A TypeScript project that builds a GraphQL server using Apollo and Express. The backend is stored in a MySQL database that has a list of countries organized by code and population.
The Apollo Express instance running on http://localhost:4000/graphql documents the available queries for get, list, filter, and total; and also exposes two mutations to delete a country population, i.e. reset it back to 0; or to update the population to a number greater than 0.
Restore the database table located in the /src/data/countrypopulation.sql file. Rename the TypeORM ormconfig.development.json file to ormconfig.json and edit the necessary credentials for MySQL.
Run an npm install or update
npm i
Start the Apollo Express server by using
npm start
Then navigate to the playground by going to http://localhost:4000/graphql
All terms used are copyright to their original authors.