This application is a simple note taker that can be used to write and save notes. The note taker uses an Express.js back end that saves and retrieves note data from a JSON file.
- Javascript ES6+
- Node.js
- Express.js
Below is an example of how you can download the project onto your own device:
- Clone the repository using this link:
git clone
You will need to download the suitable extensions to run the application in the command line.
- Install the node modules needed for the project within the terminal
npm install
Below is an example of the program:
To use the program, click the 'Get Started' button and you will then be directed to the notes page. To create a new note, simply click the '+' button in the top right and to save that note click the save button, also located in the top right. You will be able able to delete certain notes by clicking on the trash can icon located next to the notes located in the left column.
To host it via your personal device by using node.js in the command line, prompt the server file with
npm start
Base Code & Project Idea: The University of Adelaide Coding Bootcamp
Lara Nicole -
Project Link -
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.