This is the source code for the PECL extension of AMFEXT and its currently in a state of flux and upgrade.
Please be patient.
Note that this version of amfext constitutes a complete rewrite of E. Riffaldi's original code.
Originally written by Emanuele Ruffaldi, this PHP extension will serialize and unserialize PHP data objects to Adobe/Macromedia's Actionscript Messsage Format 3 format. AMF3 is supported. The original AMF (AMF0?) format is no longer supported at all.
E. Ruffaldi's original v0.9.2 source code (now years old) is tagged and available via the 0.9.2 tag (and branch). This is the exact code as downloaded from the PECL website here:
For the published AMF3 spec, go here:
This extension provides two functions useful for encoding and decoding objects into AMF format: amf_encode amf_decode
This project currently just serializes objects. No deserialization is yet implemented. Soon! Soon!
#Building TODO: these instructions need to be tested.
Under Uni*/Linux: obtain the source into a directory. Then as any PHP extension perform:
./configure --enable-amf
make clean all
make install
Make sure the extension is mentioned in the php.ini file
#Authors Emanuele Ruffaldi J. Adams