NoShutdown is a PoC showing how simple could be to evade the recent "iShutdown" detection mechanisms from Kaspersky Labs.
Read here Kaspersky's blogpost
Basically it consists in letting the main thread of a binary listen to
Darwin notification and kindly close itself with 'exit(0)' inside the callback function.
I only tested with an old checkra1n-able iPhone 7 with iOS 14.8.
To have a try with different iPhones/iOS version:
- Build the binaries with
- scp them inside, for example, '/private/var/db/'
- Execute the launcher from an ssh shell
- Reboot the phone
'shutdown.log' file should not contain any evidence of 'no_shutdown' process.
On the other hand, compiling 'no_shutdown.m' commenting out the CFNotificationCenterAddObserver
function and reproducing the steps should result in 'shutdown.log' file contaning the log for 'no_shutdown' process.
Note that running a binary directly from ssh shell won't be useful, because presumably the os kindly shuts down the ssh process before rebooting, resulting in our process not logged. So I tried to create two binaries: 'no_shutdown' (representing a malicious implant) and a 'launcher' that simply posix_spawns the first one and exits.
Note: another way to evade iShutdown seems to be to place a plist inside '/Library/LaunchDaemons' and start the binary with 'launchctl' utility.