Run TPC-DS against different databases including Hive, Spark SQL and IBM BigSQL
Test results:
TPC/DS version tested:
- v2.13.0rc1
- DSGen-software-code-3.2.0rc1
TPC-DS is an objective tool to measure and compare different databases systems. The same set of data and non trivial queries can be loaded and executed and give an insight how databases respond to the workload. Also, having expected result based on experience, the tool can be also used for testing and tunning the newly installed or upgraded database. But using TPC-DS is not easy out of the box. Requires some manual tasks to perform. So I decided to prepare an automated tool to do the task. Just download the TPC-DS files, configure and run it.
Unpack the compressed zip file in the directory. The following directory structure is created.
- v2.10.1rc3/v2.11.0rc2/v2.13.0rc1
- answer_sets
- EULA.txt
- query_templates
- query_variants
- specification
- tests
- tools
For the purpose of the test the additional directories should be created.
- v2.10.1rc3/v2.11.0rc2
- work
- data (will contained input data)
- db2queries (queries and results related to appropriate database)
- mysqlqueries
- (etc)
- work
cd v2.10.1rc3(v2.11.0rc2)/tools
Executable files are created. To create an input data set run the command dsdgen. The parameter -sc describes the size of the data.
./dsdgen -dir ../work/data -sc 100
The following database servers are supported: PosgreSQL, MySQL (MariaDB), Oracle, DB2, Netezza, Hive, SparkSQL and IBM BigSQL. The tool consists of several simple bash and awk script files. The tool does not require any dependencies.
File | Description | Wiki |
db/ | Implementation for DB2 and BigSQL | |
db/ | Implementation for Hive and SparkSQL Thrive | |
db/ | Implementation for Netezza | |
db/ | Implementation for HBase Phoenix (not working) | |
db/ | Implementation for MySQL/MariaDB | |
db/ | Implementation for Oracle | |
db/ | Implementation for PostreSQL | |
db/ | Implementation for SparkSQL | |
db/ | Alternative solution for BigSQL, jsqsh | |
proc | Several supporting bash and awk scripts | |
RunQueries | Java tool to run queries using JDBC connection | | | Starter for Throughput Test | |
res | Expected result sets for Qualify Test | | | Launching script file | | | Main tpc-ds test runner | |
env | Configuration files for databases | |
transf.awk | AWK script file used to transform the results | |
env.templates | Templates for configuration files | |
sh.templates | Templates for lauch scripts | |
res | Refeence data set for Qualify Test | |
qualification | Queries parameters used to run Qualify Test |
The queries are executed by an appropriate command line tool. But to pass Qualify Test, the output should match the reference answer result set. Because every tool comes with its own output format, it is not easy to find a common denominator for all databases. So I develeped a simple Java QueryRunner giving the same output format regardless of the database.
Build Java Query Runner
cd RunQueries
mvn package
The following directory structure should be created.
ll target/
In order to use QueryRunner in the test, DBURL and JAVADRIVER configuration parameters should be specified.
Copy bash scripts from sh.templates to the directory.
cd mytpcds
cp sh.templates/* .
Create directory for database connection specification.
mkdir env
Copy relevent properties file from env.templates to env and configure according to yout evironment.
For instance: to run Hive TPC/DS test.
cp env.templates/hive.rc env
The common configuration parameters
Parameter | Value | Example |
DBNAME | Database name | PERFDB |
DBUSER | Database user, should have full privileges in the database | perf |
DBPASSWORD | Database password | secret |
DBHOST | Database host name | |
DTYPE | Database identifier, should correspond to db/${DTYPE} | netezza, points to db/ |
DBURL | JDBC URL to connect to database | jdbc:netezza://$DBHOST:5480/$DBNAME |
JAVADRIVER | JDBC Java driver jar file | /usr/local/nz/lib/nzjdbc3.jar |
DBURL and JAVADRIVER should be specified only if QueryRunner is going to be used. If only database client software is used, these parameters could be ignored.
Logs are created in the directory pointed by TEMPDIR variable.
export TEMPDIR=/tmp/tpcds
cat /tmp/tpcds/db2log/mytcpds.log
SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason "24" ("USERNAME AND/OR
Cannot connect to DB2
Exit immediately
Not all queries are ready to execute out of the box. The TPC-DS specification allows small alteration of the query to make them runnable (
It is recognized that implementations require specific adjustments for their operating environment and the syntactic variations of its dialect of the SQL language
To avoid keeping a different version of queries for every database, I decided to make amendments on the fly. Most changes are related to date arithmetics like adding or subtracting a number of days or table aliases. Changes are limited to basic text substitution without touching the query logic.
The changes are implemented in script file, runsinglequery bash function.
After that, I ended up with the following queries coverage.
