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Simple PHP Gallery

Simple PHP Gallery by Paul Griffin.

Version: 1.1

Licensing Info

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.

What this means:

You are free:

  • to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work
  • to make derivative works

Under the following conditions:

  • Attribution. You must give the original author (Paul Griffin) credit.
  • Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
  • Share Alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one.
  • For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work.
  • Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the author.



Minimum requirements

  • PHP 4.0 or better
  • GD Library, 1.0 or better

Recommended requirements

  • PHP 4.0 or better
  • GD Library, 2.0 or better
  • File write permission for PHP
  • mod_rewrite

The GD Library is strongly recommended. Simple PHP Gallery will automatically detect (and attempt to append onto sp_config.php) what version of GD is installed on your server. If you would like to see what version of GD you have, upload the included gd_detect.php file to your server and load it in your browser. This script will display your version of GD and output code to be added to sp_config.php, should you want to add this information manually.

Note: The resizing feature will be disabled if your version of GD is older than 2.0. This is due to the poor quality of images produced by GD 1.x. Quality is generally passable for thumbnails, but decidedly not for full-size images.

In order to support the mod_rewrite links, your site must run on an Apache web server installation with mod_rewrite enabled. Contact your hosting provider if you are unsure of your server's configuration.


Upload & Go

Note that Simple PHP Gallery is designed to be as easy to use and hassle-free as possible. With this in mind, default settings that should have the best compatibility have already been set in the included sp_config.php file. If you are so inclined, you should be able to just upload files without having to manually configure anything.

Importing Settings from Version 1.0

If you are upgrading from version 1.0, you can import your settings and descriptions from your previous installation. Upload the included file named sp_config_parse.php into the same directory as sp_config.dsc. Load sp_config_parse.php in your browser.

This script will attempt to read your current sp_config.dsc file, parse out your options and descriptions, then write two files, sp_config.php & sp_descriptions.ini.

You will be notified of the status of your import attempt. If your import fails, the most probable cause is inability to write new files due to PHP's security restrictions. These are usually controlled by your hosting provider. In this case, you will probably have to manually configure Simple PHP Gallery.

Gallery Settings

First, open the file named sp_config.php This file controls all of the configuration options for Simple PHP Gallery Here is what the various options do:

Parameter $title

The title of your gallery. This will be on every page of the gallery, both in the <title> tag and the <h1> tag.

Default Value:

$title = 'My Gallery';

Parameter $maxthumbwidth

If the GD extension is installed, this variable controls the maximum width of generated thumbnails, in pixels.

Default Value:

$maxthumbwidth = 120;

Parameter $maxthumbheight

If the GD extension is installed, this variable controls the maximum height of generated thumbnails, in pixels.

Default Value:

$maxthumbheight = 120;

Parameter $resize

Why bother resizing all of your pictures by hand, when you can let Simple PHP Gallery do it for you automatically ? Setting this option to true will enable image resizing.

Note that this option will not work if either $maxwidth or $maxheight is less than or equal to 0, or if your version of GD is older than 2.0.

Default Value:

$resize = false;

Parameter $maxwidth

If $resize is true, this variable controls the maximum width of resized images, in pixels.

Default Value:

$maxwidth = 640;

Parameter $maxheight

If $resize is true, this variable controls the maximum height of resized images, in pixels.

Default Value:

$maxheight = 640;

Parameter $modrewrite

This variable controls whether the script outputs query string links or mod_rewrite links. If your server supports mod_rewrite, and you have uploaded or appended the included .htaccess file, this should be set to true. If your server does not support mod_rewrite, if you don't want to use mod_rewrite, or if you just have no idea what this is about and would prefer not to fool with it, set it to false.

The difference in this script output looks like this:

When $modrewrite = true; links look like this:

<a href="galleryroot/folder/dir/subdir/subsubdir/">

When $modrewrite = false; links look like this:

<a href="galleryroot/sp_index.php?dir=./dir/subdir/subsubdir/">

Using mod_rewrite links is nice because it hides the technology and overlays a virtual directory structure over your physical directories. The user never leaves the index file, but it looks to them as if they were navigating a directory tree. mod_rewrite links are also nice because they are easier to remember and link directly.

Default Value:

$modrewrite = false;

Parameter $cachethumbs

This variable controls whether the Simple PHP Gallery should cache the thumbnails it generates. If caching is on, each thumbnail will only be generated once, then saved to the server. When a thumnail is requested, the script will automatically detect whether it has previously generated the thumbnail. If it has, it will serve the file on disk, rather than generate a new thumbnail. Setting this to true takes a large burden off of the server, so you probably want to leave it set to the default. If caching fails for any reason (usually inability to read/write the cache folder), caching will be disabled, regardless of this setting. If you change this variable to false after thumbnails have already been cached, the cache folder (specified below) and all contents will be deleted automatically.

