To use the charts provided, make sure you've got your Helm on! 🛡️ Please refer to Helm's documentation to get started.
Once Helm has been set up correctly, follow these steps::
helm repo add grangdan
If you had already added this repo earlier, just run or update to make sure you're running with the latest:
helm repo update
You can then run
helm search repo sandeshgrangdan
to see the charts.
If you're cool with the default settings, simply run:
helm install my-app grangdan/app \
--set image.repository=nginx \
--set image.tag=latest
Want to tweak some settings? Customize your deployment by setting specific values:
helm install my-app grangdan/app \
-f my-values.yaml \
--set image.repository=nginx \
--set image.tag=latest
helm delete my-app