Skylab is a open-source SDK library and a Orchestration System to manage infrastructure resources such as containers, virtual machines, databases and virtual data centers from public cloud providers programmatically. There is also a command language interface (CLI) for infrastructure management and is based in technologies like terraform, shell, python, docker and others. It can be used by engineers with roles of Sysops, DevOps or System Administrators to manage and deploy components with reusable and customizable Infrastructure-as-Code blueprints.
- Compute: AWS EC2
- Database: AWS RDS
- Storage: AWS S3
- Network: AWS VPC (Under development)
- Orchestration: EKS and ECS (Under development)
- Queue: AWS DynamoDB
- Cache: Elasticache Redi and Memcached
This work was made possible by
- Bug fix challenges
- Winners for sprint 21
- Version 0.02 stable release
- Be our beta tester and win prizes!
If you want to deploy the resources using our cloud hosting service please send a message to comercial@
If you need professional service we have a public rate card
For more information please reach us at comercial@
- How to deploy a linux VM in the cloud with code
- Infra as Code Getting Started
- Create a database with terraform blueprints
- Deploy a container with Docker compose on AWS
- How to deploy an M5 EC2 VM
- Free AWS EC2 Credits!
- How to create a free e-commerce!
- Host your mkddocs site for free!
The app registry is an important place for software distribution...
module "ec2_vm_002" {
source = "../modules/compute/ec2_std"
namespace = var.namespace
name = format("%s/%s",var.namespace,"vm_002")
id = format("%s/%s",var.namespace,"vm_002")
vm_key = aws_key_pair.deploy.key_name
region = var.region
user_data = "${file("./files/")}"
instance_profile = var.instance_profile
firewall_id = var.firewall_id
subnet_id = var.subnet_id
quant_inst = var.quant_inst
disk_size = "50"
#os_image = "ami-0675b14d0cce38612"
os_image = "ami-06fae82181843e5cd"
output "ec2_vm_002" {
value = module.ec2_vm_002
module "sql-rds" {
source = "../modules/database/core/rds"
namespace = var.namespace
db_name = "mocksql"
db_username = "sqluser"
db_password = "hausdhf&hsa2212!"
db_subnet_group_name = "service-oracle-rds-subnet"
parameter_group_name = "service-mocksql"
engine = "oracle-se2"
engine_version = ""
tags = var.tags
instance_class = "db.m4.large"
license_model = "license-included"
firewall-sg-id = ["sg-0469e493b1366dbdf"]
db_port = "1521"
output "sql-rds" {
value = module.sql-rds
module "cache-HA-redis-cluster" {
source = "../modules/storage/core/elasticache-HA-cluster-redis"
namespace = var.namespace
cache_name = "HA-cache-mk"
security_group_ids_list = ["sg-0270a8870e8520cdc"]
cache_subnet_group_name = "service-cache-subnet-group"
tags = var.tags
output "cache-HA-redis-cluster" {
value = module.cache-HA-redis-cluster
module "dynamodb" {
source = "../modules/database/core/dynamodb"
db_attributes = {
id = "S"
ts = "N"
primary_key = "id"
secondary_key = "ts"
tags = var.tags
namespace = var.namespace
table_name = "nosqlDB-mock"
output "dynamodb" {
value = module.dynamodb
- Terraform - Infrastructure as Code
- aws-cli - AWS Command Line Interface
- docker - Container Platform
- docker-compose - Container Deploy Tool
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
Name: Beta
- Version: v0.01
- Released: Jun, 2019
- License: Apache 2
- Status: Stable
Name: Skylab
- Version: v0.02
- Released: Jan, 2020
- License: Server Side Public License
- Status: Testing
Sprint v0.02 (Release date: Jan/21)
- Azure and GCP support are under development.
- Advanced Kubernetes Cluster.
- Embedded util tools and apps: LAMP, Jenkins, Wordpress, Kubernetes.
- Platform: Native Apps and Software
- Marketplace: Partner ecosystem
Sprint v0.01 (Release date: Jun/19)
- First major release
- Terraform modules and command line interface (CLI)
- Docker container for workflow automation
- AWS Support for EC2, RDS, S3, Elasticache and DynamoDB
- Simple to read, modify and run
- Easy to extend by making reusable programmable components
- Test and Quality Control
- Secure and Resilient Architecture
- Object-Oriented through modules and code templates
There are several ways to help the project
- Testing: Contact for more information
- Code: Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- Sponsor: Contact for more information
- Subscription: Contact for more information
For now we only support AWS Cloud provider. Other will be implemented in the future.
