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Custom Attributes, Comparers, and Constraints useful for testing with Unity Test Framework


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Custom attributes, comparers, and constraints useful for testing with Unity Test Framework.
Required Unity 2019 LTS or later.




FocusGameViewAttribute is an NUnit test attribute class to focus GameView or SimulatorWindow before running the test.

This attribute can attach to test method, test class (TestFixture), and test assembly. Can be used with sync Test, async Test, and UnityTest.


public class MyTestClass
    public void MyTestMethod()
        // e.g., Test using InputEventTrace of Input System package.


In batchmode, open GameView window.


GameViewResolutionAttribute is an NUnit test attribute class to set custom resolution to GameView before running the test.

This attribute can attach to test method, test class (TestFixture), and test assembly. Can be used with async Test and UnityTest.


public class MyTestClass
    [GameViewResolution(640, 480, "VGA")]
    public IEnumerator MyTestMethod()
        yield return null; // Wait for one frame to apply resolution.

        // e.g., Test using GraphicRaycaster.


Wait for one frame to apply resolution. However, if used with CreateSceneAttribute or LoadSceneAttribute, wait is not necessary.


In batchmode, open GameView window.


GizmosShowOnGameViewAttribute is an NUnit test attribute class to show/hide Gizmos on GameView during the test running.

This attribute can attach to test method only. Can be used with sync Test, async Test, and UnityTest.


public class MyTestClass
    public void MyTestMethod()
        // Show Gizmos on GameView during the test running.


In batchmode, open GameView window.


IgnoreBatchModeAttribute is an NUnit test attribute class to skip the test execution when run tests with -batchmode from the commandline.

This attribute can attach to test method, test class (TestFixture), and test assembly. Can be used with sync Test, async Test, and UnityTest.


public class MyTestClass
    [IgnoreBatchMode("Using WaitForEndOfFrame.")]
    public IEnumerator MyTestMethod()
        // e.g., Test needs to take a screenshot.

        yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
        ImageAssert.AreEqual(expectedTexture, Camera.main, settings);


IgnoreWindowModeAttribute is an NUnit test attribute class to skip the test execution when run tests on Unity editor window.

This attribute can attach to test method, test class (TestFixture), and test assembly. Can be used with sync Test, async Test, and UnityTest.


public class MyTestClass
    [IgnoreWindowMode("Requires command line arguments")]
    public void MyTestMethod()
        var args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
        Assert.That(args, Does.Contain("-arg1"));


UnityVersionAttribute is an NUnit test attribute class to skip the test run if Unity version is older and/or newer than specified.

This attribute can attach to test method, test class (TestFixture), and test assembly. Can be used with sync Test, async Test, and UnityTest.


public class MyTestClass
    [UnityVersion(newerThanOrEqual: "2022")]
    public void MyTestMethod()
        // Test run only for Unity 2022.1.0f1 or later.

    [UnityVersion(olderThan: "2019.4.0f1")]
    public void MyTestMethod()
        // Test run only for Unity older than 2019.4.0f1.


CreateSceneAttribute is an NUnit test attribute class to create a new scene and activate it before running the test.

It has the following benefits:

  • Can be use same code for running Edit Mode tests, Play Mode tests in Editor, and on Player

This attribute can attach to test method only. Can be used with sync Test, async Test, and UnityTest.


public class MyTestClass
    [CreateScene(camera: true, light: true)]
    public void MyTestMethod()
        var camera = GameObject.Find("Main Camera");
        Assert.That(camera, Is.Not.Null);

        var light = GameObject.Find("Directional Light");
        Assert.That(light, Is.Not.Null);


If you want to unload other scenes, specify the unloadOthers option.


This process runs after OneTimeSetUp and before SetUp


Create or not Main Camera and Directional Light can be specified with parameters (default is not create)


LoadSceneAttribute is a NUnit test attribute class that loads a scene before running the test.

It has the following benefits:

  • The same code can be used for Edit Mode tests and Play Mode tests in Editor and on Player.
  • Scenes that are NOT in "Scenes in Build" can be specified.
  • The scene path can be specified by glob pattern. However, there are restrictions, top level and scene name cannot be omitted.
  • The scene path can be specified as a relative path from the test class file.

