This project is a payment-system application developed using Node.js, MongoDB, and Express.js.
This project is developed using JavaScript and includes the following technologies:
- Node.js: Used as the runtime environment for server-side JavaScript.
- MongoDB: Used as the database.
- Express.js: Used as the server-side application framework.
The project includes the following packages:
- crypto-js: Used for encrypting passwords.
- dotenv: Used for loading environment variables.
- helmet: Used for security measures.
- http-status: Used for facilitating the use of HTTP status codes.
- joi: Used for data validation.
- jsonwebtoken: Used for JWT (JSON Web Token) authorization.
- mongoose: Used for interacting with MongoDB.
- async-mutex: Used for lock management and synchronization.
- compression: Used for compressing HTTP responses.
- jest: Used as the JavaScript testing framework.
- mongodb-memory-server: Used for testing MongoDB applications.
- nanoid: Used for generating unique identifiers.
- supertest: Used for testing HTTP servers.
- swagger-jsdoc: Used for generating Swagger documentation.
- swagger-ui-express: Used for presenting Swagger documentation in a user-friendly manner.
- GET /users: Used to view information of all users in the system.
- GET /users/:id: Used to view information of users based on the provided ID.
- GET /users/transactions: Displays all transactions made by the user.
- GET /users/balance: Displays the balance in the user's account.
- GET /users/transactions/sender: Displays transactions where the user is the sender.
- GET /users/transactions/receiver: Displays transactions where the user is the receiver.
- POST /users: Used to create a new user.
- POST /users/login: Allows the user to log in to the system.
- PATCH /users/change-password: Allows the user to change their password.
- PATCH /users: Allows the user to update their information.
- POST /transactions: Used to create a new transaction.
- Install Node.js, MongoDB, and MongoDB Compass.
- Clone the project to your local directory.
- Navigate to the project directory in your terminal and run
npm install
to install dependencies. - Create a
file and define the necessary environment variables. - Execute the following command in your terminal:
npm run start
- Send requests to the required endpoints using tools like Postman.
- Visit
in your browser to view and test the API documentation using Swagger.
- Install Docker.
- Enable Kubernetes from the Docker interface.
- Refer to the Minikube documentation and Kubernetes documentation for instructions on installing Minikube and kubectl.
- Build the Docker image:
docker build -t local-nodejs-kubernetes:1 .
- Start containers with Docker Compose:
docker-compose up --build -d
- Apply Kubernetes resources:
kubectl apply -f deployments
- Set up Minikube Docker environment:
eval $(minikube docker-env)
- Start Minikube tunnel:
minikube tunnel
- Send requests to the required endpoints (
) using tools like Postman. By following these steps, you can successfully run your Node.js application in a Kubernetes environment.
To test the application:
- Set the value of NODE_ENV to "test" in the .env file:
- Execute the following command in your terminal:
npm run test
- These steps will configure the environment for testing and run the test suite.