The ReductStore Client SDK for C++ is an open source client for ReductStore written in C++20. It allows developers to easily interact with the database from their C++ applications.
- Written in C++20
- Support ReductStore HTTP API v1.14
- Support HTTP and HTTPS protocols
- Support Linux AMD64 and Windows
Here is a simple example of how to use the ReductStore Client SDK for C++ to create a bucket, write data to it, and read the data back:
#include <reduct/client.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
using reduct::IBucket;
using reduct::IClient;
using reduct::Error;
using sec = std::chrono::seconds;
int main() {
// 1. Create a ReductStore client
auto client = IClient::Build("",{
.api_token = "my-token"
// 2. Get or create a bucket with 1Gb quota
auto [bucket, create_err] = client->GetOrCreateBucket("my-bucket", {
.quota_type = IBucket::QuotaType::kFifo,
.quota_size = 1'000'000'000
if (create_err) {
std::cerr << "Error: " << create_err;
return -1;
// 3. Write some data with timestamps and labels to the 'entry-1' entry
IBucket::Time start = IBucket::Time::clock::now();
auto write_err =
bucket->Write("sensor-1", {
.timestamp = start,
.labels = {{"score", "10"}}
}, [](auto rec) { rec->WriteAll("<Blob data>"); });
assert(write_err == Error::kOk);
write_err = bucket->Write("sensor-1", {
.timestamp = start + sec(1),
.labels = {{"score", "20"}}
}, [](auto rec) { rec->WriteAll("<Blob data>"); });
assert(write_err == Error::kOk);
// 4. Query the data by time range and condition
auto err = bucket->Query("sensor-1", start, start + sec(2), {
.when = R"({"&score": {"$gt": 10}})"
}, [](auto&& record) {
std::cout << "Timestamp: " << record.timestamp.time_since_epoch().count() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Content Length: " << record.size << std::endl;
auto [blob, read_err] = record.ReadAll();
if (!read_err) {
std::cout << "Read blob: " << blob << std::endl;
return true;
if (err) {
std::cerr << "Error: " << err;
return -1;
return 0;
- GCC 11.2 or higher (support C++20)
- CMake 3.18 or higher
- OpenSSL 1.1 or 3.0
- Conan >=2.0 (optionally)
To build the library, follow these steps:
git clone
cd reduct-cpp
# Run cmake configuration
cmake -S . -B build # for linux
cmake -S . -B build -DREDUCT_CPP_USE_STD_CHRONO=ON -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR="<path>" # for windows
# Build
cmake --build build # for linux
cmake --build build --config Release # for windows
# Install
sudo cmake --install build
CMake downloads all dependencies using FetchContent
except OpenSLL which needs to be installed in the system.
Now to use the SDK in your C++ project, you need to add the find_package
to CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.22)
target_link_libraries(quick_start ${REDUCT_CPP_LIBRARIES} ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES} OpenSSL::SSL OpenSSL::Crypto)
Alternatively, you can use Conan to install the dependencies and build the library:
conan install . --build=missing
cmake --preset conan-release -DREDUCT_CPP_USE_CONAN=ON
cmake --build --preset conan-release --config Release
For more examples, see the Guides section in the ReductStore documentation.