I was selected for the Summer Research Program at KOC University, Istanbul, Turkey. My project Dangerous Companions is an interdisciplinary initiative that focuses on non-state violence, especially the role of terrorism, the Middle East Conflict etc.
Project is supplied by novel NAG Dataset . My task was focused on Data Visualization using directed graphs, analyzing yearly variations, cycles, and Hypothesis testing. NAG stands for Non-State Armed Groups (terrorists or revolutionaries).
Webpage: https://newtein.github.io/terrorNetwork/
Details: Visualizations/Visualizations: Dir consists of visualization of Dynamic Support->Target Terror Network from year 1945 - 2010. Details: Analysis-Insiders Treat/
Analysis-Insiders Threat: Dir consists of analysis of patterns in pre 1980 and post 1980 support.
Further, I am pursuing this project as my Major Project at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology under Social-Security domain. Details about problem statement and further implementation will be available by Dec 18 - Jan 19.