- Simply install the plugin with lazy.nvim as you would for any other:
config = function ()
- Pass a table of configuration options to the plugin's
function above. - Default configuration table
terminals = {
shell = vim.o.shell,
list = {},
type_opts = {
float = {
relative = 'editor',
row = 0.3,
col = 0.25,
width = 0.5,
height = 0.4,
border = "single",
horizontal = { location = "rightbelow", split_ratio = .3, },
vertical = { location = "rightbelow", split_ratio = .5 },
behavior = {
autoclose_on_quit = {
enabled = false,
confirm = true,
close_on_exit = true,
auto_insert = true,
Use the below functions to map them for keybindings
require("nvterm.terminal").toggle "float"
require("nvterm.terminal").toggle "horizontal"
require("nvterm.terminal").toggle "vertical"
require("nvterm.terminal").new "horizontal"
require("nvterm.terminal").new "vertical"
require("nvterm.terminal").send(" your command ", "horizontal|vertical|float") -- the 2nd argument i.e direction is optional
- This function will first open a horizontal terminal and then run the
node test.js
command - Whenever you re-run this function, it'll just run that command in that horizontal terminal.
require("nvterm.terminal").send("node test.js", "horizontal")
NvTerm provides an api for you to send commands to the terminal. You can create different ones for different filetypes like so:
local terminal = require("nvterm.terminal")
local ft_cmds = {
python = "python3 " .. vim.fn.expand('%'),
<your commands here>
local toggle_modes = {'n', 't'}
local mappings = {
{ 'n', '<C-l>', function () terminal.send(ft_cmds[vim.bo.filetype]) end },
{ toggle_modes, '<A-h>', function () terminal.toggle('horizontal') end },
{ toggle_modes, '<A-v>', function () terminal.toggle('vertical') end },
{ toggle_modes, '<A-i>', function () terminal.toggle('float') end },
local opts = { noremap = true, silent = true }
for _, mapping in ipairs(mappings) do
vim.keymap.set(mapping[1], mapping[2], mapping[3], opts)
also takes a 'type' parameter, so you can choose what type of terminal to send the command to.
By default, it runs the command in the last opened terminal, or a vertical one if none exist.
terminal.send(ft_cmds[vim.bo.filetype], "float")
will run the command in a floating terminal