This library allows you to define Variants as cshtml views. It passes the variant bound item as the Model.
A sample view that can be used for the Promo Component is included in this package. The contents of the cshtml view are as follows:
@model Sitecore.Data.Items.Item
<p>I am in a cshtml view</p>
<p>The name of the item is @Model.Name</p>
<div>@Html.Sitecore().Field("PromoText", Model)</div>
<p>Link: @Html.Sitecore().Field("PromoLink", Model)</p>
The current item in context is passed to the view. The view will be rendered like any other cshtml view, so you full access to c# and Sitecore API's.
The Sample view is located at: \Views\SampleVariantViews\Sample.cshtml. Use this path when configuring your variant definition on the promo for test purposes, or roll your own and specify the path to your Views as needed.
Note that current release/nuget package has been tested on Sitecore 9.1 only with SXA 1.8