WebSocket server which implements message protocol to work with some basic Kafka APIs, such as create, list, subscribe to topics, push messages.
Based on SOHU-Co/kafka-node and WebSockets
conf_module.kafka_config = {
//node-kafka options
kafkaHost: getBrokerList(),
clientId: 'test-kafka-client-2',
connectTimeout: 1000,
requestTimeout: 60000,
autoConnect: true,
//custom options
no_zookeeper_client: true
conf_module.websocket_config ={
port: getWebSocketPort()
conf_module.producer_config = {
requireAcks: 1,
ackTimeoutMs: 100,
partitionerType: 2,
// custom options
mq_limit: 20000,
mq_interval: 200 //if null, then messages published immediately
conf_module.consumer_config ={
// host: 'zookeeper:2181', // zookeeper host omit if connecting directly to broker (see kafkaHost below)
kafkaHost: getBrokerList(),
ssl: true, // optional (defaults to false) or tls options hash
groupId: 'kafka-node-group', //should be set by message to ws
autoCommit: true,
autoCommitIntervalMs: 500,
// Fetch message config
fetchMaxWaitMs: 100,
paused: false,
maxNumSegments: 1000,
fetchMinBytes: 1,
fetchMaxBytes: 1024 * 1024,
maxTickMessages: 1000,
fromOffset: 'latest',
outOfRangeOffset: 'earliest',
sessionTimeout: 30000,
retries: 10,
retryFactor: 1.8,
retryMinTimeout: 1000,
connectOnReady: true,
migrateHLC: false,
migrateRolling: true,
protocol: ['roundrobin'],
// custom options
mq_limit: 5000,
mq_interval: 50 //if null, then messages published immediately
const wsk = new WSKafka(conf_module);
wsk.on('ws-connection', (ws, req) => debug('connection'))
.on('ws-close', () => debug('ws-close'))
.on('wss-ready', () => debug('wss-ready'))
.on('producer-ready', () => debug('producer-ready'))
.on('producer-error', (e) => console.log(`producer-error ${e}`))
.on('consumer-ready', () => debug('consumer-ready'))
.on('consumer-error', (e) => console.log(`consumer-error ${e}`))
.on('consumer-message', () => {})
.on('error', (e) => console.log(`error ${e}`));
Each WebSocket connection may have one Kafka producer and one consumer. The producer is initialized with each WebSocket connection. The consumer is initialized after subscription message received.
producer_config and consumer_config objects both have two custom options
mq_limit: 5000
specifies the maximum message number to be stored in the buffer before sending them.
mq_interval: 50
specifies the number in ms how often should message from the buffer be sent to Kafka brokers or the WebSocket.
All messages are JSON
based. Generic message structure looks like this:
"refid":"id of orignial message", //returned by server to keep track of messages
"t":"message type",
"s":"success", //0 or 1
"p":["topic1", "topic2", "topicN"]
kafka-node does not support confiuration of number of paritions per particular topic.
You can only use Kafka broker setting for now KAFKA_NUM_PARTITIONS
in docker or num.partitions
in Kafka config.
Response message:
Response message:
Payload is the list of topic-partitions structures.
Subscribe to topic and join consumer group
Payload is the structure of t
- list of topics and consumer_group
to join.
if consumer_group
is not specified then default groupId
from conf_module.consumer_config
will be used.
Response message:
All notifications from Kafka will be sent to the same WebSocket connection where the subscription was made.
Unsubscribe from topics and consumer group
Response message:
{"id":1320,"t":"notif","a":"create","p":{"t":"topic1", "m":"{custom_message:'msg'}"}}
Response message: - No response. TODO:
Need to create an option to receive acknowledgement receipt.
Notifications are received automatically after subscription.
A list of notifications with the payload which was sent using send notificaiton message.
Response message:
Payload contains a list of consumers and topics currently connected to web socket server.