Quickly bootstrap your next TypeScript REST API project with the most up to date template. Included a sample todo app with jwt based authentication.
Note: are you looking for another kind of setup/modules? Create a ticket requesting your ideal setup and I will create a dedicated branch
- Latest modules with Node 16+ and TypeScript
- Lint and formatting via ESLint + Prettier
- PostgreSQL as data storage (using typeorm)
- Automatically generate OpenAPI spec/documentation (thanks to tsoa)
- Optimized multi stage Dockerfile
- Painless testing with Jest
- Unit and integration tests samples
- Helpers to automatically mock the database in memory per test suite (integration tests)
- pre-configured VSCode Debugger
- Easy to use inversion of control with helper functions
- JWT-based authentication sample
- HTTP Rate limiter
- While developing start a local PostgreSQL instance via one command
bash bootstrap.sh
- Supports watch mode
- Git hooks to format and lint the code before committing
- CI: GitHub action to automatically lint / build / test
Make sure you are running at least Node v16 and you have yarn installed, to install the modules run:
yarn install
To load configurations and secrets the project is using dotenv, a sample .env for local development is available under .env.example
by renaming to .env
it will be available when running the server/test
cp .env.example .env
Start PostgreSQL locally via docker and create the tables defined in src/entities
via the following command:
bash bootstrap.sh
Internal business logic
- Create new file in
- Create a class with your business logic
// file: src/services/product.ts
@provideSingleton(ProductService) // auto inject
export class ProductService {
list() {
// sample data, this might come from the db
return [
name: 'T-Shirt',
quantity: 1
Expose an endpoint
- create new file in
- Create a class with tsoa decorators and inject
// file: src/controllers/product.ts
@Route('/product') // base path for controller
@Tags('Product') // openapi section for controller endpoints
@provideSingleton(ProductController) // auto inject
export class ProductController {
// load the service defined before
@inject(ProductService) productService: ProductService,
) {}
* @summary list all products
listAllProducts() {
// get products
const productList = this.productService.list();
return {
count: productList.length,
result: productList
yarn dev
Your OpenAPI/swagger spec file generated build/swagger.json should have a new section Product
with one endpoint /product/
with request and response defined based on the type returned in listAllProducts
- src - source files
- controllers - where we define external endpoints
- services - internal business logic
- entities - tables
- requests - where we store the expected request data shape
- util - helper functions
- ioc - inversion of control helper/setup
- database - contains helper constant
to interact with the database - types - augment express typing
- test - test files
- intergration - tests related to the HTTP API (we call the HTTP API directly), a virtual database is used to make the testing easier and faster
- unit - tests related to calling the functions/services directly
- scripts - helper scripts mostly for development use only, cleanup etc.
- build - output of tsoa build, contains the output swagger.json
- dist - compiled source output (javascript)