This attribute can attach to the test method only. It can be used with sync Tests, async Tests, and UnityTest.


public class MyTestClass
    public void MyTestMethod()
        var cube = GameObject.Find("Cube in TestScene");
        Assert.That(cube, Is.Not.Null);

    public void UsingGlobPattern()
        // snip

    public void UsingRelativePath()
        // snip


This process runs after OneTimeSetUp and before SetUp. If you want to load during SetUp and testing, use BuildSceneAttribute and SceneManagerHelper method instead.


The scene file path starts with Assets/ or Packages/ or .. And package name using name instead of displayName, when scenes in the package. (e.g., Packages/com.nowsprinting.test-helper/Tests/Scenes/Scene.unity)


BuildSceneAttribute is a NUnit test attribute class that build a scene before running the test on player.

It has the following benefits:

  • Scenes that are NOT in "Scenes in Build" can be specified.
  • The scene path can be specified by glob pattern. However, there are restrictions, top level and scene name cannot be omitted.
  • The scene path can be specified as a relative path from the test class file.

This attribute can attach to test method, test class (TestFixture), and test assembly. It can be used with sync Tests, async Tests, and UnityTest.


public class MyTestClass
    public void MyTestMethod()
        // Setup before load scene

        // Load scene
        await SceneManagerHelper.LoadSceneAsync("../../Scenes/SampleScene.unity");

        // Excercise the test


The scene file path starts with Assets/ or Packages/ or .. And package name using name instead of displayName, when scenes in the package. (e.g., Packages/com.nowsprinting.test-helper/Tests/Scenes/Scene.unity)


TakeScreenshotAttribute is an NUnit test attribute class to take a screenshot and save it to a file after running the test.

Default save path is "Application.persistentDataPath/TestHelper/Screenshots/TestContext.Test.Name.png". You can specify the save directory and/or filename by arguments. Directory can also be specified by command line arguments -testHelperScreenshotDirectory.

This attribute can attach to test method only. Can be used with sync Test, async Test, and UnityTest.


public class MyTestClass
    public void MyTestMethod()
        // Take screenshot after running the test.


Do not attach to Edit Mode tests.


GameView must be visible. Use FocusGameViewAttribute or GameViewResolutionAttribute if running on batchmode.


If you want to take screenshots at any time, use the ScreenshotHelper class.


TimeScaleAttribute is an NUnit test attribute class to change the Time.timeScale during the test running.

This attribute can attach to test method only. Can be used with sync Test, async Test, and UnityTest.


public class MyTestClass
    public void MyTestMethod()
        // Running at 2x speed.



GameObjectNameComparer is a NUnit test comparer class that compares two GameObject by name.


public class MyTestClass
    public void MyTestMethod()
        var actual = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<GameObject>();
        Assert.That(actual, Does.Contain(new GameObject("test")).Using(new GameObjectNameComparer()));


XDocumentComparer is a NUnit test comparer class that loosely compares XDocument.

It only compares the attributes and values of each element in the document unordered. XML declarations and comments are ignored.


public class MyTestClass
    public void MyTestMethod()
        var x = XDocument.Parse(@"<root><child>value1</child><child attribute=""attr"">value2</child></root>");
        var y = XDocument.Parse(@"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>
<root><!-- comment --><child attribute=""attr"">value2</child><!-- comment --><child>value1</child></root>");
        // with XML declaration, comments, and different order

        Assert.That(x, Is.EqualTo(y).Using(new XDocumentComparer()));


XmlComparer is a NUnit test comparer class that compares two string as an XML document.

It only compares the attributes and values of each element in the document unordered. XML declarations and comments are ignored, and white spaces, tabs, and newlines before and after the value are ignored.


public class MyTestClass
    public void MyTestMethod()
        var x = @"<root><child>value1</child><child attribute=""attr"">value2</child></root>";
        var y = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>
  <!-- comment -->
  <child attribute=""attr"">
  <!-- comment -->

        Assert.That(x, Is.EqualTo(y).Using(new XmlComparer()));



DestroyedConstraint tests that a GameObject is destroyed.


using Is = TestHelper.Constraints.Is;

public class MyTestClass
    public void MyTestMethod()
        var actual = GameObject.Find("Cube");

        Assert.That(actual, Is.Destroyed);


When used with operators, use it in method style. e.g., Is.Not.Destroyed()

Statistics APIs

TestHelper.Statistics namespace provides utilities for statistical testing, including assertions for pseudo-random number generators (PRNG) and statistical summary tools.


