ovpnpwd.py is a Python script that interfaces with OpenVPN’s management interface to automate authentication with a username, password, and TOTP code. This may be useful if you use an OpenVPN server that enforces a session timeout.
You should not use this software.
If you use this to connect to your employer’s OpenVPN server, you may face disciplinary action up to and including termination.
In order to avoid this script being a complete security nightmare, it deliberately provides no way to use a stored password or TOTP secret.
Honestly, if you can’t figure out on your own how to get this working, you really shouldn’t be using it.
You can file an issue on GitHub, however I may not respond, and it may be used as evidence against you. This software is being provided without warranty in the hopes that it may be useful and/or make the world a more interesting place.
You should not use this software.
This software has not been independently audited and may contain bugs. It’s design goal is to circumvent access controls. Your password and TOTP secret are stored in memory in cleartext. It will be blatantly obvious to anyone who looks at the server logs that you are using some sort of automation to authenticate.
It’s CC0, do what you want, don’t blame the author(s) when it gets you fired.
This software is released in honor of a friend who I used to work with. They know who they are, and what they did.