Server side verification of firebase authentication using ID tokens.
In short this library will allow you to use firebase auth as an authentication method for your backend. The client app/webapp can generate an token that is then sent with each request to your backend to identifiy users.
On the client side you will have to generate an ID token. See the firebase doc for detailed instructions.
After you got the token simply include it as a header in each request:
Authorization : Bearer <put-your-token-here>
Add the library to your mix file.
{:fire_auth, "~> 0.1.0"}
Add your firebase project id to your config.
config :fire_auth,
project_id: "project-id"
Add the following plug to validate the id token.
plug FireAuth
This will validate the id token in the request header and put
information about it into
To use the library for full authentication (load a user form the DB) use this plug.
plug FireAuth, [load_user: &load_user/1, load_groups: &load_groups/2]
Where &load_user/1
and &load_groups/2
are used to load the
user model from your database and to extract the users groups
out of the loaded user model.
For example this would be typical implementations.
def load_user(%{id: firebase_id} = _info) do
# Ideally do an insert or update here
Repo.get_by(User, firebase_id: firebase_id)
def load_groups(user, _info) do
With this set you can secure individual routes using
the FireAuth.Secure
# can only be accesed if the request contains an valid token
plug FireAuth.Secure
# only secure the :index action (in a phoenix project)
plug FireAuth.Secure when action in [:index]
# can only be accessed by users with the required_group
plug FireAuth.Secure, group: "required_group"
It is a very simple system, but works very well for most smaller projects and is especially nice nice to get started fast.
To test secured routes you can set the :fire_auth_user
in your connection before it enters the router.
This will ignore the header and use this user instead.
For example you can add an setup like the following.
setup %{conn: conn} = config do
if config[:login] do
groups = config[:groups] || []
user = Factory.insert(:user, groups: groups)
conn = Plug.Conn.assign(conn, :fire_auth_user, user)
{:ok, conn: conn, user: user}
{:ok, conn: conn}
Then use it in your tests like this.
@tag :login
test "some test", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
# The conn is authenticated with the user