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A modular iOS application built using SwiftUI and Combine, following Clean Architecture and SOLID principles. The app fetches trending movies from TheMovieDB API, supports filtering by genres, and displays detailed information about each movie.


  • Trending Movies List: Displays a paginated list of trending movies.
  • Search and Filter: Supports searching movies by title and filtering by genres.
  • Movie Details: Provides detailed information about selected movies including budget, revenue, and runtime.


The project uses Clean Architecture to separate concerns into distinct layers:

1. Domain Layer

  • Defines business logic and entities such as Movie, Genre, and MovieDetail.
  • Contains protocols for repositories and use cases, ensuring the decoupling of the business logic from implementation details.

2. Data Layer

  • Implements the repository protocols, providing access to remote data (API).
  • Contains the RemoteDataSource, NetworkClient, and the implementation of data repositories.
  • Uses Combine for handling asynchronous operations and data flows.

3. UseCases Layer

  • Implements business rules and use cases such as fetching trending movies, retrieving genres, and fetching movie details.
  • Communicates with repositories to execute these use cases.

4. Presentation Layer

  • Manages the UI and state using SwiftUI and Combine.
  • Contains ViewModels for handling the state and presentation logic.
  • Includes shared UI components such as SearchBar, MovieRowView, and GenreChipsView.

5. Factories Layer

  • Uses the Factory Design Pattern to instantiate repositories and use cases, ensuring dependency injection and separation of concerns.

Clean Architecture

  • Separation of Concerns: The project divides responsibilities across layers, making each layer focused on a specific task.
  • Dependency Inversion: High-level components (e.g., ViewModels) depend on abstractions (protocols) rather than concrete implementations.
  • Testability: Each layer is independent and can be tested in isolation using mock implementations of protocols.
  • Maintainability: The modular architecture makes it easy to extend the app by adding new features, like additional filtering options or new data sources.

SOLID Principles

  1. Single Responsibility: Each class or struct has one responsibility (e.g., ViewModel handles UI logic, Repository handles data fetching).
  2. Open/Closed: Classes are open for extension but closed for modification.
  3. Liskov Substitution: Interfaces ensure that derived classes can replace base classes without altering behavior.
  4. Interface Segregation: ViewModels only depend on specific use case protocols they need.
  5. Dependency Inversion: High-level modules depend on abstractions (use case protocols), not concrete implementations.

How to Run the Project

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Open the project in Xcode and run it on the simulator or device.

  3. You need to replace the placeholder API key in APIConstants.swift with your own API key from TheMovieDB.

How to Test

  • The app uses unit tests for the ViewModels, UseCases, and Factories.
  • Each layer can be tested independently by mocking dependencies and verifying the outputs.

To run the tests, use:

⌘ + U (in Xcode)


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


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