Official AfricasTalking Python API wrapper
A Python library for communicating with the AfricasTalking REST API. Need help? Post your questions to
$ pip install AfricastalkingGateway # python 2
$ pip3 install AfricasTalkingGateway # on python 3.X
$ python3.6 -m pip install AfricasTalkingGateway # for python3.6
The gateway package belongs to module africastalking
, import as:
from africastalking.AfricasTalkingGateway import (AfricasTalkingGateway, AfricasTalkingGatewayException)
from africastalking.AfricasTalkingGateway import (AfricasTalkingGateway, AfricasTalkingGatewayException)
# Specify your login credentials
username = "MyAfricasTalkingUsername"
apikey = "MyAfricasTalkingAPIKey"
# Please ensure you include the country code (+254 for Kenya in this case)
to = "+254711XXXYYY,+254733YYYZZZ"
message = "I'm a lumberjack and it's ok, I sleep all night and I work all day"
# Create a new instance of our awesome gateway class
gateway = AfricasTalkingGateway(username, apikey)
# Thats it, hit send and we'll take care of the rest.
results = gateway.sendMessage(to, message)
for recipient in results:
# status is either "Success" or "error message"
print 'number=%s;status=%s;messageId=%s;cost=%s' %(recipient['number'],
except AfricasTalkingGatewayException, e:
print 'Encountered an error while sending: %s' % str(e)
(Sample code in Flask. Django is not too different, POST params within the request object)
- Add a callback URL on the accounts page
# define a method/ endpoint/ route to receive the POST params we send to you:
@app.route('/api/sms/dlr/', methods=['POST'])
def dlr_callback():
# Reads the variables sent via POST from our gateway
_from = request.values.get('from', None)
to = request.values.get('to', None)
text = request.values.get('text', None)
date = request.values.get('date', None)
id_ = request.values.get('id', None)
# update db or some sort of operation, to, text, date, id_)
except Exception as e:
logging.error('Failed with - ', e)
resp = make_response('Ok', 200)
resp.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
resp.cache_control.no_cache = True
return resp
# Our gateway will return 10 messages at a time back to you, starting with
# what you currently believe is the lastReceivedId. Specify 0 for the first
# time you access the gateway, and the ID of the last message we sent you
# on subsequent results
lastReceivedId = 0;
while True:
messages = gateway.fetchMessages(lastReceivedId)
for message in messages:
print 'from=%s;to=%s;date=%s;text=%s;linkId=%s;' %(message['from'],
lastReceivedId = message['id']
if len(messages) == 0:
except AfricasTalkingGatewayException, e:
print 'Encountered an error while fetching messages: %s' % str(e)
# create an instance of the AT gateway class
# define apikey and username
# Specify your Africa's Talking phone number in international format
callFrom = "+254711082XYZ"
# Specify the numbers that you want to call to in a comma-separated list
# Please ensure you include the country code (+254 for Kenya in this case, +256 Uganda)
callTo = "+254711XXXYYY,+254733YYYZZZ"
# Create a new instance of our awesome gateway class
gateway = AfricasTalkingGateway(username, apikey)
# Make the call
results =, callTo)
for result in results:
# Only status "Queued" means the call was successfully placed
print "Status : %s; phoneNumber : %s " % (result['status'],
# Our API will now contact your callback URL once recipient answers the call!
except AfricasTalkingGatewayException, e:
print 'Encountered an error while making the call: %s' % str(e)
# Specify an array of dicts to hold the recipients and the amount to send
recipients = [{"phoneNumber" : "+2547XXYYYZZZ",
"amount" : "KES XX"}]
# Create a new instance of our awesome gateway class
gateway = AfricasTalkingGateway(username, apikey)
# Thats it, hit send and we'll take care of the rest.
responses = gateway.sendAirtime(recipients)
for response in responses:
print "phoneNumber=%s; amount=%s; status=%s; discount=%s; requestId=%s" %(response['phoneNumber'],
except AfricasTalkingGatewayException, e:
print 'Encountered an error while sending airtime: %s' % str(e)
Check for open issues or open a fresh issue to start a discussion around a feature idea or a bug.
Fork the repository on GitHub to start making your changes to the master branch (or branch off of it).
Write a test which shows that the bug was fixed or that the feature works as expected.
Send a pull request and bug the maintainer until it gets merged and published. :)