Vue - The Complete Guide (w/ Router, Vuex, Composition API)
Created by Maximilian Schwarzmüller
- Introduction
- Basics & Core Concepts
- Rendering Conditional Content & Lists
- Course Project The Monster Slayer Game
- Vue Behind the Scenes
- Introduction to Components
- Moving to a Better Development Setup & Workflow with the Vue CLI
- Component Communication
- Dividing Deeper into Components
- Course Project: The Learning Resources App
- Core #Syntax
- Templates
- Directive: Instructions that are exclusively understood by vue in HTML template
- Data
- Methods: Functions which can be executed when called upon
- Computed Properties: Dependency aware properties
- Watchers: Dependency aware methods
- Components
- Component Communication
- Behind the Scenes
- Forms
- Http
- routing
- Animations
- Vuex
- Authentication
- Deployment and Optimizations
- Composition-API
- Re-using Code
- Demonslayer : A text-based RPG game made with vue without components.
Projects I assigned myself to better understand vue.
- Openlibin : An open source library built with vue