservices One service is dependent on another service. If that service fails then what will happen what are the differences between docker and kubernetes Name the annotations(springboot) you have used in your usecase what is docker what is the use of kubernetes Explain POST and PUT
    what is functional interface If you donot have any method in functional interface then what type happen.
    what is Predicate in functional interface
    Questions on Try catch and finally what the design patterns how does @Transactional and @Qualifier annotations work More questions on Core java What is @Transactional propogations When will Finally block will not execute" "Tell me about yourself. Features of Java-8. Tell about Lambda Expression Tell about Optional. What is IoC. Spring vs SpringBoot @Autowired in Spring Springboot starter dependencies." "What is the use of API Gateway Can AWS APIGateway timeout be modified to make it >30s Can we deploy Spring project on AWS Lambda without getting timeout error Difference between Post, Put and Patch http methods Versions of json Submit form contains Username and Password/Phone. How Rest API handle the request when user enter all 3 details. Why cannot JWT token be passed in payload instead of header What does JWT token consist of SpringBoot app is deployed in different countries. Certain functionalities in the app works based on location. What are the techniques through which this can be achieved - properties, Spring profiles, maven profiles How spring security works Types of security to be applied to applications - client id/secret, certificates, IDP Which DB to prefer for inserting 10000 records - SQL or NoSQL How to form relation between tables in case of NoSQL DB How to store password in DB - SHA algoritm, Cryptography How to connect NoSQL db with springboot Difference between hashmap, linkedhashmap, treemap with performance Which sort is better - Hashmap with comparator/comparable or Hashmap with Java 8 feature or Treemap What are the advantages of functional programming" "

Section 19

1.Java 8 features 2.What is functional interface? 3.How we can connect HTTP request to spring boot project? 4.Difference between Put and Patch ? 5.Difference between spring and spring boot? 6.what is exception,Custom Exception ? 7.What is spring batch? 8.what is try, catch and finally? 9.How we can set profile in spring boot 10.what is AssertAll 11.what is mockito? 12.Java stream and its operations 13.How we can connect database in spring boot application 14.Explain the all process, how to connect database to spring boot application " "Explain OOP concepts with real life example Explain OOP concepts with real life example Java 8 Features Qualifier annotation Can static methods be overriden. Question with a sample code Interfaces used in Hibernate HTTP error codes If a user tries to access an admin authorized page, which error is returned Code based question in inheritance Java8 sample code to get the count of employees in each department Sample code to reverse each words of a lengthy String Explain String Immutability How can we make a custom immutable class ""after creating deployments if we not creating pods how will you solve this issue how will you integrating jenkins with openshift write a command to build a images can you explain a sample dockerfile write a command to create a container how will you clear the image pull error what are the steps you need to follow after the deployments if pods are not coming up what are the steps u need to be taken. ""after creating deployments if we not creating pods how will you solve this issue how will you integrating jenkins with openshift write a command to build a images can you explain a sample dockerfile write a command to create a container how will you clear the image pull error what are the steps you need to follow after the deployments if pods are not coming up what are the steps u need to be taken. """ "1)java8 features 2)Stream operations 3)difference b/w @controller and @restcontroller 4)Rest Template 5)Explain String Immutability 6)what is exception,Custom Exception ? 7)What is spring batch? 8)difference between put and patch? 9)what is functional interface? 10)What is spring batch?" "1. How HashMap working internally? 2. Hash Collision resolution techniques 3. Performance difference in HashMap and TreeMap. 4. why we need to Override @hashcode and @equals method 5. Implement own add() method in HashSet 6. Strategy for migrating existing application to microservices 7. Query tunning approach link(index) 8. Design architecture for processing huge XML files in microservice. 9. Nature of work more about agile process . 10. Any knowledge on Could platform (AWS, GCP). 11. Dynamic caching in Microservices. 12. Stream how it works internally. " "

