Sample AEM project with integrated standard HTL and React Web Components.
- check ui.frontend.react module
- check components /apps/aem-integrations/components/react/*
The main parts of the template are:
- core: Java bundle containing all core functionality like OSGi services, listeners or schedulers, as well as component-related Java code such as servlets or request filters.
- ui.apps: contains the /apps (and /etc) parts of the project, ie JS&CSS clientlibs, components, and templates
- ui.frontend: dedicated front-end build mechanism (general Webpack project)
- ui.frontend.react: dedicated front-end build mechanism (React Web Components Webpack project)
- ui.content: contains sample content using the components from the ui.apps
- ui.config: contains runmode specific OSGi configs for the project
- ui.tests: Selenium based UI tests
- it.tests: Java based integration tests
- all: a single content package that embeds all of the compiled modules (bundles and content packages) including any vendor dependencies
- analyse: this module runs analysis on the project which provides additional validation for deploying into AEMaaCS
To build all the modules and deploy the all
package to a local instance of AEM, run in the project root directory the following command:
mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackage -PautoInstallSinglePackagePublish
Note: This project is generated for AEM as Cloud Service