Three.js wrapper provies a simple lightweight framework for using Three.js to add 3d objects and animations to your project.
You can install using npm
npm install three-js-wrapper
Import into your project
import ThreeJSWrapper from 'three-js-wrapper';
or you can import the minified JS directly into your site
<script src="js/three-js-wrapper.min.js"></script>
Built and minified library is located in the /build directory
Entities are objects that will be placed in your scene via the wrapper. Every entity exposes a create
and update
returns a ThreeJS Object3D object.
gets called once per animation frame.
Rotating Wireframe Sphere Example:
import { ThreeJSEntity } from '../../build/three-js-wrapper.module.js';
//wireframe sphere
export default class WireframeSphere extends ThreeJSEntity {
create() {
const {
x = 0,
y = 0,
z = 0,
radius = 10,
segments = 16,
rings = 16,
color = 0xCC0000
} = this.params;
let material = new this.THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { wireframe: true, color: color } );
let geo = new this.THREE.SphereGeometry(radius,segments,rings);
let obj3d = new this.THREE.Mesh(geo,material);
obj3d.position.z = z;
obj3d.position.y = y;
obj3d.position.x = x;
return obj3d;
update (event) { -= .005;
Example that uses the WireframeSphere Entity:
import ThreeJSWrapper from '../build/three-js-wrapper.module.js';
import WireframeSphere from './entities/WireframeSphere.js';
let canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
let wrapper = new ThreeJSWrapper(canvas);
//create entitites
let sphere = new WireframeSphere({z:-25});
//add enitities
//position controls,0,-25);
//start wrapper
For more examples see the examples directory, or Api Docs.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Start by installing dependencies
npm install
All source files are located in the /src directory. Examples are in the /examples directory. To build the source run:
npm run build
Start sever to view examples
npm run serve
Run tests (mocha/karma/puppeteer)
npm run test