This feature is experimental. It is possible to make breaking changes without respecting SemVer.


This feature is NOT statistical hypothesis testing tool.


Experiment is a class for running experiments of PRNG.


public class MyStatisticsTest
    public void Experiment_2D6()
        var sampleSpace = Experiment.Run(
            () => DiceGenerator.Roll(2, 6), // 2D6
            1 << 20); // 1,048,576 times

        Assert.That(sampleSpace.Max, Is.EqualTo(12));
        Assert.That(sampleSpace.Min, Is.EqualTo(2));


DescriptiveStatistics is a class for calculate statistical summaries and plotting a histogram.


public class MyStatisticsTest
    public void DescriptiveStatistics_2D6()
        const int TrialCount = 1 << 20; // 1,048,576 times
        const double Tolerance = TrialCount * 0.001d;

        var sampleSpace = Experiment.Run(
            () => DiceGenerator.Roll(2, 6), // 2D6

        var statistics = new DescriptiveStatistics<int>();
        Debug.Log(statistics.GetSummary()); // Write to console

        Assert.That(statistics.PeakFrequency, Is.EqualTo(TrialCount / 6).Within(Tolerance));
        Assert.That(statistics.ValleyFrequency, Is.EqualTo(TrialCount / 36).Within(Tolerance));
        Assert.That(statistics.MedianFrequency, Is.EqualTo(TrialCount / 12).Within(Tolerance));
        Assert.That(statistics.MeanFrequency, Is.EqualTo(TrialCount / 11).Within(Tolerance));

Console output example:

Experimental and Statistical Summary:
  Sample size: 1,048,576
  Maximum: 12
  Minimum: 2
  Peak frequency: 174,554
  Valley frequency: 29,070
  Median frequency: 87,490
  Mean frequency: 95,325.09
  Histogram: ▁▂▃▅▆█▆▅▃▂▁
  (Each bar represents the frequency of values in equally spaced bins.)


PixelPlot is class that outputs a pixel plot image file.

Default save path is "Application.persistentDataPath/TestHelper/Statistics/TestContext.Test.Name.png". You can specify the save directory and/or filename by arguments. Directory can also be specified by command line arguments -testHelperStatisticsDirectory.


public class MyStatisticsTest
    public void PixelPlot()
        var sampleSpace = Experiment.Run(
            () => UnityEngine.Random.value,
            1 << 16); // 256x256

        var pixelPlot = new PixelPlot<float>();
        pixelPlot.WriteToFile("Path/To/Directory", "PixelPlot.png");

Image output example; Left: generated by strong PRNG, Right: generated by weak (short period) PRNG:

LCG Short period LCG


Can plot only for samples with value type.

Runtime APIs

The classes in the TestHelper.RuntimeInternals assembly can be used from the runtime code because it does not depend on test-framework.


The "Define Constraints" is set to UNITY_INCLUDE_TESTS || COM_NOWSPRINTING_TEST_HELPER_ENABLE in this assembly definition files, so it is generally excluded from release builds. To use the feature in release builds, add COM_NOWSPRINTING_TEST_HELPER_ENABLE to the "Define Symbols" at build time.
How to set custom scripting symbols, see below:
Manual: Custom scripting symbols


SceneManagerHelper is a utility class to load the scene file.

It has the following benefits:

  • The same code can be used for Edit Mode tests and Play Mode tests in Editor and on Player.
  • The scene path can be specified by glob pattern. However, there are restrictions, top level and scene name cannot be omitted.
  • The scene path can be specified as a relative path from the test class file.


public class MyTestClass
    public void MyTestMethod()
        // Setup before load scene

        // Load scene
        await SceneManagerHelper.LoadSceneAsync("../../Scenes/SampleScene.unity");
        // Excercise the test


When loading the scene that is not in "Scenes in Build", use BuildSceneAttribute.