You can find the video demonstration at https://endpoint
If you want to schedule a live demo please send a message to comercial@
Allow to easily Create/Update/Replace/Delete infrastructure resources classes (such as databases, middleware queues, memory caches, file services ,etc.) through a mark-up template language. On top of terraform (For now Skylab is based on terraform >= 12.) we have implemented several classes of components, templates and pipelines tools that manages and schedule infrastructure resources running either locally or at any (future) IT infra. provider (like AWS Cloud). The classes (or modules in terraform) brings an greater level of abstraction to the developer/admin as it automates many of the complexity in setting up an continuous deployment pipeline (CI/CD as in devops) or an entire infrastructure environment that follows best practices (high-available & scalable, service continuity, secure & resilience)
Resource class file-server (AWS S3 Bucket):
module "buckets3-backend" {
source = "../modules/fileserver/core/bucket-s3"
namespace = var.namespace
partition-key = "s3-fileserver-mock"
tags = var.tags
output "buckets3"{
value = module.buckets3-backend
# User/Service Credentials #
# Module: CreateAcessProfile
module "CreateAcessProfile_AdminProfile" {
source = "../modules/security/ext/auth/CreateAccessProfile"
username = "admin-user-app-mock"
namespace = var.namespace
target_service = ""
access_level = "Allow"
role_name = "admin-role-app-mock"
output "AuthProfile_AdminProfile" {
value = module.CreateAcessProfile_AdminProfile
# Policy S3 - Default Backend Storage
# Module: GrantAccessTo_ACL
module "S3_GrantAccessTo_ACL_Adm" {
source = "../modules/security/ext/auth/GrantAccessTo_ACL"
policy_name = "s3_acl"
namespace = var.namespace
access_level = "Allow"
target_service = "s3"
operation_list = ["*"]
prefix = ""
target_resource_id_list = ["default-backend-storage*", "default-backend-storage/*"]
#target_resource_id_list = ["default-backend-storage-${}*", "default-backend-storage-${}/*"]
#target_resource_id_list = ["bucketTestA*", "bucketTestA-010111*"]
region = ""
account-id = ""
target_user_name =
target_role_name =
output "S3_AcessControl_PolicyRule_Adm" {
value = module.S3_GrantAccessTo_ACL_Adm.policy
Input parameters (terraform.tfvars):
profile = "infra-deploy-admin-lab"
region = "us-east-1"
namespace = "service"
account-id = "00000000"
tags = {
BusinessUnit = "ACME LTDA"
ComplianceList = ""
ComplianceRequired = "0"
CriticalLevel = "9"
Email = ""
EscalationList = "userid1/userid2/userid3"
FilaIm = "l-acme"
Product = "ACME Product"
Slack = "acme-prod"
Team = "acme-devops"
To deploy using the CLI use the commands bellow under the ./sdk/LAYER-NAME
# configure/setup service environment
# security & network
cfg-srv init security
# create lab environment
srv-adm security bootstrap lab
cfg-srv bootstrap security
# deploy & remove service environment
srv-adm security status lab
srv-adm security deploy lab
srv-adm security remove lab
# infra
# configure/setup service environment
cfg-srv init infra
# create lab environment
srv-adm infra bootstrap lab
# deploy & remove service environment
srv-adm infra status lab
srv-adm infra deploy lab
srv-adm infra remove lab
To deploy using the start-workflow docker container edit the ./utils/iaas-tool/docker-compose.yml :
version: "3"
build: srv
# infra
# configure/setup service environments
#command: ./tmp/ cfg-srv init infra
# create lab environments
#command: ./tmp/ srv-adm infra bootstrap lab
# deploy & remove service environments
#command: ./tmp/ srv-adm infra init lab
#command: ./tmp/ srv-adm infra status lab
command: ./tmp/ srv-adm infra deploy lab
#command: ./tmp/ srv-adm infra remove lab
Run the script to deploy the container
$ ./
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
It's possible to run this project in two ways. Run locally the cfg-srv/srv-adm tools or through a docker-container.
For local run: - example on Centos 7 (see official docs for other OS distributions). Install pip package manager and the aws-cli tool
yum -y install epel-release
yum -y install python-pip wget unzip tree
pip install awscli
Install terraform.
unzip ./ -d /usr/local/bin/
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/terraform
terraform -v
For docker see the [official instructions] (
Setting AWS Credentials - [official docs] (
Setting your credentials for use can be done in a number of ways, but here are the recommended approaches: Set credentials in the AWS credentials profile file on your local system, located at:
~/.aws/credentials on Linux, macOS, or Unix
C:\Users\USERNAME\.aws\credentials on Windows
This file should contain lines in the following format:
aws_access_key_id = your_access_key_id
aws_secret_access_key = your_secret_access_key
Substitute your own AWS credentials values for the values your_access_key_id and your_secret_access_key.
The first thing you have to do is create the service workspace by cloning/fork/copy the main project.
git clone
Or using wget command for Unix.
File/Dir | Description |
sdk/ | Core component which contains the source-code for all tools,scripts and templates |
sdk/modules/ | Source-code for reusable infrastructure modules |
sdk/shared/ | Shared/Common configuration files between all services and environments |
sdk/test/ | Mock workflow files for test |
sdk/_service/ | Service workspace |
sdk/_service/envs/*/ | A service can have multiple environments like dev, stage, qa, prod... |
sdk/_service/envs/*/ | Terraform configuration file that store and manage the infra. state |
sdk/_service/envs/*/input_parameters.tfvars | Input parameters for dynamic environment variables |
sdk/security/ | Privileged workspace for security and network resources deployment |
sdk/infra/ | General purpose infrastructure resource workflow manager |
sdk/_service/ | Service Deployment tool |
sdk/_service/ | Service Configuration tool |
utils/ | helper tools to use and manage the deployment pipeline |
utils/iaas-tool | docker container tool to automate task execution |
Add additional notes about how to deploy this on a live system
A forum for technical questions about how to use.
For more details acess [documentation]
- Matheus S. Lima - Initial work - Skyfall
See also the list of who participated in this project.
Skylab is free and the source is available. Versions released prior to October, 2020 are published under the Apache 2. All versions released after October 1, 2020, including patch fixes for prior versions, are published under the Server Side Public License (SSPL) v1. See individual files for details.
Fore more details see the license document in
See https....
- More logs, metrics and alerts...
- Network layer (VPC and subnets).
- More examples and improve docs.
- ...