Also note that enabling thumbnail caching will also cause Simple PHP Gallery to generate a file in the cache folder named cache.ini. This file is meant to be used in conjunction with Dan Benjamin's "Better Image Rotator" (

Default Value:

$cachethumbs = true;

Parameter $cachefolder

If $cachethumbs is true, this variable sets the folder that the thumbnails should be saved into. This folder is created in the same directory as sp_index.php and will not show up as a folder in your gallery. Note that if caching is enabled, but the cache folder does not exist, the script will attempt to create it and chmod it to 755.

Default Value:

$cachefolder = 'cache';

Parameter $cacheresized

If $resize is true, this variable controls whether Simple PHP Gallery should cache the resized images it generates. If caching is on, each image will only be resized once, then saved to the server. When an image is requested, the script will automatically detect whether it has previously resized the image. If it has, it will serve the file on disk, rather than generate a new resized image. Setting this to true takes a large burden off of the server, so you probably want to leave it set to the default. If caching fails for any reason (usually inability to read/write the cache folder), caching will be disabled, regardless of this setting. If you change this variable to false after thumbnails have already been cached, the cache folder (specified below) and all contents will be deleted automatically.

Default Value:

$cacheresized = true;

Parameter $cacheresizedfolder

If $cacheresized is true, this variable sets the folder that the resized images should be saved into. This folder is created in the same directory as sp_index.php and will not show up as a folder in your gallery. Note that if caching is enabled, but the cache folder does not exist, the script will attempt to create it and chmod it to 755.

Default Value:

$cacheresizedfolder = 'rcache';

Parameter $precache

When viewing single images, enabling this option will cause the previous and next images to load into the background, so that they will already be in the browser's cache when visitors click the "Previous" or "Next" buttons. This gives the appearance of near-instantaneous image loading for your visitors. Note that this feature will not work if $resize is true and $cacheresized is false.

Default Value:

$precache = true;

Parameter $hidefolders[]

This is a special setting, an array of folder names that should not show up in your gallery. Just add a line for each folder you wish to hide. Follow this format:

$hidefolders[] = 'hiddenfolder1';
$hidefolders[] = 'hiddenfolder2';

Folders named cgi-bin and .git are hidden by default.

Default Value:

$hidefolders[] = 'cgi-bin';
$hidefolders[] = '.git';

Parameter $showfolderdetails

This variable controls whether the number of images and folders appears in parentheses next to links to subfolders.

Default Value:

$showfolderdetails = true;

Parameter $showimgtitles

This variable controls whether image titles appear below thumbnails. If an image title for a particular thumbnail cannot be found in sp_descriptions.ini, the filename will be used instead.

Default Value:

$showimgtitles = true;

Parameter $alignimages

This variable controls whether thumbnails should be aligned into columns, regardless of their width. When set to false, thumbnails will float left and bunch up accordingly.

Default Value:

$alignimages = true;

Adding File & Folder Titles & Descriptions

Unlike Simple PHP Gallery 1.0, version 1.1 now uses an ini file to set file and folder titles and descriptions. Also, unlike the previous version, 1.1 allows you to set titles and descriptions for both individual images and folders.

Descriptions are now specified in the file named sp_descriptions.ini. This file will open in any text editor. The format for an entry is very simple:

title = "File Name"
desc = "This is filename.jpg's description."

Folders work exactly the same:

title = "Folder Name"
desc = "This is foldername's description."

Simply add as many entries as you wish. Both title and desc are optional, so you can specify none, one, or both.

Special Note: To specify a description for the root folder of your gallery, use the following:

desc = "This is the root folder's description."

You can make changes to sp_descriptions.ini at any time, they will be applied immediately.

Copying files

Once you have finished configuring the script, copy the following files to the folder that you want to be the root folder of your gallery:

  • sp_config.php
  • sp_def_vars.php
  • sp_descriptions.ini
  • sp_getthumb.php
  • sp_helper_functions.php
  • sp_index.php
  • sp_resize.php
  • sp_styles.css

If you have set $modrewrite = true in sp_config.php, you will also need to copy or append the contents of the following file into a new or existing file called .htaccess in the root folder of your gallery:

  • htaccess.txt

If you do not append the contents of the included .htaccess file, you should at least add a directive to make sp_index.php the default document for the folder:

DirectoryIndex sp_index.php

You can also just upload the .htaccess file included in the distribution archive (if your OS allows you to see .htaccess files)

Adding new images and folders

To add a new folder or image to your gallery, just upload it to the appropriate folder under the root folder of your gallery. New folders and images will automatically added to the gallery. If caching is enabled, new thumbnails will be generated and cached for the new images upon the first viewing of the page.

Simple PHP Gallery currently supports JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg), GIF (.gif), and PNG (.png) image formats.

You can add additional folder aliases and image descriptions into your sp_descriptions.ini file and re-upload it at any time. Changes will be immediate.


Special thanks

Erik Sagen ( Ryan Parman ( Matt Burris (

Erik, Ryan, and Matt took time out of their hectic schedules to help me test and recommend features for Simple PHP Gallery. Their assistance was invaluable in getting this project released. Make sure you stop by their sites and say hello!

Thanks for all the help, guys!


Simple PHP Gallery







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