SumOfSquares v0.5.0
Closed issues:
- Maxdegree of certificate (#167)
- Sparse submodule (#202)
- Control over optimization variables (#208)
- Default maxdegree should take degree of constraints into account (#219)
Merged pull requests:
- Update for SymbolicWedderburn#38 (#207) (@blegat)
- Bl/update symbolicwedderburn (#220) (@kalmarek)
- Update to JuMP v0.22, MOI v0.14, MP v0.4, MA, v0.3 (#224) (@blegat)
- Update getting_started.jl (#226) (@guberger)
- Change interpretation and default maxdegree (#227) (@blegat)
- Sparse submodule (#228) (@blegat)
- Certificate API: get -> function (#229) (@blegat)