Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm passionate about autonomous driving, robotics, coding, and building innovative solutions. Below you can find more information about me, my skills, and my projects.
- 🔭 I’m currently purchasing a PhD in computer engineering.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on open-source projects that can make a difference.
- 💬 Ask me about traffic rules, motion planning, and temporal logic.
- 📫 How to reach me: Email
- Languages: C++, Python
- Frameworks/Libraries: CMake, CommonRoad, scikit-build-core, nanobind, antlr4
- Tools: Git, Docker, PyCharm, CLion, VS Code
Here are a few projects I've worked on:
- CommonRoad-IO: Tool to read, write, and visualize CommonRoad scenarios and base for other tools from the CommonRoad framework.
- CommonRoad Scenario Designer: Toolbox for Map Conversion and Scenario Creation for Autonomous Vehicles.
- CommonRoad CARLA-Interface: Interface between CommonRoad and the traffic simulator CARLA.
- CommonRoad Prediction: A collection and interface for CommonRoad prediction algorithms.
- CommonRoad-all: Meta-package which automatically installs all CommonRoad tools currently released on PyPi.
- CommonRoad Reactive Planner: A sampling-based motion planner for autonomous vehicles using quintic polynomials in a Frenet frame.
- Safe ACC: Provably-correct and comfortable adaptive cruise control.
- ACC Falsification: Computationally efficient safety falsification of adaptive cruise control systems.
- CommonRoad Dataset Converter: Tool to convert popular datasets to the CommonRoad format.
You can find me on:
I'm always open to connecting with new people and exploring exciting opportunities. Feel free to reach out!