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Wiki Sidebars and subfolders

Don edited this page Oct 15, 2021 · 1 revision

Sidebars and subfolders

Github wiki uses Gollum.

Pages are identified by a URL composed from their title, with spaces converted to '-'.
The page title namespace is flat - there is no folder hierarchy; page titles are required to be globally unique.

The wiki source files (markdown - .md) can be organised into a hierarchy of directories / folders.
This does not impact the above scheme which relates page title to URL.

By default, all wiki pages are shown in a 'Pages' sidebar.


Ref : Gollum Subpages

The Pages sidebar will be collapsed by default if the wiki defines a top-level
Each directory can have .md files _Header, _Footer and _Sidebar files (in Gollum wiki these are referred to as e.g. _Sidebar.ext because it supports extensions other than .md)

This information was gathered from these sources :

... _Header, _Footer and _Sidebar files are per-directory, but inherited if there is none present in a child folder.
File links can be relative to the source file (keep your files with your content).

Punctuation not supported in wiki page titles

() causes problems, and ':' and/or '.', so e.g. :

  • change title :
    from : (Task : Done) Split off the alias and marker layers
    to : Task Done Split off the alias and marker layers
    url : Task--Done-Split-off-the--alias-and-marker-layers