A burning trash heap
It's a map that plots alerts from an active911 alert feed, with an implemented radar.
Coded in JS and PHP.
In rssfeed.php
you'll have to set the variable rssFeedURL
to your department's rss feed URL. You can find your rss URL under the agency tab on the active911 site.
Set the defaultPosition variable in index.html
line 57
to a suitable geo coordinate. This is what's displayed when no alerts are active, and map is first loaded. Idealy, display your covered area.
You'll need to get a google maps API code and update the URL in index.html
on line 353
NOTE: Google maps does have an address to geo coord limitation. Last time I checked it was 1000 per day. Be careful if you're testing this with an active alert. You'll reach your limit pretty quick.
I think that's it... I hope...
I put up monitors and got active911 going for my department, and a few members asked if I could get a radar showing over the map. I got it done, in probably the ugliest and most unefficient way possible, but I got it done.
I don't know. It works -- or it did at one time.
I thought about implementing a slide show. Just so the TVs aren't displaying the same picture for hours on end. Would cycle through pictures of our trucks, the radar, a plain map.
If nothing else, use it for insperation.