node-riak - an client library for Riak
// intialize client
var db = new Riak.Client({
host: 'localhost',
port: 8098,
// store nyarlathotep in deities as plain text with an 'r' value of 1, and
// return the content again (content is not returned by default)'deities', 'nyarlathotep', "The crawling chaos", { returnbody: 1, r: 1 })
.addCallback(function (resp, statusCode) {
// ...
// store cthulhu as binary and update the vclock'deities', 'cthulhu',
{ type: 'binary', headers: { 'x-riak-vclock': '...' })
.addCallback(function (resp, statusCode) {
// ...
// fetch azathoth from deities
db.fetch('deities', 'azathoth')
.addCallback(function (resp, statusCode) {
var vclock = resp.headers['x-riak-vclock'];
// Errback fired if there was an error
db.fetch('deities', 'yog-sothoth')
.addErrback(function (data, statusCode) {
if (statusCode == 404 ) { ... }
A basic wrapper around Node's HTTP facilities for communicating with a Riak server's "raw" HTTP interface.
The client methods fetch
, store
, and remove
return promises which fire
when the Riak server responds to the request. The success callback is called
with two arguments: an object with properties header
and data
; and an
integer HTTP response status code.
If the content-type of the response is application/json the data
will be the parsed JSON object.
If the HTTP response code isn't in the 2XX range an errback will be fired instead of a promise. It will have the same arguments as described in the success case above.
By default the node-riak tests run on localhost:8098 on the node-riak-test-pots
NODE_LIB=lib node tests/test_riak.js
Orlando Vazquez []