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This is the on-prem version of VyHub. (Also known as "Selfhosting")


Follow the instructions at the docs.

Environment Variables


Var Values Default Description
VYHUB_SESSION_SECRET String, >= 32 Chars - A random string with at least 32 chars
VYHUB_BASE_URL URL - The URL to the API (without /v1)
VYHUB_ROOT_PATH Path - When a reverse proxy with path stripping is used, set this to the stripped path. For example /api.
VYHUB_PATH_PREFIX Path - When a reverse proxy without path stripping is used, set this to path of the application. For example /api.
VYHUB_FRONTEND_URL URL - The URL where the Frontend is located
VYHUB_GEOIP_API_URL URL - The URL where the GeoIP API is located
VYHUB_PDF_API_URL URL - The URL where the PDF API is located
VYHUB_CRYPT_SECRET String, >= 32 Chars - A random string with at least 32 chars
VYHUB_INSTANCE_UID Integer - The VyHub instance UID
VYHUB_SECRET Integer - The VyHub instance secret
VYHUB_ADDONS Comma seperated String - A comma seperated string of enabled addons. Example: forum,addon2,addon3
VYHUB_CUSTOM_FRONTEND true/false false If enabled, the web folder stays untouched and frontend files must be supplied manually


Var Values Default Description
VYHUB_DATABASE_URL URL - The postgres connection URL
VYHUB_DATABASE_SCHEMA String public The used postgres schema
VYHUB_DATABASE_MAX_WAIT Integer 30 The maximum amount of seconds the application wait for the database to become available
VYHUB_DATABASE_POOL_SIZE Integer 1 The amount of connections that application always maintains to the database
VYHUB_DATABASE_POOL_OVERFLOW Integer 14 The maximum amount of connections that the application can establish additionally to the pool size. These connections will be closed if not needed anymore.


Var Values Default Description
VYHUB_SERVER_DEBUG true/false false Enables debug mode which causes stack traces to be printed. Should be false in production.
VYHUB_SERVER_ECHO true/false false Enables output of all SQL queries (to stdout)
VYHUB_SERVER_SECURE true/false true Enables HTTPS for the application. Not required with a reverse proxy (nginx).
VYHUB_SERVER_GEN_CERT true/false false Generates self-signed TLS certificates on startup for HTTPS
VYHUB_SERVER_HOST String Sets the IP on which the application listens for requests
VYHUB_SERVER_FORWARD_IPS String * Specifies which IP-addresses are allowed to forward proxy traffic
VYHUB_SERVER_PORT Integer 5050 Specifies on which port the application listens
VYHUB_SERVER_WORKERS Integer 1 Specifies how many processes of the application are running. Can be slightly increased for more performance. (Caution: Make sure that enough memory (around 400MiB each) and postgres database connections (15 by default) are available)


Var Values Default Description
VYHUB_MAIL_FROM_ADDR String - The sender address of mails sent by the application
VYHUB_MAIL_SMTP_HOST String - The IP/Hostname of the SMTP server
VYHUB_MAIL_SMTP_PORT Integer 25 The port of the SMTP server
VYHUB_MAIL_SMTP_USER String - The username to authenticate
VYHUB_MAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD String - The password to authenticate
VYHUB_MAIL_SMTP_SSL ssl/starttls - Enable SSL/StartTLS connection to the mailserver


Var Values Default Description
VYHUB_LOGGING_LOKI_URL URL - The URL to the Loki logging server


Var Values Default Description
VYHUB_BACKEND_URL URL - The URL to the API (with /v1)