Welcome to our Social Media App Together! This application is designed to connect users through a range of features, leveraging real-time communication and providing an interactive platform for social interactions.
- User Authentication && Authorisation
- Profile Creation && Updation
- Social Media Post Sharing && Story viewing
- Real time Messaging One-one-one && Group Chat
- Completely Responsive
- Built On Dark Mode
Visit https://together-3i3j.onrender.com/api-docs/ to Read the RESTFUL api swagger documentation for the app
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/krishna4040/Together.git
Go to the project directory
cd together
Install dependencies in root directory and server directory
npm install
Make sure to make .env file with following env variables in root directory
Start the server and run vite app using concurrently by running
npm run start
Contributions are always welcome!
I am looking forward to Integrate and looking forward to ask for contributions regarding
- Real time Audio video communication using
- In memory cache management using
- Using
to increase SEO and get the app production ready - Dockerising App using
- Building CI/CD pipleline using
Github Actions
- Using Ai models to integrate ai in social media App
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at krishnajain5050@gmail.com, Thanks For reading!!!