The scene file path starts with Assets/ or Packages/ or .. And package name using name instead of displayName, when scenes in the package. (e.g., Packages/com.nowsprinting.test-helper/Tests/Scenes/Scene.unity)


ScreenshotHelper is a utility class to take a screenshot and save it to a file.

Default save path is "Application.persistentDataPath/TestHelper/Screenshots/TestContext.Test.Name.png". (Replace TestContext.Test.Name to caller method name when run in runtime context.) You can specify the save directory and/or filename by arguments. Directory can also be specified by command line arguments -testHelperScreenshotDirectory.


public class MyTestClass
    public IEnumerator MyTestMethod()
        yield return ScreenshotHelper.TakeScreenshot();

    public async Task MyTestMethodAsync()
        var coroutineRunner = new GameObject().AddComponent<CoroutineRunner>();
        await ScreenshotHelper.TakeScreenshot().ToUniTask(coroutineRunner);

    private class CoroutineRunner : MonoBehaviour { }


Do not attach to Edit Mode tests. And must be called from main thread.


GameView must be visible. Use FocusGameViewAttribute or GameViewResolutionAttribute if running on batchmode.


Files with the same name will be overwritten. Please specify filename argument when calling over twice in one method.


UniTask is required to be used from the async method. And also needs coroutineRunner (any MonoBehaviour) because TakeScreenshot method uses WaitForEndOfFrame inside. See more information:

Editor Extensions

Open Persistent Data Directory

Select menu item Window > Test Helper > Open Persistent Data Directory, which opens the directory pointed to by Application.persistentDataPath in the Finder/ File Explorer.

Open Temporary Cache Directory

Select menu item Window > Test Helper > Open Temporary Cache Directory, which opens the directory pointed to by Application.temporaryCachePath in the Finder/ File Explorer.

JUnit XML format report

If you specify path with -testHelperJUnitResults command line option, the test result will be written in JUnit XML format when the tests are finished.


The JUnit XML format is the so-called "Legacy." It does not support the "Open Test Reporting format" introduced in JUnit 5.


You can choose from two typical installation methods.

Install via Package Manager window

  1. Open the Package Manager tab in Project Settings window (Editor > Project Settings)
  2. Click + button under the Scoped Registries and enter the following settings (figure 1.):
    1. Name:
    2. URL:
    3. Scope(s): com.nowsprinting
  3. Open the Package Manager window (Window > Package Manager) and select My Registries in registries drop-down list (figure 2.)
  4. Click Install button on the com.nowsprinting.test-helper package

Figure 1. Package Manager tab in Project Settings window.

Figure 2. Select registries drop-down list in Package Manager window.

Install via OpenUPM-CLI

If you installed openupm-cli, run the command below:

openupm add com.nowsprinting.test-helper

Add assembly reference

  1. Open your test assembly definition file (.asmdef) in Inspector window
  2. Add TestHelper into Assembly Definition References


Add TestHelper.RuntimeInternals into Assembly Definition References if you use the [Runtime APIs](#runtime apis).


MIT License

How to contribute

Open an issue or create a pull request.

Be grateful if you could label the PR as enhancement, bug, chore, and documentation. See PR Labeler settings for automatically labeling from the branch name.

How to development

Clone repo as a embedded package

Clone this repository as a submodule under the Packages/ directory in your project.

git submodule add Packages/com.nowsprinting.test-helper


Required installation packages for running tests (when embedded package or adding to the testables in manifest.json), as follows:

Run tests

Generate a temporary project and run tests on each Unity version from the command line.

make create_project
UNITY_VERSION=2019.4.40f1 make -k test


You must select "Input Manager (Old)" or "Both" in the Project Settings > Player > Active Input Handling for running tests.

Release workflow

The release process is as follows:

  1. Run Actions > Create release pull request > Run workflow
  2. Merge created pull request

Then, will do the release process automatically by Release workflow. After tagging, OpenUPM retrieves the tag and updates it.


Do NOT manually operation the following operations:

  • Create a release tag
  • Publish draft releases


You must modify the package name to publish a forked package.


If you want to specify the version number to be released, change the version number of the draft release before running the "Create release pull request" workflow.