Section 20

  1. What is the use of Ingress controller
  2. If you get a curropted bootloder how you will resolve
  3. What is the use of MBR
  4. comands used for disk free and disk usage
  5. Requesting routing to a multi-region HTTPS load balancer
  6. linux LVM Storage Management Structures
  7. LV extend how you will extend and LV resize how it works
  8. In Kubernets if master node get crashed how will the worker node reacts
  9. How will you start troubleshooting if your site is down.
  10. How will you create space on disk if it is showing 100% used?" "1. What is method overloading and overriding
  1. Can static methods be overloaded or overrided
  2. What is functional interface. What is its purpose. What is the purpose of having static methods in functional interface.
  3. Internal working of hashmap and hashset.
  4. How can we sort arraylist.
  5. Is static class possible.(nested classes)
  6. What is immutability in java. How can you create immutable object.
  7. How to handle mutable object present inside immutable class. (deep copying)
  8. Custom exception are extended from which class. Are all custom exceptions runtime exception.
  9. Can we create a custom exception extending IOException. If yes, what kind of exception would that be, Runtime or compile time?
  10. Limitations of microservices.
  11. Limitations of lambda expression.
  12. Sample program to remove dupliacate elements and print only elements that appear once using java 8 streams. (eg. input-> {a,b,c,d,a,c}; output->{b,d})
  13. Sql query to find highest salary in each department, print department name,sal and empid using join query. (table 1-> empId, depId,sal; table 2-> depId, departmentName)
  14. Write a program to print first n fibonacci series.
  15. What is the max time limit of AWS lambda.
  16. Analyze below code snippet and find the output. try{ int i=5/0; } catch (Exception e){ System.out.println(e); } catch (ArithmeticException e){ System.out.println(e); }
  17. Analyze below code snippet and find the output. try{ int i=5/0; } catch (ArithmeticException e){ System.out.println(e); throw new Exception(""error""); }
  18. How to exclude a class from getting serialized. "

Section 21

"1. Write a program to implement ArrayList 2. Write a program to find the 1st nonrepeating char in a String 3. write a program to find the 2nd largest in an array 4. implement singleton class (with multithreading feasible) 5. implement thread deadlock 6. if your parent class is serialized and child is not what happens 7. if your child class is serialized and parent is not what happens 8. how to make sure the child class need not be serialized"

Section 22

1.) Explain architecture and functionality of your project. 2.) What are new features which are introduced in Java 8. 3.) Why functional interfaces are introduced. There is already interface in java so why it is required. 4.) What do you mean by Predicate. 5.) How do you implement caching in your application. For realtime applications how you can implement it. 6.) What is TreeSet. How can you determine sorting in it. 7.) What is LinkedHashSet. 8.) Describe internal working for HashSet. 9.) Difference between comparator and comparable. 10.) Difference between Fail-Safe and Fail-Fast iterators. 11.) How do you deploy SpringBoot applications in Cloud. 12.) Give general idea about how cloud technologies can be used in projects. 13.) What do you mean by AWS S3 service and how it is used. 14.) Explain the functionality of Docker and meaning of Pods.

Section 23

1.) Code a functional interface and invoke a String method to show ""Hello World"". 2.) Increase the salary of employees by Rs1000 whose age is greater than 60 years by using Streams concept. 3.) In list of integers(1-10). Sort the integer values 1-5 in ascending order and 6-10 in descending order. 4.) Sort the list of integers by using Streams concept.

Section 24

"1.Sort the employee list on the basis of age and salary using java 8 2.List down the names of functional interfaces 3.explain Executorservices life cycle 4.Spring security implementation 5.what is authentication and authorization to implement spring security from scracth? 7.which design pattern you have used in your application?explain Adaptor pattern 8.Tell me about Adaptor design pattern. 9.Differnece between securitycontext and securitycontextholder 10.which approach RESTFul services u have used? 11.what is consumer interface and how it works? 12.How to find max element from list using java 8? 13.what is qualifier in spring framework?"


Spring and Spring Boot Annotations Usage







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