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Payment System Project

This project is a payment-system application developed using Node.js, MongoDB, and Express.js.

Technologies Used

This project is developed using JavaScript and includes the following technologies:

  • Node.js: Used as the runtime environment for server-side JavaScript.
  • MongoDB: Used as the database.
  • Express.js: Used as the server-side application framework.

Packages Used

The project includes the following packages:

  • crypto-js: Used for encrypting passwords.
  • dotenv: Used for loading environment variables.
  • helmet: Used for security measures.
  • http-status: Used for facilitating the use of HTTP status codes.
  • joi: Used for data validation.
  • jsonwebtoken: Used for JWT (JSON Web Token) authorization.
  • mongoose: Used for interacting with MongoDB.
  • async-mutex: Used for lock management and synchronization.
  • compression: Used for compressing HTTP responses.
  • jest: Used as the JavaScript testing framework.
  • mongodb-memory-server: Used for testing MongoDB applications.
  • nanoid: Used for generating unique identifiers.
  • supertest: Used for testing HTTP servers.
  • swagger-jsdoc: Used for generating Swagger documentation.
  • swagger-ui-express: Used for presenting Swagger documentation in a user-friendly manner.



  • GET /users: Used to view information of all users in the system.
  • GET /users/:id: Used to view information of users based on the provided ID.
  • GET /users/transactions: Displays all transactions made by the user.
  • GET /users/balance: Displays the balance in the user's account.
  • GET /users/transactions/sender: Displays transactions where the user is the sender.
  • GET /users/transactions/receiver: Displays transactions where the user is the receiver.
  • POST /users: Used to create a new user.
  • POST /users/login: Allows the user to log in to the system.
  • PATCH /users/change-password: Allows the user to change their password.
  • PATCH /users: Allows the user to update their information.


  • POST /transactions: Used to create a new transaction.

Running the Application Locally

  1. Install Node.js, MongoDB, and MongoDB Compass.
  2. Clone the project to your local directory.
  3. Navigate to the project directory in your terminal and run npm install to install dependencies.
  4. Create a .env file and define the necessary environment variables.
  5. Execute the following command in your terminal: npm run start
  6. Send requests to the required endpoints using tools like Postman.
  7. Visit localhost:3000/api-docs in your browser to view and test the API documentation using Swagger.

Running in Kubernetes

  1. Install Docker.
  2. Enable Kubernetes from the Docker interface.
  3. Refer to the Minikube documentation and Kubernetes documentation for instructions on installing Minikube and kubectl.
  4. Build the Docker image: docker build -t local-nodejs-kubernetes:1 .
  5. Start containers with Docker Compose: docker-compose up --build -d
  6. Apply Kubernetes resources: kubectl apply -f deployments
  7. Set up Minikube Docker environment: eval $(minikube docker-env)
  8. Start Minikube tunnel: minikube tunnel
  9. Send requests to the required endpoints (localhost:8099/users or localhost:8099/transactions) using tools like Postman. By following these steps, you can successfully run your Node.js application in a Kubernetes environment.


To test the application:

  1. Set the value of NODE_ENV to "test" in the .env file: NODE_ENV=test
  2. Execute the following command in your terminal: npm run test
  3. These steps will configure the environment for testing and run the test suite.


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