Database | Coverage |
DB2 | 100% |
Oracle | 100% |
MySQL/MariaDB | 87% |
PostgreSQL | 97% |
Hive 2.1 | 49% |
SparkSQL 2.3 | 94% |
Netezza/NPS | 95% |
IBM BigSQL | 100% |
Variable name | Description | Default/sample value |
TEMPDIR | Temporary directory for log file and temp files | /tmp/mytpcds |
TCPROOT | Root directory for upacked TCP-DS payload | /home/sbartkowski/work/v2.10.0rc2 |
ENV | Resource file for a database under test | env/bigsql |
TESTDATA | TCP-DS table used for test loading phase | call_center |
TESTQUERY | Number of query used to execute a query test | 04 |
DONOTVERIFY | If empty, run Test Validation (QUALIFY). If not empty, ignore Test Validation | X (not empty) |
QUERYTIMEOUT | Query time execution thereshold. Parameter for timout command | 5s (limit is 5 seconds) |
Prepare the server, the client and the connection. contains a bunch of useful informations.
In conn.rc file uncomment the property file appropriate for a particular database and modify the file according to the environment.
For instance, for Oracle
#export ENV=env/db2
#export ENV=env/bigsql
export ENV=env/oracle
#export ENV=env/hive
#export ENV=env/postgresql
#export ENV=env/sparksql
#export ENV=env/thrive
#export ENV=env/phoenix
#export ENV=env/mysql
#export ENV=env/netezza
Qualify database is 1GB size.
./dsdgen -dir ../work/data -sc 1
Qualify queries are used to validate SQL SELECT statements. Qualify queries contains hardcoded parameter values and executed against qualify dataset should yield the same result set. The queryqualification task creates a serie of qualify queries. Every test templates has corresponding parameter definition in qualification directory. For instance, query template query_templates/query4.tpl has corresponding parameters set qualification/4.par
To prepare qualification queries:
- Configure conn.rc and env/{db} file
- file, uncomment ./ queryqualification line and comment out all other ./ lines.
- ./
qgen2 Query Generator (Version 2.11.0)
Copyright Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC) 2001 - 2019
Warning: This scale factor is valid for QUALIFICATION ONLY
Parsed 99 templates
Uncomment #./ test line in file
./ test
#./ removedata
#./ createtables
#./ loadtest
#./ testverify
#./ testquery
#./ loaddata
#./ verifyload
#./ runqueries
Execute ./ If connection is working, the output should be:
If the connection is not configured properly then look at output log file. The log directory is specified as LOGDIR in the resource file.
tail -f /tmp/mytpcds/oraclelog/mytcp.log
Uncomment ./ createtables line and run the script
#./ test
#./ removedata
./ createtables
#./ loadtest
#./ testverify
#./ testquery
#./ loaddata
#./ verifyload
#./ runqueries
Uncomment ./ loadtest line and run the script
export TESTDATA=call_center
#./ test
#./ removedata
#./ createtables
./ loadtest
#./ testverify
#./ testquery
#./ loaddata
#./ verifyload
#./ runqueries
The test compares number of lines in text input file and number of rows in the target table
Uncomment ./ testverify line and run the script
export TESTDATA=call_center
#./ test
#./ removedata
#./ createtables
#./ loadtest
./ testverify
#./ testquery
#./ loaddata
#./ verifyload
#./ runqueries
Uncomment ./ loaddata line and run the script
#./ test
#./ removedata
#./ createtables
#./ loadtest
#./ testverify
#./ testquery
./ loaddata
#./ verifyload
#./ runqueries
This test compares number of line in input text files against corresponding target tables.
Uncomment ./ verifyload line and run the script
#./ test
#./ removedata
#./ createtables
#./ loadtest
#./ testverify
#./ testquery
#./ loaddata
./ verifyload
#./ runqueries
Run single query as a test
Uncomment ./ testquery line and run the script
export TESTQUERY=98
#./ test
#./ removedata
#./ createtables
#./ loadtest
#./ testverify
./ testquery
#./ loaddata
#./ verifyload
#./ runqueries
Uncomment ./ runqueries line and run the script
#./ test
#./ removedata
#./ createtables
#./ loadtest
#./ testverify
#./ testquery
#./ loaddata
#./ verifyload
./ runqueries
The test result, queries and the time of the execution, is stored in the directory: TCPROOT/work/{database}queries/{database}.result
Important: every runqueries truncated the result file. In order to keep historical result, one has to make a manual copy of the result file.
- Prepare an appropriate data set using dsdgen utility
- loaddata
- verifyload (just in case)
- runqueries
- pick up the test result
(TPC-DS specification : 7.4.6)
Throughput Test measures the ability of the database engine to process queries with multiple users.
Assume the minimal number of concurrent streams, 4.
A separate batch file should be launched to emulate one session. The accepts a parameter, number 0-3 meaning the stream number. Example, stream number 3.
./ 3
./dsqgen -VERBOSE Y -DIRECTORY ../query_templates -INPUT ../query_templates/templates.lst -OUTPUT_DIR ../work/{directory} -DIALECT {dialect} -STREAMS 4 -sc 100
Example for DB2:
./dsqgen -VERBOSE Y -DIRECTORY ../query_templates -INPUT ../query_templates/templates.lst -OUTPUT_DIR ../work/db2queries -DIALECT db2 -STREAMS 4 -sc 100
The command prepares four streams of queriers in ../work/db2queries directory.
Next step is to launch four session with parameters 0,1,2, and 3 running in parallel. Every session runs appropriate list of queries and produce a separate result report. For instance:
./ptest 2
It will execute query_2.sql query set and outputs the result in work/db2queries/db2sql.result2
When all sessions complete, evaluate the result in work/db2queries.